Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1762: Identity exposure

Chapter 1762 Identity Exposure

The temple inspector sneered and said: "You people have already been abandoned. If our temple doesn't take action, will it be possible to wait for you to be completely eroded by the spirits, and let you do harm to the gods?"

"Nonsense, how can we be given up!" Shi Po shouted.

"Is it right? You know it in your own heart. Back then, although most of your origin was destroyed, there is still some left, enough for you to replenish your strength. Even if you can't get rid of the power of the extraterrestrial demon, it will allow you to suppress the extraterritory demon. The erosion of power.

However, you can only hide in the veins of the source of the gods in the Nine Heavens God Realm. To put it nicely, it is to maintain your own immortality and wait for the opportunity to recover.

But in fact, it's just surviving. "

The words of the inspector of the temple changed Shi Po's face again and again.

"We are the most powerful warriors. Our mission is to fight the demon from outside the territory until the very last moment. We will not be given up!" Shi Po's expression became a little distorted.

The temple supervisor sneered again and again, saying: "Don't deceive yourself and others. If you haven't been given up, and these tens of millions of years have passed, how can you not even find a solution to the erosion of the power of the demon outside the territory?

Siyuan power is insufficient.

They will not waste too much original force for you people, so you are just abandoning your children.

Our temple, if you don't take action, you abandoned sons, one day, will be eroded by the power of the heavenly demons outside the territory.

The meaning of your existence, isn't it to fight against extraterrestrial demons?

But if our temple doesn't make a move, you will be the puppets of the alien demon!

So, you need to thank our temple! "

The words of the inspector of the temple can be said to be condemning every word!

Shiba's state of mind was in chaos, and the power of the heavenly demons outside the body and outside the body had a tendency to burst again.

Lin Hao's heart was tight, and immediately, he immediately used the Heart Sutra of Suppressing Demon Visualization, and the vast golden light poured into the stone broken body to help him suppress the power of the outer demon.

"Senior Shi, no matter what you have been, you are you. Any existence of life has its own meaning. As long as you don't give up, then you won't be given up by anything!" Lin Hao shouted.

The temple supervisor saw that the golden light emerging from Lin Hao's body could actually help Shipo and suppress the power of the surging extraterritorial heavenly devil, and his shock was not small.

He is not sure that he can defeat Shipo, the only way is to let Shipo lose his mind.

At present, he was about to succeed, but he never thought that an accident happened to Lin Hao.

The temple supervisor coldly snorted, pointed out, and suddenly, a ray of flame appeared in front of Lin Hao.

However, at this moment, Shi Po's state of mind had been partially calmed down, and when he reached out, he caught the flame in his palm.

A ray of flame that was the size of a finger, instantly burst out incomparably terrifying power in the broken palm of the hand.

Lin Hao just glanced, and he felt a palpitating feeling.

However, in Shiba's hands, the flame, a trace of strength, could not disperse, and it was completely extinguished in a moment.

"Senior Shi..." Lin Hao looked at Shi Po with some worry.

Shi Po took a deep breath and said, "You are right. If I don't give up, no one can give up on me. Besides, it is not him who has the final say. One day, I will go back personally. Make it clear!"

"You really want to intervene in the battle of the era? You can't afford the consequences!" The temple inspector's face was very ugly, and he shouted.

"I'm broken, and fight according to my heart!"

"Origin? You have no ego at all, you are fighters, and your mission is to fight against the outer demons!"

"How it used to be, it has passed, if they still need me, I will fight for the mission, but now, I am me!" Shiba yelled, his voice was sonorous, and the vibrating void was constantly trembling, the voice fell, the stone was broken He had already blasted a punch and hit this Protoss Supervisor!


Although the Protoss monitor was very strong, not weaker than Huo Cang, the big brother of Lin Hao from the God of War, but in front of Shiba, he didn't see enough, and he was blown away by Shiba.

"Stone Break, what a stone break, regardless of mission, contrary to the original intention of birth!" The temple inspector, who was beaten without the strength to fight back, could only yell frantically, intending to disintegrate the will of Stone Break.

However, Shiba now fights only for himself and is no longer affected.

"Come on!"

The situation of the inspector of the temple became more and more dangerous, and with a roar, he called for support with the secret method of the gods.

And he was still struggling to support under Shi Po's offensive like a violent storm.

Not much.

The inspector of the temple was beaten, and a **** mist burst out of his body. Even his inspector's seal also appeared densely cracked.

If this goes on, soon, Stone Break can complete the kill.

But at this moment, the void vibrated.

There was another strong breath coming.

Shi Po's expression changed, his body soared, and his fists blasted out.

At this moment, the entire emptiness is full of fist marks of broken stones, overwhelming and omnipresent.

Every fist mark is unmatched and powerful.

A muffled sound appeared from all directions.

Obviously, the reinforcements invited by the Protoss Supervisor had arrived, but they were all beaten by one move, and they suffered a lot.

Shi Po couldn't continue to fight with the temple monitor, and his figure flashed back to Lin Hao to protect Lin Hao's safety.

Following this, a group of figures rushed into the void and stood beside the temple supervisor.

Lin Hao knew two of them.

It is Qilian Mountain, Sui Qianyuan.

In addition, there are five **** kings, all of which are extremely powerful. One of them is very similar to the appearance of this temple supervisor. Its strength is not much weaker. At least, it is also Tier 5 The top **** body.

"Big brother, what's wrong with you?" The **** king of the **** race, who looked very similar to the temple supervisor, asked nervously.

The temple inspector shook his head and said: "It's okay, that kid is Human Lin Hao. Later, I will entangle this guy first, leave one person, and kill Lin Hao!"

Hear Lin Hao's name.

The seven protoss **** kings who had just arrived all showed extremely shocked expressions on their faces.

Twenty years ago, all the deployments of the Protoss in the True Martial Realm, plus Lu Yi, who was the reincarnation of the human race, did not kill Lin Hao.

Then Lin Hao entered the heaven of the gods, and the gods moved with all their strength, paying a huge price, and then confirmed the great event of Lin Hao's fall.

But now...

Lin Hao is still alive?

This is what the inspector of the temple said, they have to believe it!

"Qilian Mountain, Sui Qianyuan, you two idiots, the thing that you colluded with the Wu Clan is that he leaked it out, and then used this as an opportunity to cause internal chaos in our Protoss!

You and Liangzi from the Wu clan were also caused by his scheming.

Moreover, on the side of the Witch Clan, internal strife had already occurred due to this kid's plan, and Yin Wuxin, the palace lord of the Witch Clan's Seven-Star Ancient Shrine, died under his calculation. "

The temple inspector told the truth.

At this moment, Qilian Mountain and Sui Qianyuan's face were completely unbelievable.

This time, they offended the Witch Clan, and they no longer have a foothold in the Protoss... unexpectedly, all of them were given by the human race Lin Hao...

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