Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1795: Have their own minds

The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-five chapters

Lin Hao's eyes were also looking at the dragons' arrogances around him.

The earth dragon, the water dragon, and the wood dragon are all arranged for two members with similar strength to participate in the qualification battle.

The golden dragon, the fire dragon, the wind dragon, the ice dragon, and the thunder dragon are all strong, and they are highly valued in their veins, and their cultivation is not too high for the time being. Of the members came to the war.

Before that, Long Yuan told Lin Hao that Golden Dragon, Wind Dragon, Ice Dragon, and Thunder Dragon are all stronger than Long Shaoqiu, but now it seems that this statement is still somewhat different.

The Fire Dragon family also has a strong one, and the strength will never be lower than Long Shaoqiu.

Strength, in addition to talent, there is also a very important point, that is, the realm of cultivation.

In the five veins of the dragon clan, the ninth-level heavenly gods and the tenth heavenly arrogance of the heavenly gods came to fight.

Look at the three veins of the earth dragon, water dragon, and wood dragon. Those who adopt the double insurance strategy, the members who come are all eight layers of the gods!

Dragons of other bloodlines, eightfold in the Heavenly God Realm, it is absolutely impossible to be stronger than Long Shaoqiu in the Seventh Heaven Realm.


With the Dragon Clan Tianjiao participating in this qualification battle, after they all arrived.

A loud voice sounded in the space of Wanlongtai.

"All follow the old rules and challenge each other. Any member can only be challenged three times. The number of active challenges is unlimited. You can prepare for half an hour. After half an hour, the battle will begin!"

The strongest of the dragons speaks.

In today's battle, many dragon clan experts are watching the battle, but they will not show up.

This loud voice sounded, and suddenly, the eyes of these dragon clan members flickered.

Said it is preparation, in fact, it is to make some strategic arrangements for those who participate in the battle of the dragon clan according to some conditions on the scene.

After all, before this, in fact, the dragons of the various bloodlines were just guessing who the dragons of the other bloodlines would arrange to participate in the war, but there has been no definite news.

Now, it's really determined.

Moreover, this time the battle for the qualifications to enter the Ancestral Dragon Pond is very different from the past, with the addition of Lin Hao from Human Race!

If the strategy is wrong, and there is an accident, there are only two results.

One is that there will only be one left of the two places set by the Tianlong line.

Second, the other eight veins of the dragon clan, one line will lose the qualification to enter the Ancestral Dragon Pond to fight for opportunities.


Long Shaoqiu stood on the floating stone platform in the air, looking at Long Yan, only to find that Long Yan's gaze did not look at him at all, but kept staring at Lin Hao.

This scene made Long Shaoqiu's expression very complicated.

In this battle, with the addition of Lin Hao's variable, there are only two situations that will occur, one of which is that they are in the same line of Tianlong, and the two default quotas will become one.

Long Shaoqiu can be sure that the person who loses the quota will definitely be himself.

Even if Long Yan violated the interests of various dragons because of Lin Hao's affairs, no one on the Dragon Clan would challenge Long Yan.

No one dared to offend Long Yan positively, because Long Yan is the Heavenly Dragon transformed by the Dragon Veins, the most noble bloodline in the Dragon Clan, and the one of the most favored by Long Tai Cang, the lord of the Dragon Clan Ancestral Dragon Palace!

Long Shaoqiu felt a huge threat.

His thoughts turned, and later, for him, the best result was that the other dragon veins shot and defeated Lin Hao.

He can't take action, can't take risks, if he loses, then he won't have the chance to enter the Ancestral Dragon Pool.

The Ancestral Dragon Pool is only opened once every three million years, and only members of the Dragon Clan in the Heavenly God Realm are allowed to enter it to find opportunities.

In addition to Long Shaoqiu, the eyes of the other veins of the Dragon Clan were also staring at Lin Hao.

Lin Hao is a variable, and only if this variable is resolved first, and this enters the battle for the qualifications of the Ancestral Dragon Pool, can everything be back on track.

But who will shoot first?

This is a good trade-off.

No one is a fool, who is not strong enough to come out, it is obviously the first thing that Lin Hao defeated, and no one wants to do it.

But those who are powerful are not willing to stand up immediately.

The attitude of the lord of the Ancestral Dragon Palace towards Human Race Lin Hao was somewhat incomprehensible.

Even though many of them had spoken out before, they wanted to be the first to solve Lin Hao, but at this time, they were constantly thinking about when to make the move.

And Lin Hao, with his eyes closed and cross-legged at the moment, he already knew about today's battle.

The first shot will definitely not be the top Dragon Clan Tianjiao, nor Long Shaoqiu, but the guys who are not strong enough to make a cut-off.

In other words, the first challenger should come from the five veins of gold, fire, wind, ice, and thunder.

As for the three veins of ice, wind, and fire, except for a top-level Tianjiao, the other has a relatively low level of cultivation, and it is unlikely that they will challenge themselves.

Long Ting, a member of the Thunder Dragon line, said just now that he would shoot if he could win two games. In other words, the Thunder Dragon line would not rush to shoot in the first battle.

Therefore, this is the first person to challenge himself, with a high probability, that guy from the sixth layer of the Heavenly God Realm from the Golden Dragon line.

As for the second battle, Lin Hao was even more certain that it must be from the three veins of water, wood, and earth. The members of these three veins are all eight layers of the heavenly gods.

Taking Long Shaoqiu's strength as a reference, the Dragon Clan Tianjiao of these three veins is at best equal to or not as good as Long Shaoqiu's combat effectiveness.

When Lin Hao was in the third level of the Heavenly God Realm, he was sure to suppress Long Shaoqiu, let alone now?

Therefore, the third battle is the most critical.

The one with the greatest chance of taking a shot in the third battle is Long Ting from Thunder Dragon's line, the tenth Heavenly God Realm!

Defeating Long Shaoqiu and winning the three battles, then, the Dragon Clan can no longer take the initiative to challenge himself. Lin Hao has already determined the place to enter the Ancestral Dragon Pool this time.

While these arrogant dragons were still weighing the trade-offs in their hearts, Lin Hao had already seen the whole situation clearly!



In the main hall of Zulong Temple.

Long Taicang, the lord of the Ancestral Dragon Hall, sits above.

Long Bo, the main vein of the Tianlong line, stood in front of Long Taicang.

Originally, Long Bo, the line master of the Tianlong line, had to pay attention to the battlefield together with other dragon line masters, but he was temporarily called in front of him by Long Taicang.

"Long Bo, I know, you want to maintain balance, but do you think that every balance of these countless thousands of years has brought us to the Dragon Clan?" Long Taicang said slowly.

Long Bo said: "Please also the hall master to make it clear."

Long Taicang sighed and said, "You know it very clearly in your heart, right?"

Long Bo bowed his head slightly and said nothing.

Long Taicang said: "The so-called balance is to take care of the various veins. The quota for each time has actually been fixed. However, there are many younger generations of my dragon clan who are more qualified than those who have reserved quotas. Enter Zulong Pond!

The Ancestral Dragon Pool, which is opened once every three million years, because of the rules of default quotas, some of my dragons did not feel the pressure of competition, and it also made most of my dragons lose the qualification to compete!

Therefore, the old man took advantage of the appearance of Human Lin Hao to break this balance.

After this time, the rules for the competition for places in the Zulong Pond should also be redefined.

Although my dragon clan is not involved in the battle of the era, I can't let the dragon clan lose the sense of urgency to compete, understand? "

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