Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1805: The power of two swords

The first thousand eight hundred and five chapters of the power of the two sword formations

"Lin Hao, take the move!"

Long Ting yelled, thunder and lightning surging out, turning into a bright purple light.

He is the Dragon Clan Tianjiao whose fighting power is second only to Long Yan in this battle for qualifications, and the ten-fold cultivation base of the Heavenly God Realm, Long Shaoqiu of the Tianlong line is not his opponent!

According to the balance that the Dragon Clan maintained in the past, originally, today's battle is also a time for him to shine.

But because of the emergence of Lin Hao, this led to today's battle for qualifications, he became Long Yan's first challenge and was the first to lose.

A good opportunity to show off became a shame!

If it weren't for the rule change, Long Ting would never have a chance to make a move today, and he would have lost his place in the Ancestral Dragon Pool.

Plus, because of his brother Long Li.

In Long Ting's heart, the hatred and hatred towards Lin Hao can be said to be the strongest among the arrogances of the Dragon Clan present!

Facing the thunder and lightning from Long Ting, Lin Hao looked calm.

At this moment, although he could not continue to use the Dragon Clan's jerk, it was not the strongest method for him.

His root is the inheritance of the human race, the supreme kendo!

The Tier 3 Divine Sword in his hand slashed down towards the front.

The biting sword light is more dazzling than the lightning divine light.


The lightning divine light was easily torn apart by this sword light, and it collapsed into a large number of purple dense arcs.

While cutting out the sword, Lin Hao walked with the sword, and in an instant, he had already appeared in front of Long Ting, flipped his wrist, and a large amount of sword energy roared out, drowning Long Ting.

Some of these sword auras are as heavy as mountains, some are unparalleled in fighting spirit, some are fast, some are boundless, and some are able to take advantage of the enemy... The power of the nine-character mantra of the God of War is perfectly integrated into every sword aura. Among.

It can be said that Lin Hao's sword is based on the nine-character mantra of the God of War, combined with his kendo to form a sword formation!

It has gone beyond the scope of the original nine-character mantra war **** sword technique, and it is more appropriate to call it mantra sword formation.

Long Ting, who was submerged in this endless sword aura, rushed from left to right, but couldn't get out of it at all, and instantly fell into a huge disadvantage.


A series of sword auras passed through Long Ting's defenses and landed on him, bringing clusters of blooming blood flowers.

After a few breaths, Long Ting was already covered in blood and embarrassed.

Seeing this scene of all the Dragon Race Tianjiao, the heart is like a stormy sea again, shocked.

Originally thought that Lin Hao could no longer perform the Azure Dragon Transformation Technique, and could no longer use the Nine Dragons of the Heavenly Dragon. It was a waste and would be easily crushed by Long Ting. Now it seems that their thoughts are really wrong.

Terran Lin Hao didn't use the dragon clan's unique skills, and his kendo was still powerful and terrifying.


Long Ting, who was submerged by the sword aura and trapped in the sword formation transformed by the sword aura, let out a low roar. The next moment, his body suddenly turned into a thunder dragon.

Thousands of feet Thunder Dragon, surrounded by purple thunder light, majestic and majestic, the explosion of thunder and lightning divine power also appeared more violent.


There was a roaring sound, and the thousand-foot Thunder Dragon finally managed to rush out from the sword formation formed by the sword aura, hovering in the air, looking carefully, you can still see that it is covered by the rich and bright purple thunder light There are also blood stains in the dragon scales!

"Lin Hao, you completely angered me, and I want you to pay the most painful price!" Qianzhang Thunder Dragon, vomiting words, then swooped down towards Lin Hao fiercely.

Among the two dragon horns, two rays of thunder burst out and blasted towards Lin Hao.

Lin Haohun didn't care, raised his hand and swung out his sword, and while understatement, he smashed the two bursts of lightning. With his wrist turned, the sword move suddenly regenerated and changed. The thousand-foot thunder dragon that came from the impact suddenly Restricted by a very special force, the direction of movement was forcibly changed, and the attack unexpectedly landed in an empty space!

This move is derived from the secret technique of stealing the heavens and one vein among the nine reincarnation veins handed down by the True Martial God Emperor of the Human Race, the sword evolved by combining his swordsmanship with the combination of fighting the stars and changing the heavens.

Long Ting's shot was defeated, the old force just dissipated, and the new force was not born, Lin Hao attacked with another sword.


This sword, with an extremely tough posture, tore through the guardian light on the surface of Long Ting's thunder dragon's body, and slashed at the hard dragon scale.

The fire burst.

In the body of this thousand-foot Thunder Dragon, where Lin Hao had cut off the sword, the scales of the dragon exploded, a **** flesh.

Long Ting roared frantically, the dragon's body rolled, and the dragon tail lashed towards Lin Hao.

The sword in Lin Hao's hand was once again unpredictable and swung one after another.

The power of every sword contains profound and profound meaning.

The inheritance of the nine veins left by the Emperor Zhenwu is like the previous nine-character mantra of the God of War, integrated into each of Lin Hao’s swords, and also formed the sword formation. This set of sword formations is combined with the nine veins of reincarnation. His swordsmanship is also the nine core methods of the True Martial God Emperor. Lin Hao has already thought about this set of attack methods as the True Martial Sword Formation!

Mantra sword formation, Zhenwu sword formation.

This is Lin Hao's three months of training in the Dragon Palace Ancestral Dragon!

Of course, he had thought about these things a long time ago, but he hadn't had time to deal with it, but on the Dragon Clan side, in order to prepare for today's battle, he perfected the two sets of sword formations.

The attack method of Mantra Sword Formation is also suitable for disciples who walk the path of kendo in the God of War Palace to practice.

As for the Zhenwu Sword Formation, for now, it is only suitable for Lin Hao himself. After all, he is the only person in the world who possesses the nine-line inheritance of the Zhenwu God Emperor.

Once in the real martial world, Lu Yi also got the Nine Vein Inheritance, but Lu Yi's Nine Vein Inheritance was lacking, and Lu Yi had fallen over twenty years ago.


Under the offensive of the Zhenwu Sword Array, even if Long Ting transformed the body of a thousand-foot Thunder Dragon, it was of no use. At this time, it was exactly the same as when he was trapped by Lin Hao's Mantra Sword Array.

"Boom boom boom!"

The thousand-zhang Thunder Dragon exploded with all the power, and wanted to explode Lin Hao's sword formation to get out of trouble, but the strength of the sword formation was closely connected, endless, and contained countless changes.

Long Ting could not see any hope of getting out of trouble.

Half a quarter of an hour later.

Long Ting let out a roar full of grief and resentment, voluntarily surrendering!

It's not that he doesn't want to fight.

But he has no counterattack at all, and he can't even do defense. The dragon's body has no less than a hundred blood and blood wounds. The meaning of continuing to fight is just to continue to be ashamed. There will be no results. A little bit of influence.

After Long Ting surrendered, Lin Hao stopped attacking. With a thought, the sword energy that formed the True Martial Sword Formation dispersed.

Long Ting recovered his body and backed away, his fists clenched, his face pale, but he did not dare to look at Lin Hao.

His pride is gone today.

He thought he would shine brightly today.

However, they lost two games in a row.

And it was a fiasco without any suspense!

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