Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1809: Lack of origin

The first thousand eight hundred and nine chapters are lacking in origin

Listening to Long Taicang's words, Long Bo couldn't calm down his inner fluctuations.

For a long time, some of the strongest people on the Dragon Race only knew about Long Taicang and met the True Martial God Emperor who had been involved in the human race.

But now it seems that Long Taicang's friendship with the True Martial God Emperor Human Race is very unusual.

Moreover, what Long Taicang said now also determined the attitude of the dragon clan to face the battle of this era!

"Hall Master, since we Dragon Race, we must put our bargaining chips on Human Race and Lin Hao, Long Bo must do his best to let the Lord of all Dragon Races eliminate the hostility towards Lin Hao!" Long Bo said.

Long Taicang shook his head and said with a smile: "No need, Lin Hao, the Human Race kid, is just like a mirror in his heart. He can feel part of our Dragon Race's kindness towards him.

As for the hostility of my dragon clan’s various lines to him, this kind of thing is left to him to handle, if even this point is not handled well, then Lin Hao, even the person chosen by the Emperor Zhenwu to be a catastrophe, cannot bear it. Take this responsibility. "

Long Taicang's attitude was very clear.

There are certain things that the Dragon can help Lin Hao.

But for some things, Lin Hao can only rely on himself.

No matter how good the relationship between Long Taicang and the True Martial God Emperor is, he will not be completely because Lin Hao is the person chosen by the True Martial God Emperor and blindly put the bargaining chip on Lin Hao.

For example, this time, let Lin Hao enter the Ancestral Dragon Pool, he did not directly give Lin Hao a place, it was a test for Lin Hao.

Next, how should Lin Hao eliminate the prejudice and hostility of the various veins against him is also a test.

Long Bo nodded, and then the topic changed, and said: "Hall Master, Ancestral Dragon Pool will be opened in seven days, how to arrange the remaining eight places, please let the Lord clearly indicate."

Long Taicang said: "Open the Ten Thousand Dragon Formation, all the dragons under the realm of the false gods of my dragon clan can enter the formation. The last eight in the Ten Thousand Dragon Formation are the winners of this quota!"

Long Bo looked startled.

He had thought that Long Taicang would compensate the remaining eight places for the dragons.

I never thought that this kind of competition was still used!

"Hall Master... Some things, Long Bo has already understood, but this change requires gradual progress..."

Long Taicang said: "Since we have begun to make changes, we don't need to be afraid of the end. The Ancestral Dragon Pond, which is opened every three million years, was originally designed to allow our dragons to have more dragons, but because of the fixed allocation of places, Many talented talents of my dragon clan have missed this opportunity.

Now, the opportunity is placed in front of every member of the Dragon Clan who meets the requirements.

The balance you wanted before, the old man has given you a long time to try.

But the result is not satisfactory.

Now, within the Dragon Race, a real fairness is needed! "


In Long Yan's cave.

Lin Hao and Long Yan also knew how to determine the remaining eight places in the Ancestral Dragon Pool.

Instead of quota allocation, quota competition is still adopted.

Long Yan spit out her tongue and said, "It's lively now!"

Lin Hao smiled faintly. He didn't care about the reasons for the changes on the Dragon Clan's side. Instead, he said: "Yan'er, the Dragon Clan's top arrogant, shouldn't be in the Ancestral Dragon Palace?"

In the Wanlongtai battle, besides Long Yan, the person with the strongest physique was naturally Long Shaoqiu, while the strongest was Long Ting.

Long Shaoqiu of the Tianlong line, and Long Ting of the Thunder Dragon line, if measured by some standards of the current Protoss Era, Long Shaoqiu is at best the level of the sixth-order top divine body, and Long Ting barely entered the sixth-order divine body.

Among the innate creatures of the dragon race, they are all the top creatures of the pyramid, and the top arrogant is definitely not just this level.

Long Yan nodded and said: "Grandpa Cang said to me that there are still a group of dragons with pure blood, who have been practicing and practicing in the battlefield of ten thousand races. Moreover, Grandpa Cang also said that when Yan'er reaches the pseudo-god state cultivation In the future, I will also go to the battlefield of ten thousand races."

"Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races?" Lin Hao was a little confused.

"Yeah! It is said that this ten thousand race battlefield was a place of experience in the previous era of the early gods, and all the innate life and spirit races, as well as the witch race, monster race, human race, and protoss, all experienced in the ten thousand race battlefield.

However, with the end of the Era of the First Gods, there are only innate creatures left on the battlefield of the ten thousand races. As for the others, Yan'er is not quite clear, and Grandpa Cang rarely tells me these things. "

Long Yan didn't know much about the news on the battlefield of the ten thousand races.

However, from the words Long Yan said, Lin Hao once again confirmed one thing!

Before, Long Yuan told Lin Hao that the Dragon Clan had no contact with other races of the innate creatures, but now it seems that this is not the case. The battlefield of the ten thousand races is likely to be a link between the dragon race and the various races of the innate creatures.

Of course, this does not mean that Long Yuan deliberately deceived. Lin Hao felt that it was very likely that Long Yuan did not have the qualifications to know about the battlefield of ten thousand races.

"By the way, big brother, in a few days when we enter the Ancestral Dragon Pond, we may also encounter the tianjiao of our dragon race who have experienced in the battlefield of ten thousand races."

Long Yan suddenly remembered something, and said: "The dragons we practiced in the Ancestral Dragon Palace, every three million years, there will be ten places to enter the Ancestral Dragon Pool, but in fact, the dragons who have experienced in the battlefield Tianjiao, as long as his performance is good enough, he may be sent to the Ancestral Dragon Pool to find opportunities at any time.

This time, Grandpa Cang increased the number of places in the Ancestral Dragon Palace to enter the Ancestral Dragon Pool from ten to fifteen. It should have used some of the places on the battlefield of ten thousand races. "

Lin Hao nodded, and then asked Long Yan about Zulongchi.

According to Long Yan.

After entering Zulong Pond, in fact, everything is unknown.

Everyone will be teleported to different areas, and then look for Long Yuan.

Long Yuan will not appear in too many numbers, and will face competition.

In addition to Long Yuan, there is also an Ancestral Dragon Formation. Every Dragon Clan Tianjiao who enters the Ancestral Dragon Pool will try his best to find the Ancestral Dragon Formation, because only through the Ancestral Dragon Formation can we find the Dragon Nest.

Around the dragon's nest, innate dragon energy may appear.

Ordinary blood dragons, get the innate dragon qi, have the opportunity to evolve into the heavenly dragon bloodline, the dragon tianjiao who is originally the celestial dragon blood, get the innate dragon qi, the bloodline can be further improved!

Finally, Long Yan said: "By the way, Grandpa Cang also told Yaner yesterday that he had to let Yaner enter the dragon's nest. As for the reason, Grandpa Cang didn't say anything, he just loved it, he always said. Half, boring!"

Long Yan complained to Long Taicang, the lord of the Dragon Clan Ancestral Dragon Palace.

Lin Hao did not answer.

However, he knew the reason why Long Taicang wanted Long Yan to enter the Dragon Nest.

Because Long Yan's origin is lacking!

Only by entering the dragon's nest can it be possible to replenish the missing source.

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