Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1822: Will of the Zulong Array

Chapter 1822: The Will of Ancestral Dragon Array

Lin Hao was watching the battle.

Seeing that Long Yan was about to lose, unable to pass the test, Lin Hao was about to take action, and immediately dispelled this idea.

The Qianzhang golden divine dragon that Long Yan had transformed, at the position of the two dragon horns, suddenly cut out two tyrannical sword auras!

Sword Qi contains incomparable sharp edge, which is a special attack method formed by Long Yan using the core of the true martial art gift that Lin Hao gave her, combined with the power characteristics of the dragon clan.


Two golden sword auras sank into the dragon shadow that day.

The Tianlong phantom suddenly collapsed.

With a flash of golden light, Long Yan returned to her human form, her face turned pale, panting, and said, "It's dangerous, I almost lost."

Lin Hao said: "Yan'er, in fact, your strength is not much different from this Heavenly Dragon phantom. The key is that you don't have enough understanding of the battle."

Even if Long Yan's origin is lacking, it is indeed slightly inferior to this Heavenly Dragon phantom, but it is not at such a big disadvantage. The main reason is that Long Yan's combat experience is really too little.

Long Yan realized this problem herself, nodded, and said: "Big brother, Yaner knows."


Lin Hao and Long Yan continued to follow the original direction.


at this time.

In the Ancestral Dragon Array, the other tianjiao of the Dragon Clan also experienced the first test one after another.

Some tests are the mind.

Some tests are cooperation.

Some tests are perseverance.

There are all kinds.

And, it has already been eliminated.

Those who fail the test can only leave the Zulong Formation.


Lin Hao and Long Yan walked in one direction for a while, and the second test appeared.

A magnificent scene appeared before them.

This piece of heaven and earth gives people a very mysterious feeling.

"It should be a test of your mind, Yan'er, remember, don't be affected by everything inside, stick to your heart!" Lin Hao said.

With an exhortation, Lin Hao and Long Yan entered the world that suddenly appeared at the same time.

Just entered this world.

Long Yan, who was clearly beside Lin Hao just now, had disappeared.

Lin Hao's expression didn't have the slightest panic, he was very calm, his eyes firmly stepping forward.


He came to a small town.

People come and go in the streets of the town.

On both sides of the street, rows of vendors, shouting and shouting, one after another.

He was walking in the street, watching the endless stream of people, and his eyes fell on a mansion not far away.

In front of the gate of the mansion, there is a plaque with the words Lin Family.

This place is the True Martial Realm, Qingyun City.

However, Lin Hao's gaze quickly moved away from the Lin family mansion and continued along this street.

Where he passed, the streets, crowds, and mansions behind him turned into nothingness.

Go all the way.

I have seen too many places that were once very familiar in Zhenwu world.

I also met familiar people.

However, Lin Hao has never stopped in his footsteps, nor has he ever had a word of conversation with those familiar with him.

These are all tests.

Stopping, talking, and exploring, it is equivalent to one's own heart, opening a gap, allowing the power of this illusion to invade the heart, and then lead to failure in this heavy test.

Maybe, it was just a moment.

Maybe, a long time has passed.

Lin Hao discovered that the road ahead seemed to have come to an end.

A figure was standing at the end of the road with a very strange smile on his face, looking at him.

Lu Yi!

It is his greatest enemy in the real martial arts, Lu Yi, the burial line of the sky, the Tianmen Lu Yi who seeks the results of the nine lines of reincarnation!

"Lin Hao, this road is so difficult, regret it!"

"If you chose to go in the same direction as me at the beginning and exist only for yourself, there would not be so many fetters, so much confusion, and so many dangers!"

"Now, you finally know that you were wrong!"

"It's too late, go in another direction, you will find that all this will become simple!"

Lin Hao smiled faintly, and finally responded at this moment.

"Since I have chosen, I will never regret it!"

"No matter how rugged the road ahead is, I will walk it step by step."

"The road is uneven, I will level it!"

"If there is no way, I will split a way."

Lu Yi's figure laughed wildly.

Lin Hao waved his hand.

There is no fluctuation of immortal divine power.

This wave is just a simple wave.

Arms and sleeves brought a breeze across.

Lu Yi, who was still laughing wildly, was immediately swept away by the breeze.

Lin Hao continued to move forward.

The past has passed.

No matter what the future is, just face it.

As Lu Yi's figure disappeared, Lin Hao stepped down.

Finally walked out from the end of the road.

"Brother, you finally came out, Yan'er has been waiting for you for a long time!" Long Yan's slightly excited voice sounded.

Lin Hao looked at Long Yan and was sure that this was not an illusion.

"Big brother, this illusion test is too boring. Yan'er seems to have nothing but to sleep all the time...Oh, yes, Yaner also saw Yongjiang, hehe, I went to the bottom of Yongjiang to play For a while." Long Yan said with a smile, somewhat happy.

Lin Hao's thoughts turned, but he also understood why this illusion had little effect on Long Yan.

The more you experience, the more complex your thoughts, and the more complex the illusion.

And Long Yan, before transforming the dragon, had been quietly sleeping in the form of dragon veins at the bottom of the Yongjiang River.

After transforming into a dragon, he has not experienced anything, his mind is simple and simple.

Therefore, the illusion she faced became extremely simple.

"Let's go, big brother, I feel that we will be able to walk out of the Zulong Formation soon." Long Yan said. This girl may have gone to the bottom of Yongjiang in the illusion to play for a while, and she was in a very good mood. Not bad.

It didn't take long.

In front of Lin Hao and Long Yan, a completely different world appeared.

In that piece of heaven and earth, there is a stone pillar, just like the sky.

The stone pillar is huge, with countless dragon patterns, and reveals an extremely powerful breath.

And at the top of this stone pillar, a huge platform can be vaguely seen. As for what is on the platform, it is impossible to see.

"Long Chao, big brother, this is Dragon Nest!" Long Yan shouted excitedly.

But at this moment, a sound that seemed extremely majestic and mighty, resounded in Lin Hao's mind.

"People of human blood are forbidden to touch the dragon's nest and retreat quickly!"

Lin Hao's eyes flashed, but his expression did not change. He looked at Long Yan and said, "Yan'er, go!"

After hearing Lin Hao's words, Long Yan flew towards Dragon Nest with Lin Hao instantly.

Seeing that he was about to leave this area and arrived at the world where the Dragon Nest was located, Lin Hao's figure flying forward suddenly stopped.

Long Yan didn't have time to stop and rushed out.

Long Yan suddenly realized something was wrong and immediately turned back.

However, she and Lin Hao could see each other and hear each other, and they were close at hand, however, there was an invisible barrier that blocked Long Yan.

"Big Brother..." Long Yan shouted anxiously.

"Yan'er, you enter the dragon's nest first, and I'll come later." Lin Hao smiled faintly and said.

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