Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1845: Invincible

The first thousand eight hundred and forty-five chapters of invincibility

The mantra sword formation contains the infinite and mysterious changes of the nine-character mantra of the battle body. It is powerful and powerful. The two retreating witch warriors have almost no resistance. The blink of an eye, the body and the soul are all destroyed!

The sword energy that formed the Mantra Sword Formation did not dissipate. They all returned to Lin Hao's body, arranged together in an orderly manner, suspended in the air, showing their sharp edges.

The scene became deadly silent for a while.

The faces of the gods and witches of Tianjiao were extremely ugly.

The people they sent were tentatively attacked, but they did not expect that this tentative attack would end with all being killed so quickly.

Especially just now, the leaders of the Witch Clan’s Tianjiao, with the power of the ancestor witch, wanted to stop Lin Hao, but Lin Hao easily dispelled his power, and at the same time killed two of their Witch Clan retreating members. This scene shocked them all.

far away.

Watching the lively innate life camp, Li Junxin from the Promise Immortal Sect, his expression condensed, and said: "The strength of this human race warrior is stronger than we thought, but... next, he won't have another chance. , The Protoss and the Witch Clan, even if they still have calculations to guard against each other, they will inevitably abandon their prejudices and solve this human warrior."

Li Junxin's speculation was immediately fulfilled.

In the battlefield.

With the ancestral witch phantom condensed on his body, the Wu Clan Tianjiao looked at the head of the Protoss camp, and said: "If you want to fight, you will stay with you until the end, but now, you can't let a human kid pick up the bargain!"

Protoss headed Tianjiao nodded, and said: "That's what I mean."

"Ancestral Witch Witness!"

"Ancestor Witness!"

The head of the witch and the gods made a simple oath. In the next moment, the witch of the witch with the power of the ancestor guizi, shouted, the power of thunder and lightning surged toward Lin Hao. Rush away.

And that Protoss is the head of the arrogant, with infinite brilliance of divine power, holding a sharp spear, attacking Lin Hao.

Lin Hao let out a cold snort, his eyes flickered.

Raising his hand and swinging his sword, the infinite sword energy floating around him once again formed a mantra sword formation and whizzed out.

The Protoss and the Witch Clan, who were trapped by the Mantra Sword Formation, were the first heavenly arrogant. At this moment, a powerful force broke out, destroying every sword aura, and wanted to break out of the formation.

And the other warriors of the two races did not hesitate at this moment, and they killed Lin Hao one after another.


Lin Hao shouted violently, his voice was like Hong Zhong Dalu, shocking, raising his hand with a sword swept out again, the power of the reincarnation nine veins also turned into a sky full of sword aura, forming a true martial sword formation, the power attacking from all directions Resolve.

at the same time.

His divine soul knows the sea, and the surging golden spiritual power, like a sword, also shoots out from the center of his eyebrows and merges into the mantra sword formation.

The Witch and Protoss who are trapped in the Mantra Sword Formation are the heads of Tianjiao, just about to break out of the formation.

However, I never thought that suddenly, two golden sword auras appeared in front of them.

They reacted extremely quickly and had already realized that this was a mental power attack, and immediately mobilized their mental power to resist it.

However, Lin Hao's mental power attack intensity, even if the powerhouse of the God King realm is careless, will suffer a big loss, not to mention that the headed arrogant of the Witch and God races is just the cultivation base of the peak of the God Realm.

Their mental defense, like thin paper, was torn apart by the sword transformed by Lin Hao's golden mental power.

Two swords transformed from spiritual power drove straight forward, immersed in the eyebrows of the headed arrogant of the Wu Clan Protoss, and rushed into the sea of ​​their Divine Soul Consciousness.


There was a screaming scream.

The head of the gods, the divine light on his body is dim and painful.

The head of the witch clan, the condensed phantom of the ancestor Wu Jizi, also collapsed. He held his head in his hands and walked away uncontrollably.

Lin Hao's heart moved, and the Mantra Sword Formation that was about to be destroyed once again returned to its strongest state. The sword aura whistled and passed through the two headed Heavenly Pride of God Race and Witch Race.

The bodies of these two Tianjiao were instantly stabbed into a sieve.

Riddled with holes.

The same is true for their spirits.

Lin Hao entered the Mantra Sword Formation, looked at these two guys, and shouted, "Dead!"

Another sword fell.

These two Wu and Protoss Tianjiao from the third section of the Long River of Years were annihilated in the world.

all of these.

The elapsed time is extremely short.

The other warriors of the Witch and Protoss race only then broke through the block of the Zhenwu sword formation.

When they saw a ray of witch race fire, a ray of protoss fire drifting away, all their faces were shocked.

The strength of this celebrity warrior in front of us is terrifying!

Stop them on the side.

Then, in an instant, killed the two most powerful of them...

"Kill, take action together, don't believe that you can't kill him!"

There was a loud shout in the Witch camp.

In the Protoss camp, there was also a roar: "This son is not dead, what is the face of my Protoss?"

The Protoss and Wu Clan now add up to more than 30 warriors in total.

All are sixth-order constitutions.

The cultivation base between the eighth and tenth layers of the Heavenly God Realm.

They no longer had the contempt they had before, and they did not dare to have the slightest carelessness, and launched the most powerful joint attack.

In Lin Hao's heart, the fighting spirit was high, and the edge bloomed to the extreme. The glow of blood and blood reflected the sky and the earth, like a **** of war, without dodge and avoid, actively facing the enemy.

The sword swept across.

Guiyi swordsmanship came out.

Several protoss warriors were cut off by the edge of this sword.

When the wrist is turned, and the sword moves are changed, there is a lot of sword aura whistling, forming a true martial sword formation and a mantra sword formation, trapping and killing enemies!

After the mutation, the Soul Consciousness Sea also continuously outputs mental power, merges into the sword formation, and kills the enemy by surprise.

The light of blood, like red plum blossoms, blooms in the sky, stern and vivid.

The roar of fighting was endless.

The Protoss and the Witch Clan joined so many Tianjiao, Lin Hao's Mantra Sword Formation and True Martial Sword Formation, as well as the mental power of the change, could not block all attacks from all directions.


He didn't care that part of the attack fell on himself.

The eighth-order real martial arts battle body, powerful, unbelievable, definitely not inferior to the ninth-order physique of the gods, witches, and innate creatures!

He completely ignored some of the attacks that fell on him, but his attack, whether it was the God Clan or the Wu Clan's Tianjiao martial artist, was unstoppable.


Cut down with a sword.

The power of the original world is also attached to the divine sword.

Lin Hao's use of the power of the original world, although he has touched some thresholds, is not too skilled.

However, the divine sword in his hand was evolved from the strongest divine tool Wan Yanzhu, and the power of this strongest divine tool, he could only exert one ten millionth.

However, in this level of battle, it is enough.

With the increase of the divine sword transformed by the strongest divine tool Wan Yanzhu, his sword is already comparable to the true original combat skills!

Where Jianguang has passed.

Everything is annihilated.

The martial artists of the Protoss and Witch Clan have fallen in pieces!

Just as Lin Hao said before.

This time, he represents the human race and will kill all enemies in this battlefield!

Now, it's still just the beginning!

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