Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1858: Find a way out

The first thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight chapters find a way out

After listening to Li Junxin's words, Mu Yiling frowned and said, "Is it possible for a miracle to happen?"

"Before, it has never appeared."

Mu Yiling was silent for a moment, and then said: "I believe he can!"

"Sister, you are here to guard. I will help you stop them for a day. After a day, I have to leave the river of years and return to the original place."

Li Junxin had told Li Jun before that he would leave here in a day.

He wants to return to the original place and has his own important things to deal with.

"Thank you!" Mu Yiling said.

"Cause and effect." Li Junxin said, and immediately disappeared from Mu Yiling's sight.

Mu Yiling's eyes focused on Lin Hao again.

The distance between the two is only one step.

However, this step is too far away.

Not even contact with each other.

Moreover, Lin Hao's soul has already been involved in the time node...

"I will definitely guard your physical body. I am waiting for you to come back. I believe you will definitely come back!" Mu Yiling whispered to himself.


at this time.

Within the time node where countless pictures quickly passed, Lin Hao's spirit was constantly looking for a way out.

He didn't know what exactly it was here.

But he knew very well that if he didn't leave as soon as possible, he would be in big trouble.

Not to mention his physical body, which is still outside, and sooner or later he will be discovered by the Protoss and Wu Clan, and his soul is constantly weakening in this special space.

Constantly looking for a way out, although there was no discovery, Lin Hao still remained calm.

Don't panic, don't mess!

Otherwise, there will be no chance.

His soul stopped continuing to wander in this special space, and began to carefully observe the constantly passing picture again.

Since this special space is located in the sixth section of the Long River of Years, it has recorded every scene that has happened in this area from the Early God Era to the present, then information related to this special space can be found.

After careful observation, Lin Hao soon discovered a scene related to this place.

In the picture.

A top-level arrogant of innate creatures, full of energy and confidence, came to this cave, and then, just like himself, the soul was drawn into this special space and never went out again.

There is another scene.

There were Protoss and Wu Clan Tianjiao martial artists, fighting broke out in this cave, and the power spread to the water wall where the water was flowing, causing the regular power within the water wall to erupt. The Protoss and Wu Clan together nearly 100 Tianjiao martial artists, Nothing was spared, all were swept away.

From that scene of dialogue.

Lin Hao learned that this place was called Time Node.

It is a special area formed by the confluence of power over the years.

Divine Soul is involved in the time node, and there is no possibility of going out. From the beginning of the era to the present, it has been like this, and there has never been an exception.

Lin Hao still didn't give up, and continued to watch every scene recorded by the node in this time.

Not long after.

Another scene appeared in front of Lin Hao's Soul Body.

This is a group of human races in the Early God Era. They fought fiercely with the Witch race, and the battle was very fierce. In the end, only two people were killed from the siege.

But the Wu Clan has been chasing and killing them in the rear.

These two clan warriors, in desperation, entered this cave, and then in the cave, they fought with the Wu clan who chased in, triggering the power of the rules of the time node, and adopted a method of ending up together.

However, Lin Hao saw a glimmer of hope when they had just entered this cave.

According to their conversation, Lin Hao learned that if there is a sufficiently obvious mark in the outside world, perhaps, even if the soul is involved in the time node, there is still a chance to leave.

This method is a speculation that came from the strongest people of various races in the Early God Era.

These two human warriors were hunted down by the Wu Clan, and there was no other choice, so they came here with this last glimmer of hope.

Although they finally failed.

But for Lin Hao, this is also the last hope. Since there is such a possibility, he should try.

Since ancient times, no one has ever succeeded, but he must also work hard for it.

Giving up, for Lin Hao, never existed.

No longer look at those past pictures.

Lin Hao's soul, began to work hard to sense his own mark!

His soul and body are one body.

Under normal circumstances, even if they are far away, they can sense each other.

Even if there is a seal ban, unless an extremely powerful means is required to isolate this induction.

This time point, although it is not a seal restriction, it is more terrifying than any seal restriction. Lin Hao's spirit, after trying hard for a long time, still couldn't sense the existence of the flesh.

He remembered again the conversation he had just heard from the past scenes.

If you want to leave, the outside world must leave a sufficiently obvious mark!

Lin Hao didn't know the extent to which this sufficiently obvious mark would reach. From the current point of view, the connection between the soul and the flesh is obviously not enough!

Soon, Lin Hao stimulated the imprint left by the human fire in the soul.

Human fire, although it exists in his flesh and blood.

But in his spirit, there are also traces.

But as Lin Hao took the initiative to sense the human fire, after a while, he finally made some progress.

He sensed the front, and there was a very faint flame swaying.

He immediately realized that the direction in which the firelight appeared was the hope of leaving the time point.

However, even if he sensed the ray of fire, he seemed extremely far away from the fire, and the road in between was full of countless changes.

Even if you follow the direction of that ray of fire, you still can't get out!

Even knowingly not.

Lin Hao still wants to try.

The body of his soul began to fly in the direction of the ray of fire.

As he thought.

No matter how fast he is, the distance from that ray of fire has never been close.

It seems to have been spinning around in place.

"This ray of fire, perhaps, is not the human fire in my body, but the human fire in the time." Lin Hao's soul body said to himself.

The human fire of Guangyin Terrace was ignited by Lin Hao himself. Therefore, he and the human fire of Guangyin Terrace also have a close connection and perception.

Just relying on the flames of the human fire that I carry on my body, it is impossible to generate induction through the regular power of the years.

It seems that the flame of time alone is not enough.

"The imprints related to me from the outside world are still not obvious enough, not strong enough!" Lin Hao's spirit body, with a solemn tone, muttered to himself.

"Right, Wan Yanzhu!"

At this moment, Lin Hao thought of this Xeon artifact!

This is the supreme treasure left by the Emperor Zhenwu for the human race.

Contains the power of good fortune and the power of chaos.

And before Lin Hao's soul was involved in the time node, he had already activated Wan Yanzhu's power to protect his body...

With the induction of his own soul and flesh, the induction of the human fire of the Time Platform, and the induction of the strongest artifact Wan Yanzhu, the chance of successfully leaving the time node suddenly increased countless times.

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