Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1873: Qin Junxuan's decision

The first thousand eight hundred and seventy-three chapters Qin Junxuan's decision

After instructing Mu Yiling.

On Lin Hao, the light of immortal power bloomed, and the radiant energy and blood were shining together, and the power was brilliant, and with a wave of his hand, there was a huge sword energy, holding it in his hand, and cutting into the sky!

This sword energy slashed down at the intersection of the so-called Zhoutian Great Formation power of the Protoss.

There was a roar.

The Zhoutian Great Array, which has gathered the power of the 108 Heavenly Pride and Warriors of the Protoss, is naturally extremely strong, and the sword aura is blown up. This week's Great Array has never been shaken!


Protoss Qin Junxuan shouted, and suddenly, there were more than 20 Protoss Tianjiao who did not participate in forming the Zhoutian Great Formation, and they killed Lin Hao.

And that Zhoutian great formation also fell endless divine light, and wanted to suppress Lin Hao.

Under the pressure of the great sky formation this week, Lin Hao was under tremendous pressure in an instant. If it hadn’t been for his true martial body to reach rank 8, it would be stronger than any rank 9 physique of each race. Faced with this pressure, Tianjiao might be crushed in the blink of an eye.

It was Lin Hao who could barely support it for a moment, but the sound of bone squeezing came from his body.

And those more than twenty **** race Tianjiao warriors have already rushed over.

But at this moment, a cold arc appeared in the corner of Lin Hao's mouth!

Thoughts moved.

In the emptiness, a little light suddenly bloomed, and in an instant, this light turned into a long sword.

It is Wan Yanzhu!

Before this battle.

Lin Hao had already shrunk Wan Yanzhu into a dust, hiding it nearby.

With Wan Yanzhu's particularity, Qin Junxuan and the others hadn't noticed it, no matter how careful they were just now.

Now, this Xeon artifact shows its powerful side.

Lin Hao's heart was pinned in Wan Yanzhu's huge sword. The sword swept across, and five of the more than 20 Protoss Tianjiao who rushed out were caught off guard.

Such changes.

This group of warriors of the Protoss was unexpected.

The Wanzhang giant sword that Wan Yanzhu turned into a streamer after killing five **** race Tianjiao, and then took advantage of the situation to kill four **** race Tianjiao.

The blink of an eye.

Nine of the more than 20 Protoss Tianjiao who killed Lin Hao had fallen.

The rest were also frightened, did not dare to disperse anymore, gathered together, and attacked the divine sword transformed by Wan Yanzhu guarding Lin Hao.

"Boom boom boom!"

No matter how strong Wan Yanzhu was, Lin Hao's power was limited, and the giant sword was swayed and faltered by the joint efforts of more than a dozen gods of the Protoss.

Qin Junxuan, who hadn't taken a shot on the side, looked extremely complicated.

Fortunately, he didn't take the shot himself.

Otherwise, if he was targeted by Lin Hao's sword, without precaution, Qin Junxuan didn't think he had much chance to survive.

And Xu Tengfei, the Protoss Tianjiao, who was responsible for urging the Zhoutian formation, also gritted his teeth at this moment. An artifact long knife appeared in his hand. The long knife suddenly became bigger. Xu Tengfei transferred part of the power of the big formation into the long knife. The giant sword guarding Lin Hao was cut down.

Swords collide.

The giant sword was shaken out.

The long knife also suddenly ejected back.

Holding the knife, Xu Tengfei was full of energy and blood and immortal divine power, and his breath was unstable, causing a wave of fluctuations in the great formation this week.

Lin Hao seized the opportunity of this moment, and his strength poured out, urging the Mantra Sword Formation and Zhenwu Sword Formation that he had arranged in advance!

Endless sword aura suddenly appeared out of thin air, whizzing out, forcing the gods and the Tianjiao who formed the Zhoutian Great Array to hurriedly mobilize the force of the Great Array to protect their own safety.

Qin Junxuan also propped up the huge three-legged two-eared bronze cauldron for the first time to protect his whole body.

But the dozen or so Protoss Tianjiao martial artists who were close to Lin Hao had no time to make any response and were overwhelmed by the power of Lin Hao's two sword formations.

Lin Hao stepped out and rushed into the sword formation. Wan Yanzhu's giant sword returned to its normal size and flew into Lin Hao's hands.

He personally controls the power of the sword formation, using sword moves one after another.

The dozen or so protoss warriors trapped in the sword formation fell one after another at an extremely fast speed.

After Xu Tengfei reorganized the power of Zhou Tian's great formation, once again aimed at Lin Hao, at this time, all the more than ten Protoss Tianjiao fighters had died under Lin Hao's edge.

The power of Zhou Tian's great array fell on Lin Hao again.

The strongest artifact Wan Yanzhu and all the strengths of Lin Hao also merged with each other, resisting the might of the Zhoutian formation.

Qin Junxuan's expression was hard to see the extreme.

Originally thought that there was a force in secret to help Lin Hao, but now... he is almost completely certain that there is no other helper besides one Mu Yiling on Lin Hao!

Moreover, Mu Yiling has not taken any action so far.

In their Protoss, more than 20 Tianjiao had been beheaded by Lin Hao.

This is still their Protoss, who has paid enough attention to Lin Hao's affairs and is sufficiently vigilant...

One can imagine.

The team led by Mo Yuan of the Wu Clan, faced with Lin Hao's endless methods, must have been beaten completely without a chance to react, and ended in a miserable end.

Now, although the Protoss has paid a certain price.

Fortunately, Lin Hao's hole cards have been forced out, and some hidden threats have been removed. Qin Junxuan ordered: "Shrink the big formation and don't give him another chance to rush out!"

After this order is issued.

Xu Tengfei, who was in charge of controlling the big formation, immediately led the rest of the **** race Tianjiao warriors who formed the big formation to shrink the formation, making the power of this big formation more concentrated.

And Qin Junxuan's attention was no longer on Lin Hao.

He didn't believe that at this moment, Lin Hao still had the ability to make a comeback with his own power!

The only variable, in Qin Junxuan's view, was no longer here with Lin Hao, but with Mu Yiling, who hadn't taken a shot on the side.

"Mu Yiling, if you retreat now, it's still too late, our gods do not plan to completely tear your face with you Promise Xianzong!" Qin Junxuan shouted.

He did say that he would kill Lin Hao and Mu Yiling.

But now, he was worried that Mu Yiling could have any special means to reverse the whole situation... After all, Mu Yiling was the number one arrogant of the Promise Immortal Sect, the tenth-level body of the Holy Spirit, it was not simple.


Mu Yiling did not respond to Qin Junxuan's words at all, and her attention was all focused on Lin Hao's love.

Once found that the situation is not right, no matter what the situation, she will take action.

As for now, Mu Yiling knows that Lin Hao still has two rules of time, and the situation has not yet reached the point of being out of control, so he followed her and Lin Hao's agreement to watch the battle!

Seeing Mu Yiling's appearance, Qin Junxuan never let go of his vigilance.

He believed that Zhou Tian's great formation could crush Lin Hao, so Qin Junxuan now focused all his energy on Mu Yiling.

If Mu Yiling didn't do anything, he wouldn't do it. With his own power, he couldn't suppress the Mu Yiling of the tenth-order Holy Spirit body.

But once Mu Yiling started, he would explode with all his strength, drag Mu Yiling as much as possible, and create opportunities for Xu Tengfei to crush Lin Hao.

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