Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1883: Each has a back hand

The first thousand eight hundred and eighty-three chapters each have their backs

The Wu Clan Dongli snorted coldly, and said, "Even if the old man has cut his cultivation base, the old man's power is still not something you can contend!"

The voice fell.

Dong Li stepped out and appeared in front of Lin Hao.

Lin Hao's heart moved, a gentle force immediately led Mu Yiling away, and then a sword stabbed towards Dongli.

In front of Dongli, a black light appeared.

Lin Hao's sword pierced this black light.

Inside Wu Guang, there seemed to be countless large nets, entwining the edge of Lin Hao's sword.

Dong Li raised his hand and patted Lin Hao on the shoulder.

Lin Hao's other hand, immortal power, condensed into a sword, and cut it out boldly.


The sword of the immortal divine power in his hand was instantly smashed by Dongli. The palm of his hand, unharmed, continued to fall towards Lin Hao.


Lin Hao's shoulder completely took the palm, and the flesh exploded.

Fortunately, at this moment, the divine sword transformed by Wan Yanzhu in Lin Hao's hand finally shattered the black light, and he stepped on the void and retreated violently.

But the Wu Clan Dongli continued to step forward, chasing Lin Hao, the power flowed between the palms and fingers, and then turned into inexhaustible strands, bursting out, trying to trap Lin Hao.

The witches need to take Lin Hao away and torture the secrets of the age node instead of killing Lin Hao.

Lin Hao quickly took out his sword, and the power of the two sword formations reached the limit. Only then did he succeed in tearing the intricate power into a gap, and he rushed out.

"Now you should understand that any resistance is futile and useless." Wu Clan Dongli said indifferently, stepping in the air again, seemingly slow, in fact, the speed is extremely fast, and he launched an attack on Lin Hao.

Lin Hao was extremely struggling.

This Wu Clan Dongli, even if the cultivation base is cut, can step into the realm of the sacred witch itself, the talent is absolutely at the top of the Witch clan, plus Dongli’s control of power, the use of secret techniques, and the experience of combat All are at the top level between heaven and earth!

This is not the most important thing. The most terrifying thing is that Dongli has cut his cultivation base, but even if his physical body and spiritual strength are affected to a certain extent, in essence, he still belongs to the ranks of holy witches.

Lin Hao fell into a huge disadvantage.

Mu Yiling flew by again.

Now, she won't listen to Lin Hao anymore.

In such a dangerous situation, she couldn't just watch Lin Hao bear it all alone.

However, Mu Yiling was not yet close to Lin Hao.

A figure suddenly plundered from a distance, blasting a blazing light, and blocking Mu Yiling.

"Sister Lei Ling, don't make any more mistakes, follow me!"

The people came to shout, it was Li Junyi, the Promise Xianzong who had disappeared for a while!

"Step aside!"

Mu Yiling's tone was very cold.

"Sister Lei Ling, I am doing it for your own good!" Li Junyi emphasized.

Mu Yiling no longer responded, and the Zijisuo fairy rope lashed out at Li Jun directly.

Li Junyi's physique is also very strong, infinitely close to the tenth rank, although the strength is not as good as Mu Yiling, it is not a problem to hold Mu Yiling for a while.

He believed that if he held Mu Yiling for a while, Lin Hao must have been in trouble.

far away.

The Promise Immortal Sect, these arrogances, kept silent, Li Junyi fought against Mu Yiling, they didn't help anyone, the best choice was not to intervene.

Luo Tian Xianzong and Cangxuan Xianzong also remained silent.

Long Hao of the Dragon Clan said, "Witch Clan, you can be the king of war!"

Even if Dongli had already cut his cultivation base and only the Heavenly God Realm peak cultivation base was left, his advantage was still huge, and he would still not suffer a loss even in the face of ordinary God King powerhouses!

In other words, under comprehensive evaluation, Lin Hao is facing a strong man with the fighting power of the king at this moment.

Feng Bing'er and Qiyu nodded, agreeing with Long Hao's statement. If they were in Lin Hao's situation, let alone supporting them, they would have been suppressed long ago!


It was Lin Hao who fought a few games in a row, which would consume a lot of money. Otherwise, Lin Hao's situation would be much better.


In the field.

Lin Hao was covered in blood, looking back at the Wu Clan Dongli, still calm and relaxed.

"If it is not useful to keep you, one move can destroy you!" Dong Li said lightly while taking the shot.

Although Lin Hao was not lightly injured, his fighting spirit never weakened, and he did not respond.


The storm swept across, and Lin Hao's body flew out.

"It's over!"

Wu Clan Dongli said, he has chased to Lin Hao and reached out with one hand.

At this moment.

At the center of Lin Hao's forehead, a ray of time rules floated out.

next moment.

The Dongli of the Wu Clan was fixed in the air, everything was still!

The power of Lin Hao's original world, the power of the mutated soul, the majestic power of blood and blood of the Zhenwu combat body, all the powers gathered in a sword, slashing eastward.

But just when this sword was about to fall on the body of the Witch powerhouse Dongli.

Its originally static body suddenly moved.

An ancestral witch phantom appeared on his body, breaking the stillness of time.

Wu Clan Dongli, a grin appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he punched out.


Lin Hao's body exploded a large amount of blood mist and shot out.

The Wu Clan Dongli sneered, and said: "I knew you still had such means, I really thought that the old man would not have the slightest preparation!"

Lin Hao stabilized his figure and said: "I have also heard that one of the twelve ancestor witches of the Witch Clan can control time. Do you think I would never have thought that you have a second hand?"

One of the twelve ancestral witches of the Witch family is named Zhu Jiuyin, which is the ancestral witch of time.

Of course, Lin Hao didn’t know how the power of time controlled by the Witch Clan’s time ancestor Witch Candle Jiuyin was different from the time rule of the years, but he naturally guessed that the Witch Clan’s use of such a large hand must be prepared. Come.

Therefore, he also has another hand to prepare!

"Don't pretend to be here, you won't be hardened in a while!" Dongli Wu Clan drank coldly.

"is it?"

Lin Hao sneered. In the next moment, a little light bloomed beside Wu Clan Dongli, instantly like a bright sun.


The rays of light exploded, and even the barriers between the battlefield of the Heavenly God Realm of the Years River and the Battlefield of the False God Realm, at this moment, there was a violent shock.

In the center of the raging storm, a stream of light rushed out and fell into Lin Hao's hands. It was the divine sword made by Wan Yanzhu!

Just now, Lin Hao accumulated extremely majestic power in this sword. When the Wu Clan Dongli launched a counterattack, he had already used Wan Yanzhu’s characteristics to hide this power in the east. Away from the neighborhood.

Taking advantage of this, the Wu Clan Dongli was unprepared and broke out in one fell swoop!

All parties watched the battle of Tianjiao, shocked at this moment inexplicably.

What they shocked was not the power of Lin Hao's outburst.

Rather, he was shocked that Lin Hao was at such a huge disadvantage, yet he was able to stabilize his mind and calculate the various changes that might occur in his opponent.

Their attention was focused on the very center of the majestic power explosion, and another astonishing scene appeared in the next moment.

The Wu Clan Dongli walked out of the storm intact...

Naturally, Lin Hao was the first to discover it, and a touch of bitterness appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Wu Clan Dongli, the body and soul of the holy witch, are too powerful!

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