Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1904: The war started because of you

Chapter 1904 The war started because of you

Long Taicang frowned when he heard Lin Hao's words, but didn't continue to question him, instead he said, "If the **** race doesn't make a move, the hall master will not make another move.

The situation is too chaotic, it's not a good thing, and this senior white should be able to handle it. "

Lin Hao also understood what Long Taicang meant.

Now, it is the confrontation between the human race and the witch race.

Protoss does not interfere, is the best result.

If the Protoss intervenes, Long Taicang will also help, but the battle will become chaotic again.

Now, the battle for the era has reached a critical juncture, but all parties still don't want to cause an era war.


The old man Bai was in charge of the power of Chaos, and he also had a long spear transformed by Wan Yanzhu. Although his state continued to decline, he still successfully destroyed an ancestral witch clone of the Witch clan.

There are three ancestral witch clones of the witch clan.

At this moment, they have already begun to retire.

The loss of a clone also had a big impact on them and the ancestor witches.

Especially, if they continue to fight now, they can't kill the mysterious old man of Human Race. Such a loss is meaningless.

At the moment, the ancestral witch clones of these three witch races immediately took the ancestral witch Xuanming's body and soul fragments, controlled the Hongmeng Sky Tower, opened the channel between the witch race and the battlefield of the ten thousand races, and left...

The white old man's figure flashed, and he came to Lin Hao, not in a hurry to return Wan Yanzhu to Lin Hao.

After today's battle, all the tribes knew the power of this divine tool in his hand. If this divine tool was handed to Lin Hao in front of them, it would inevitably cause great trouble to Lin Hao.

"Senior Bai, go back to the Guangyin stage first." Lin Hao said.

The old man took a look at Long Taicang, a complicated light flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, and nodded towards Lin Hao.

As long as we return to the Time Station, the crisis will completely disappear.

The two men watched to leave.

A group of powerhouses on the Protoss side are ready to move.

Long Taicang held a long spear and snorted coldly, and said, "Even if the old man is weak, he can kill you, it's very simple!"

This sentence directly suppressed the thoughts of these powerful protoss.

The old man Bai just used his own power to fight so many ancestral witches from the Witch Clan, but he could only retreat...

The power of their Protoss sitting on the Time Platform is far inferior to the ancestral witches of the Witch Clan. They really have to do it, and they really don’t get any benefits... They are not clones. Under the blow of the power of Chaos, there is nothing. Doubt, the end will be wiped out.


Old Man Bai and Lin Hao returned to the Terran Time Station smoothly.

When the old man entered the restriction of the Guangyin Terrace and stepped on the stone steps of the Guangyin Terrace, he stopped and looked around the messy surroundings, and his expression revealed unspeakable sadness.

He lost his past memories related to himself.

But he always has an unwavering position, knowing that he belongs to the human race and needs to fight for the human race!

"I have the impression that there were originally many palaces here."

Old man Bai said with a sad expression.

During the Early God Era, he had fallen into a time point.

During that time, the battle of the Early God Era had not yet erupted, and the battlefield of the ten thousand races also had the glory of the human race.

However, everything has changed now.

Here, only him and Lin Hao.

Here, it has become a ruin.

Lin Hao took a deep breath and said: "Old Bai, the glory of my human race on the battlefield of the ten thousand races will surely reappear, and will surely exceed the past, usher in an unprecedented grand occasion!"

The old man was silent, stepped onto the stone steps of Guangyin Terrace, and then stood in front of the blazing human fire.

The flame, reflecting his old face, was full of red light.

After a while, the old man turned around, faced Lin Hao, and bowed solemnly.

"Senior White..."

Lin Hao immediately stepped forward, trying to stop the old man.

The old man said, "You deserve it!"

On the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Races, the Time of the Human Race, the flames have been silent for an extremely long time. It was ignited by Lin Hao. Therefore, the old man had such a bow.

After a bow, the old man straightened his waist, raised his head to look at Lin Hao, and said, "From today onwards, the old man sits on the stage of time and promotes my human power!"

The tone is firm, sonorous and powerful!

Then, the long spear in the hands of the old man turned into Wan Yanzhu's form and fell towards Lin Hao.

With Lin Hao's thoughts moved, Wan Yanzhu came into the world of origin.

"The only one who knows that this artifact belongs to you is Xuanming, the ancestor of the witch clan, but I used the power of chaos to severely inflict Xuanming's body and soul. It will take a long time for him to recover and he cannot reveal this secret.

Protoss and the innate creatures will think that this artifact belongs to the old man, and will not plan to **** the artifact against you. "The old man white said.

Lin Hao was about to speak, but the old man said: "A visitor is coming!"

When the voice fell, the old man Bai raised his hand with a wave, and opened the prohibition of the time.

Immediately afterwards, Long Taicang, the lord of the Ancestral Dragon Palace of the Dragon Race, appeared in front of them.

Lin Hao saluted Long Taicang.

Long Taicang nodded, then looked at the old man and saluted.

Now he can be sure that Old Man Bai had already possessed such strength in the Early God Era, and at the end of the Early God Era, Long Taicang was still a junior in the Dragon Clan, so it was normal for him to give this ceremony.

"Senior Bai, have we met in the Early God Era?" Long Taicang said.

The old man said: "The old man has forgotten most of the past."

Long Taicang said: "I remember that in the Early God Era, I followed my ancestors of the dragon clan to the human settlement, and seemed to have met the predecessors. I just don’t know why. I remember all the things that happened at the beginning, but it’s only related to the predecessors. Yes, but the impression is very vague."

Said this sentence.

The old man's expression condensed.

Lin Hao also showed a complex look.

Before, Lin Hao had guessed that the old man Bai had forgotten the past, which was probably caused by an extremely mysterious existence.

Now it seems that this possibility is even greater!

The old man naturally guessed that his own affairs might have some kind of power intervening in secret, but he quickly relieved, saying: "It seems that there is indeed a mysterious power that erases everything related to the old man from the years. But it’s okay. The past is not important anymore. What matters is the present and the future."

Long Taicang’s words were clicked and he didn’t go on. Instead, he said, “Senior Bai, the channel connecting the human race to the battlefield of the ten thousand races has not been opened. Lin Hao is able to use the dragon race’s channel because he has a part of the power of my dragon race. Coming to the battlefield of ten thousand races, I don't know what Senior Bai has plans next?"

The old man said: "Just guard the time."

Long Taicang said: "If Senior Bai has any needs, he can go to our Innate Life Time Station at any time. Our Dragon Clan will definitely help!"

The old man said: "Thank you, the old man needs to heal his injury first and restore his strength, so he won't be accompanied."

"Don't dare to disturb Senior Bai." Long Taicang said.

With a flash of figure, the old man left the area of ​​Time Platform.

In the field, only Long Taicang and Lin Hao were left.

Long Taicang looked at Lin Hao and said, "Because of your business, the human race and the **** race have once again broken out a war in the heavens of the gods."

Lin Hao's expression tightened and said, "How is the situation now?"

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