Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1916: Qilian Mountain appeared

The first thousand nine hundred and sixteen chapters Qilian Mountain appeared

Listening to Lin Hao's words, Jiang Huanyu nodded and said: "You are still the same as before, never changed. The pressure you are under is greater than that of us, but the sharpness you have is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Brother Huanyu, although the battle for the era has reached a critical moment, the road is still long." Lin Hao said.

The era is extremely long, even if the Protoss Era has reached the critical moment of change, there will still be a long period of transition.

Jiang Huanyu nodded, he didn't understand.

The reason why he has such a change of mentality is actually a microcosm of the entire human race.

Every strong man who carries the burden of the human race will be under more and more pressure in the process of constantly improving himself, and this kind of mentality will fluctuate.

In the Nine Heavens Realm, Jiang Huanyu's path has just begun!

"Brother Huanyu, I suspect that the Wu Clan has already sneaked into the battlefield, right in the army of Qilian Mountain." Lin Hao said.

Jiang Huanyu's expression condensed and said, "Are there any clues?"

Lin Hao then told what happened to the fat man Chen Hui.

Jiang Huanyu silently thought for a moment, and then said: "I guessed that the Wu Clan would not be so peaceful, as expected, but the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine of the Wu Clan had serious internal consumption before. Even if you want to intervene in the battlefield, you cannot arrange too much power. , I suspect that they are specifically targeting the Void Shrine!

Today, the reconstruction of the Void Shrine is no secret.

Both the Protoss and the Witch Clan are already known.

Obviously, they want to destroy the high fighting spirit and magnificent morale that our human race has accumulated over the years by hitting the Void Shrine! "

Lin Hao actually had this guess.

Lin Hao knew best when the Wu clan participated in the war and then there were serious internal strife.

It was because of his calculations that the Wu Clan's internal conflict.

At that time, the Wu Clan sent a lot of Tianjiao out to practice, but almost all of them were damaged.

Finally, in the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine of the Wu Clan, three palace owners came, namely Yuan Xiao, Yin Wuxin, and Feng Kai!

But in the end, only Yuan Xiao and Feng Kai left.

Yin Wuxin fell, and Yuan Xiao shot and killed.

After Yin Wuxin died, there was still a powerful palace lord in the Wu Clan's Yin Family in the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine. Therefore, there was no doubt that the internal chaos in the Wu Clan's Seven-Star Ancient Shrine was very serious.

The Seven-Star Ancient Shrine is the core of the Wu Clan in the God Realm of the next three days. They are in chaos, and the entire Wu Clan will inevitably be in great confusion against the power of the God Realm in the next three days.

Therefore, even if the Witch tribe wants to intervene in this war, it is impossible to fully come down, but to take part in the war.

For them, to participate in the war locally, it is necessary to choose the most suitable battlefield.

The battlefield guarded by the Human Void Shrine is indeed the most suitable.

The Void Shrine has just been rebuilt, and the reconstruction ceremony is about to be held. Whether it is the Protoss or the Witch Clan, they must want to prevent the Human Race from this festival and destroy the Void Shrine.

Once it succeeds, it can indeed undo the war spirit and morale that Human Race has accumulated in the God Realm in the next three days to a large extent!

"Therefore, there must be no carelessness on the side of the Void Shrine, and other battlefields must also be vigilant," Lin Hao said.

Every battlefield is very important.

If the guess is wrong, there will be serious consequences.

Even if Lin Hao and Jiang Huanyu had ideas, they were all at the same point. They felt that the Wu clan had the greatest chance of taking action in this battlefield, but they had never thought of asking for help.

Once you ask for help, the transfer of the strong on the human side will inevitably be noticed.

After all, the power of the **** king level is just that, and there is a lack of a **** king power on the battlefield.

Moreover, if the God King powerhouse really came to support this side, once the Wu Clan and the God Race were aware of it, they might change their plans to target those battlefields that were lost to the God King powerhouse guard.

In the current situation, the enemy is secretive and we are very passive.

Just in the conversation between the two.

Suddenly, the void vibrated.

Jiang Huanyu looked into the distance and said, "Qilian Mountain is here."

Obviously, the Protoss launched an attack.

When Lin Hao thought, Wan Yanzhu's divine sword appeared in his hand.

"Brother Lin, if the Wu Clan is really hiding in the dark, I suggest you don't take action first." Jiang Huanyu suggested.

Lin Hao said: "It's okay, the Witches want to figure out all the deployments of our Humans on this battlefield. They won't make any moves until they figure it out.

If they make a move at this time, it will only disrupt their own arrangements. Even if the Wu Clan has a **** king, I am sure to protect myself! "

Hearing Lin Hao's words, Jiang Huanyu looked extremely shocked.

He could see that Lin Hao should have just stepped into the realm of a false god.

When you first entered the cultivation base of the false **** king, you are sure to protect yourself against the strong **** king level. I am afraid that only Lin Hao dare to say this.

And Jiang Huanyu had no doubt about Lin Hao's words!

He believed every word Lin Hao said!

This kind of trust is based on fighting side by side again and again, and it is unbreakable.

"If this is the case, let's fight. This is the first battle between you and me in the heavenly realm of Gods and Heavens. We will fight together for the first time. We will win!" Jiang Huanyu laughed heartily. Out.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the entire battlefield, human race and protoss, has broken out.

The battle in this area is the most intense.

Because this area has always been the place where the two commanders of Jiang Huanyu and Qilian Mountain met.

Those who dared to get close to this area were also the powerhouses of the false **** king realm of the human race and the witch race.

A sword light illuminates the world.

This is the edge of Huang San of Zhengtian Sword!

Huang San, as the first person in the false **** king realm of the void divine palace, is very powerful, and with his own power, he suppressed the two top false **** king realm powerhouses of the gods.

In addition to Huang San, there are also a few strong men in the pseudo-god state of the celebrity clan, fighting fiercely with the strong men in the pseudo-god state of the clan.

On the Terran side, there are few strong people.

However, each of them dared to fight, played bloody, and played morale!

It was when Jiang Huanyu and Lin Hao stepped out of the void.

A man wearing a purple and gold crown appeared in front of them instantly.

This person is the leader of the Tianqi God Tribe, one of the twelve God Tribes of the God Race in the next three days, Qilian Mountain!

Qilian Mountain appeared here, but his eyes widened in the next moment. In his expression, there was not only shock, but also anger, resentment, and a trace of panic!

"Lin Hao..."

Qilian Mountain gritted his teeth and called out the name.

"Unexpectedly, your life is big enough for you to survive in the battlefield of ten thousand races, you dare to appear in front of this king, this king wants you to die!"

The voice of Qilian Mountain was filled with hatred.

He hated Lin Hao.

At the beginning, because of Lin Hao, his collusion with the Wu Clan was exposed. Although he is now in charge of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, he has experienced extremely painful torture and punishment in the past few decades...

The past few decades have been the most painful memory of Qilian Mountain’s extremely long life. Looking back on it now, I am still afraid of it for a while. This has become his most serious obstacle and will affect his future. Unable to promote.

But now, the opportunity to break this magic barrier has come.

As long as Lin Hao is killed, everything can be solved!

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