Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1931: Today, God Tu!

The first thousand nine hundred and thirty-one chapters today, the king of Tushen!

God King in the battlefield.

Huo Cang, the God of War Palace, alone, fought against the four **** kings headed by the Qilian Mountains.

The stone broken from the Supreme Hall is also fighting the four great kings. One of them is from the Protoss and three from the Witch Clan. Although the three Witch Clan kings do not exist, they all have the secret method of sacrifice and can obtain the ancestors. The blessing of the power of witch!

Yang Guang, the God of War Palace, is also fighting with four great kings, three from the Protoss, and Yuan Xiao from the Witch.

Nie Ru, one enemy three, and one of them is the top **** king Sui Qianyuan!

Jiang Huanyu is also one enemy against three. His opponents are all ordinary **** kings of the Protoss, but Jiang Huanyu himself is only in the fifth level of the **** king realm!

It can be said that the battlefield of the king of gods, don't look at it, can hold it, but it has no advantage at all!

Especially Nie Ru and Jiang Huanyu, once any one of them is suppressed and falls, this barely maintained balance will be immediately broken.

Therefore, Lin Hao now desperately wants to open a breakthrough!

He has already beheaded two of the top false **** kings of the Protoss, and now suppresses the third top false **** of the Protoss. But for many reasons, he needs to retain some of his power. Therefore, to kill the current opponent, he needs time.

The true martial arts sword formation is divided into thousands of sword auras, and arranged in a special way. The top false **** king of the Protoss who is trapped in the sword formation of Lin Hao has become the most vigilant.

There were already two companions who were not weaker than him, who died in Lin Hao's hands, and he did not dare to be careless at all.


Lin Hao cut down with a sword.

The sword of the lunar yin, although silent, but its power is quite terrifying, freezing and annihilating everything!

The top false **** king of the Protoss who fought against Lin Hao, even with full defense, still could not block this sword, half of his head was chopped off.



The wound position of the top false **** king of the Protoss is filled with the power of the yin, he cannot control the rebirth of flesh and blood, and his sea of ​​consciousness has also been damaged!

In Lin Hao's eyes, a cold light flashed, and he shouted: "Death!"

The silent sword move just now became extremely violent in an instant, hot power and brilliant light burst out, his sword, like a round of sunset!


The sword of the sun, absolutely powerful and domineering, completely destroyed the body of the top false **** king of the Protoss, and in the end only a ray of soul escaped.

Lin Hao's thoughts moved, and the altered mental power turned into a golden sword, shot out from the center of his eyebrows, crushing the remnant soul that the top false **** of the Protoss had escaped!

This... is already the third top false **** king he has killed!

At this time, Lin Hao panted, his face pale.

But he did not intend to stop, and once again focused on a top false **** king of the Protoss race, and wanted to kill him.

But at this moment.

A feeling of extreme danger appeared in his heart.

A pitch-black handprint, without causing any movement, appeared behind him, grabbing towards his head.

If you change to another top false **** king, you will definitely not be able to detect the danger.

But Lin Hao is different. Since the last battle in the real martial world, he has been reborn from the ashes. The combination of his soul and the power of faith he has absorbed has caused abnormal changes. The sensitivity is so strong that he cannot be judged by common sense!

The Kunpeng phantom reappeared again, using Kunpeng's extreme speed to leave the place instantly.


The area where he was originally located was grabbed by the dark handprints, and the space collapsed. The dark handprints continued to grab Lin Hao, Lin Hao no longer dodges, and the power of the original world flows into the divine sword. , Cut to that dark handprint.


Another huge explosion sounded, a terrifying storm raged, and the space became fragmented!

Immediately afterwards, a figure emerged in the storm, killing Lin Hao.

It is the **** king of the witch race!

"Unexpectedly, if you consume so much, you can still detect my attack and kill you, and even block a blow for you, Lin Hao, you really have too many unimaginable miracles, but that's all. That's it."

This witch **** king, while speaking, attacked Lin Hao!

The reason why he didn't shoot until now was because he was waiting for Lin Hao to consume more.

Of course, this does not mean that he is not Lin Hao's opponent, but because Lin Hao has really created too many miracles, in order to ensure the success of the attack, he waited until now.

But all of this still didn't develop according to his calculations, Lin Hao sensed his attack and blocked his one-shot killer move.

Lin Hao used the power of the Taiyin, combined with the power of the sun, and cooperated with Kunpeng's extreme speed to deal with the witch **** king.

"Do you really think that this trick of your Wu clan can't hide from me? I've been waiting for you!"

Lin Hao yelled, the feeling of weakness he had just disappeared, and his state was as strong as it was at the beginning!

Killing the three top pseudo-god kings of the Protoss is indeed expensive.

But his true martial arts combat body also has an incredible effect in terms of recovery speed.

When killing the last protoss top false **** king, Lin Hao had actually made up all the previous consumption.

"Wait for me to show up? Huh, I can't help myself. Even if you can kill the top false **** king, you have no chance of winning in front of me. I am the **** king. If there is no **** king to stop me, I can crush everything!"

Even though the calculations made earlier by the **** king of the Wu Clan were a little misguided, it still didn't affect his state of mind. Since the calculations can't be made, he will be crushed directly!

"It's just a mere mere newcomer to the King of Gods, and I also want to pretend to be prestigious, idiotic dreams!" Lin Hao's tone was extremely strong.

The witch **** king was extremely angry.

God king and strong, in the next three days of the God Realm, has always been aloof.

Even if he was just a newcomer to the God King, he was already at the top level of combat effectiveness in the God Realm for the next three days.

Lin Hao, a kid in the realm of a false god, said that he had just entered the king of god...

He felt Lin Hao's huge humiliation to himself!

"When you are frustrated, you will know how ignorant you are!"


In the battlefield of the false **** king realm.

The thousands of feet of golden heavenly dragon that Long Yan transforms, the power of the dragon skyrocketed, and a dragon wobbled its tail, then blasted the opponent's body, and then sprayed out a powerful dragon's breath to kill the opponent.

Following that, the dragon that Long Yan transformed into immediately moved towards Lin Hao to support Lin Hao.

On the other side, the book of martial arts in Jiang Chen's hand, the power of the original world boiled, burned, and the top pseudo-god king he faced was severely injured and forced back!

"Jiang Chen, leave it to me!"

With a loud shout, Tao Yuan, who was surrounded by dazzling stars, rushed to Jiang Chen to replace Jiang Chen and deal with the top false **** king of the protoss who was hit hard!

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate, and moved towards Lin Hao's area to support him.


"Big brother, I'll help you!"

The golden heavenly dragon transformed by Long Yan uttered words, and then a huge dragon claw appeared above the Wu Clan God King and fell down.


Jiang Chen has also arrived, the book of martial arts, blooming with infinite light, the power of the original world, burning crazily, and the power of Long Yan, restrain this witch **** king.

This is a plan they have already set.

In Lin Hao's eyes, there was a gleam of light, and he was full of pride in his heart, and shouted: "Today, King Tushen!"

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