Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1933: Sword Slayer

The first thousand and nine hundred and thirty-three chapters

Long Yan has also reached the limit, but she still wants to continue to kill the Witch God King.

"Yan'er, step down, the overall situation is set!"

Lin Hao shouted, once again entangled the Wu Clan God King.

Long Yan shouted: "Big brother, I will solve another false god!"

Leaving this sentence, Long Yan left here and killed the false **** king of the Protoss.

Lin Hao was moved by Long Yan's choice!

Although Long Yan is here to practice, in fact, she does not need to participate in such dangerous battles.

But Long Yan did not hesitate to turn back and tried her best.

For Long Yan, she actually has no sense of belonging to the Dragon Clan, let alone the Human Clan.

Lin Hao is very clear that the reason Long Yan did this is only because of herself!

At this moment.

Jiang Chen, who was obviously already reaching the limit, also shouted, "Brother Lin, let me help you again!"

After the words fell, Jiang Chen's Book of Martial Arts rushed into the original world of the Witch God King.

Jiang Chen's book of martial arts is integrated into his original world.

His book of martial arts ignited in the original world of the witch **** king, which is equivalent to his original world, and it also burned completely.

This kind of behavior is undoubtedly crazy!

After all, Jiang Chen's original world has just been opened up, and he himself is actually only a newcomer to the realm of a false god.

He used this method of losing both ends to deal with the witch **** king.

The final result is only one.

He will fall first because of the destruction of the original world, and the witch **** king can still survive.

But Jiang Chen doesn't care!

Don't think he is a gentle scholar on weekdays, but when he arrives on the battlefield, his identity as a scholar immediately turns into a warrior, a warrior who can contribute everything to fight for the human race!

The Witch King was completely afraid.

He was hit hard by Lin Hao's sword before, and then hit again by Long Yan's power. His original world has collapsed a lot.

If this continues, even if he can endure Jiang Chen to death, there will be little left of his original world!

He wanted to take back his original world, he didn't dare to consume it like this with Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen's original world already exists in his original world, and the witch **** king cannot take back his original world at all.

The state of the witch **** king is getting weaker and weaker.

Jiang Chen's condition is naturally worse.

But the Wu Clan God King looked terrified, Jiang Chen looked calm.

Lin Hao was deeply moved by this scene.

"Brother Jiang, it's okay!"

With a loud shout, the sword slashed out, splitting a crack in the original world of the Witch God King, and then his original world power also rushed into the original world of the Witch God King, covering Jiang Chen. That burning book of martial arts!

In the origin world that Lin Hao is now unfolding, the power of chaos given by the old man has already been transferred to another origin world seed in his body.

Jiang Chen immediately extinguished the burning flame in the book of martial arts, otherwise, if it continues to burn, it will affect Lin Hao's original world!

"Brother Jiang, leave the rest to me!" Lin Hao shouted.

Jiang Chen nodded and withdrew his martial arts book. He and Long Yan had the same choice, without the slightest hesitation, to kill other powerful enemies of the Protoss in the pseudo-god king realm.

In order to prevent the false **** kings of the Protoss from coming to support, the strong human races are desperately trying to create opportunities for the **** king Lin Haotu.



Lin Hao's original world still exists in the original world of the Witch God King.

There was a strong collision between the two original worlds.

The Wu Clan God King, finally felt a little relieved.

Long Yan and Jiang Chen couldn't fight anymore, they had evacuated, and only Lin Hao was left. He felt that Lin Hao could no longer threaten him. After all, Lin Hao now had a huge consumption of strength and was already at the end of the battle.

In fact, it is true.

Lin Hao's strength has reached its limit.

His original world constantly collides with the original world of the Witch God King.

He and the witch **** king, constantly fighting.

The advantages of the Wu Clan God King are getting bigger and bigger.

The corner of Lin Hao's mouth revealed a bit of bitterness, and said: "I did not expect that it would be so difficult to kill a **** king before."

At this time, the witch **** king had restored his arrogant self-confidence. Even though he was embarrassed and embarrassed, as long as he killed Lin Hao, it was all worth it.

"You regret it now, it's too late, your fault lies in your fault, you are a human race, your fault lies in your fault, you should not fight us for the human race!"

Lin Hao sneered, the bitterness of the corners of his mouth disappeared, and he shook his head: "I never regretted it. I just didn't expect a **** king to be so difficult to kill. It doesn't mean that I can't kill you!"

Now, although it was not the time to use that ray of Chaos power, Lin Hao still had the absolute certainty to kill the badly wounded Witch King.

The voice fell.

Lin Hao's original world burned crazily.

Compared with Jiang Chen's burning of the Book of Martial Arts, he was more thorough and determined!

The Witch Clan God King had regained his confidence just now, but in the blink of an eye, he was frightened again.

"Lin Hao, even if you use this method, you can't kill me, you are ruining yourself!" the Witch Clan God King shouted.

After all, he is a strong king of gods, the origin world is wide and strong, even if Lin Hao detonates the origin world, his origin world will not be completely destroyed.

But he was still scared and afraid.

Because, if Lin Hao really detonated the Origin World, even if the Witch God King could survive, he would no longer have much combat effectiveness!

Of course, Lin Hao will also die.

He wanted to kill Lin Hao, but he didn't want to kill Lin Hao in this way.

Even if Lin Hao is dead, with his waiting state, the pseudo-god kings of the human race present can easily destroy him!

The Wu Clan, the **** king, now regrets it in his heart.

Originally, he thought that he didn't need to participate in the battle of the gods, just to deal with Lin Hao, he was in absolute safety, and there was a chance to make great achievements.

But everything is completely different from what he imagined.

At this time.

Lin Hao's burning original world has reached its limit.


His original world, detonated!

The movement caused this time is not even smaller than the full-strength shot of the top **** king.

Because not only was Lin Hao's original world detonated, but also the original world of the Witch God King was also exploded!

At this moment.

The battle on the battlefield of the God King also stopped briefly.

The fighting of the powers of the pseudo-god king realm level also stopped.

The battlefields of the Heavenly God Realm, the True God Realm, and the Divine Fire Realm also stopped.

The roar of the entire battlefield disappeared instantly.

All eyes were on the place where the terrifying storm swept.

At that location, even the top **** king, after a certain distance, can no longer sense what is going on!

After a brief dead silence, in the collapsed space, a phantom rushed out of the storm.

"Hahaha, Lin Hao is dead, Human Lin Hao is dead!"

The figure that rushed out was the **** king of the Wu clan.

At this moment, this witch **** king, in fact, only has a ray of remnant soul left.

He survived.

He successfully killed Lin Hao of Human Race!

This joy of escaping from the dead made him extremely excited.

While excited, he did not forget to leave this area, his current state is already very unbearable, any false **** king can kill him.

But at this moment.

In the storm, a Kunpeng phantom flickered.

A figure rushed out forcefully, at the extreme speed, appeared beside the remnant soul of the witch **** king who had escaped, and cut it down with a single sword!

The ghost of the remnant soul, completely dissipated!

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