Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1935: Crazy move

The first thousand nine hundred and thirty-five chapters of crazy behavior

Lin Hao did not go to support Huang San again.

At this time, Huang San already had the ability to kill Sui Qianyuan.

Taking advantage of the time to use the final hole cards, he still has a lot to do in this pseudo-god king-level battlefield!

The false **** king of the Protoss has a great advantage in number.

And Long Yan, and Jiang Chen, just now cooperated with Lin Hao to besieged and killed the Witch God King. The consumption was very heavy, the injuries were heavy, and their combat effectiveness dropped sharply, but they were still fighting desperately.

Lin Hao's injury is actually very serious.

This detonation of the Origin World was more thorough than the last detonation in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

In his body, only fragments of the Origin World less than the size of a palm are left...

The reason why he still has combat effectiveness.

Naturally, because he is different from ordinary people, he also has a seed of the original world.

Lin Hao, who consumed a huge amount of money, still gritted his teeth and used Kunpeng to speed up the battlefield.

But at this moment, a loud shout came into Lin Hao's ears.

"Brother Lin, come to me and do a big vote!"

Lin Hao turned abruptly and walked in the direction where the sound came from.

The person who shouted was the fat man Chen Hui.

He and Wu Hanfei, who had transformed the body of the Sky Swallowing Beast, are still fighting an ordinary false **** of the Protoss!

Lin Hao arrived, cut out with a sword, the true martial sword formation, removed the arm of the false **** king of the Protoss race.

A flash of light flashed, and the arm of the false **** king of the Protoss was transferred by the fat man with the secret technique of stealing the sky and sent to Wu Hanfei, who had transformed the sky-swallowing beast.

Heaven-swallowing beast opened its mouth and swallowed that arm!

Lin Hao took out the sword again.

This false **** king of the Protoss race had a low cultivation base and was killed after a while.

Fatty Chen Hui was covered in blood.

Wu Hanfei still maintained the body of the Sky-Swallowing Beast. He swallowed a pseudo-god king of the Protoss race and could not be refined at all. At this moment, he was full of extremely powerful and chaotic power auras running around!

Lin Hao looked at Wu Hanfei's main body swallowing beast, and said, "Xiao Fei, don't force it. Once you can't control these forces, it will cause huge harm to yourself!"

"Brother Lin, don't worry about this, just fix this thing first!"

The fat man looked at Lin Hao and stretched out his arm.

In his arm, a secret method was arranged by the Wu Clan, which has not been lifted yet.

Now, the Protoss and the Witch Clan have already started, so even if Lin Hao removes this secret method now, even if the Witch Clan knows it, he can no longer change his deployment.

Lin Hao was a little puzzled. After all, at this moment, Fatty's secrets of the Witch Clan were no longer important, and there was no need to rush to remove them.

However, Lin Hao still shot, shot a divine light, entered Fatty's arm, and lifted the Witch Clan's secret method.

At the juncture of the years, he had seen countless scenes of battles belonging to the Protoss, Witches, and innate creatures. He had a deep understanding of the methods of each race, and it was easy to do this.

And the moment the Witch Clan’s secret method on Fatty was lifted, Yuan Xiao, the Witch Clan God King who was fighting Yang Guang, immediately noticed, his expression was startled, this distracted moment, Yuan Xiao’s chest , Yang Guang punched out a hole!

Yuan Xiao couldn't manage that much anymore, and continued to fight Yang Guang!


"Brother Lin, I'm going to get the other half of Sui Qianyuan's dog's body, and then use my stealth line and Xiaofei's Swallowing line to refine the half of Sui Qianyuan's body! "

Fatty Chen Hui said very seriously.

"No, although that is only half of Sui Qianyuan's body, the energy he can possess will never be weaker than an ordinary **** king, and you can't refine it.

Moreover, in that half of the body, there is also half of Sui Qianyuan's soul, possessing consciousness, once it is transferred, it will cause disaster! "

Lin Hao immediately rejected the fat man's proposal!

The fat man said: "Brother Lin, you are not the only one who has grown up over the years, I know what I am doing, I am sure!

Over the years, I have used the inheritance of Stealing Heaven and Combining with the inheritance of Tuntian to create a secret technique. As long as you can help me suppress the half of Sui Qianyuan’s body for a while, I can refine him. , Disperse the refined power and pass it on to our Terran warriors!

Although adventurous, this battle was originally an adventure. I don’t know what you plan to do in the end, but if you don’t say it, I can guess it. Everyone is going to work hard!

Don't look at Old Monster Huang just shouting to slaughter the King of God, even if he really succeeds, he will die.

So, please believe me, I can't get involved in the battle of the God King Realm battlefield, but I can completely change the situation of the pseudo God King Realm battlefield! "

Lin Hao frowned slightly.

His gaze swept across the battlefield of the false **** king realm once again.

Jiang Chen and Long Yan, even if they can still fight, they won't last long.

Tao Yuan, Yu Jianxin, Wei Liang, and Feng Dongyu are all at the end of the battle.

Even if Lin Hao finally succeeded in slaughtering all the gods that the gods and witches participated in the battle today, the victory of this battle can be secured, but the battlefield of the pseudo-kings will still have great casualties!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Hao said, "Okay!"

A touch of excitement appeared on the fat man's face, and the eyes that were squeezed by the fat were only the size of beans, flashing extremely bright light.

"After today's battle, the name of Fat Master will resound in the next three days, Xiao Fei, work!"

After all, there are a large number of formations flying out of Fatty's body, scattered around, turning into a very mysterious and complex formation, and the power of this formation is all tied to Wu Hanfei's body of the Sky-Swallowing Beast.

Fatty said in a painful voice: "Brother Lin, these layout materials, but Fatty, I dug hundreds of protoss cemeteries in Shenxiao Heaven Realm to get them together. Remember to make up for me when that happens, hahaha!

Brother Lin, this is for you, let's get started! "

As he said, the fat man raised his hand and threw a formation plate to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao took the lineup, flashed his figure, and immediately rushed to the place where Sui Qianyuan's half of his body was blocked.

The seal was placed by Huo Cang in advance, and Lin Hao opened a crack in the seal with the inheritance of the God of War Palace and rushed into it.

Here, the half of Sui Qianyuan's body is also reunited with flesh and blood, and turned into a complete Sui Qianyuan. After all, in this body, there is also half of Sui Qianyuan's soul, consciously existing.

"Lin Hao, dare to come and die, I will fulfill you!"

Sui Qianyuan roared frantically and killed Lin Hao.

And this moment.

The array plate in Lin Hao's hand was full of light.

In this array, there is the secret technique of the fat man stealing the sky and the veins, stealing the sky and changing the earth.

As the light enveloped, Lin Hao and Sui Qianyuan disappeared at the same time, appearing in the big formation arranged by the fat man!

Sui Qianyuan was startled and suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahaha, you are killing yourself!"

However, at this moment, Lin Hao's sword had pierced Sui Qianyuan's body, and the power of the yin and sun exploded at the same time.

Sui Qianyuan's power surged crazily and wanted to kill Lin Hao.

Can be the next moment.

Sui Qianyuan's feet suddenly had incomparably complicated formation patterns radiating light, and his body was drawn into a space of formations.

"Little Fei, devour it!"

"Brother Lin, help hold the core of the formation, don't let him out!"

The fat man shouted, his tone was extremely serious!

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