Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1944: Cultivation

The first thousand nine hundred and forty-four chapters improve cultivation

"Hao'er, you should be busy during this time. Later, my mother will cook you some dishes that you like. We will have a family of four and sit down and chat together."

Qin Yun could see that Lin Hao was worried, and knew that Lin Hao's concern was because of Long Yan.

At this time, she took the initiative to speak, alleviating the atmosphere that had begun to seem a bit heavy!

"Okay, okay, yes, we are a family of four, haha!"

Long Yan jumped for joy.

Lin Hao smiled and said, "Yeah."

At the dinner table, everyone was talking and laughing. Lin Hao could see that Long Yan liked this kind of occasion. He also could see that his parents really liked Long Yan very much. Looking at Long Yan’s eyes, indeed There is a feeling of seeing yourself as a child.

That's good.

After this short warm time is over.

Long Yan went to retreat for healing.

Lin Hao is about to enter a state of retreat.

This time, the Terran triumphed, and his road to the invincible **** king has also advanced a long distance, as Huo Cang said, he already has the foundation to open up the original world.

His original world seed, absorbed a large number of time node rules in the time node of the ten thousand race battlefield, and was nourished by the power of the supreme road of time.

Once the cost source world is opened up, there may be a chance to master the fine timing rules. Lin Hao is also full of expectations for this.

Before, when he was on the battlefield of ten thousand races, he had consulted the old man about his situation.

The old man told him that if he wants to have two original worlds at the same time, he must have a strong enough physique. Measured by the physique of each race, the tenth-tier physique cannot meet this requirement.

However, Lin Hao's Zhenwu combat body is very special. Old man Bai suggested that Lin Hao should refine his Zhenwu combat body to the tenth level, and then open up a second original world.

After obtaining the origin of Long Yan's large number of bloodlines, Lin Hao's True Martial Body also successfully entered the tenth level.

Now everything is ready, only the last step!

Of course, to open up the second original world, Lin Hao still has one thing to complete, and that is to restore the original original world!

In the previous battle, in order to kill the **** king of the Wu Clan, he detonated his original world, and now, there is only a strand of fragments left!

For other people, it is extremely difficult to repair the original world after its detonation.

But Lin Hao had this experience.

He once detonated the original world once in the long river of ten thousand battlefields.

With the power of the now condensed source world seeds to repair the broken source world, the effect is very good!

After straightening out his thoughts, Lin Hao sat cross-legged and began to circulate the blood and strength in his body.


His vitality and strength flowed and washed in the blood and flesh of the meridians, and the sound he made was like a rolling river, vast and mighty.

As the road of the invincible king is progressing tremendously, Lin Hao now wants to transform this accumulated invincible fighting intent into his own strength.

His cultivation is rising steadily!

The seeds of the original world continue to solidify and grow!

In the blink of an eye, the five-fold cultivation base of the pseudo-god king realm has broken through to the sixth, seventh, and eighth-fold of the pseudo-god king realm, and it stopped until the nine-fold!

In one day, at the level of the pseudo-god king realm, breaking through the quadruple realm, the speed of this increase was shocking.

This is the road to the invincible king of the God of War.

Once on this path, dangers and opportunities coexist.

On the way, encounter failure and setbacks, the invincible will is blocked, and the road to the invincible king is broken, which will cause extremely serious backlash.

But if you can keep going, it will bring huge benefits!

Lin Hao, who had reached the ninth level of the false **** king, began to trigger the original divine power contained in the seeds of the original world, which was connected to the fragments of the original world after it was broken.

The fragments of the original world began to grow and be restored.

This is bound to be an extremely long process.

At the time point, Lin Hao spent several months, and that was based on the increase in the effect of the water he had a lot of time.

Calculated according to the increase effect of the water of time, Lin Hao actually spent more than 30 years.

And now, he has no water of time.


During Lin Hao's restoration of the original world.

The reconstruction ceremony of the Void Shrine was held.

The lord of the major shrines of the human race arrived at the scene.

Then, it was announced by the Lord of Yanhuang Divine Palace that next, the human race would march into the heavenly realm of Qingxiao!

This news inspired all the warriors of all races.

This matter soon began to promote, with the Yanhuang Temple, the God of War Temple, and the Reincarnation Temple as the main ones. The major temples of the Human Race have mobilized a group of forces to enter the Qingxiao Heaven Realm.

The Protoss, whose vitality is greatly injured, can only temporarily avoid the edge of this situation, and will not launch large-scale conflicts with the Humans.

It's another new journey, start!

And Long Yan, who also received the magical medicine from the Human Race's ancestor's palace for the last three days, fell into a deep sleep state, and the origin of the blood was continuously restored.

Every once in a while, Long Yan would wake up, spend a few days with Lin Zhentian and Qin Yun, and then fall asleep again, waiting for the recovery of the blood origin.


Before you know it, twenty years have passed.

Lin Hao, who was in retreat, finally opened his eyes!

He breathed a sigh of relief, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

The severely damaged Origin World has finally been repaired!

Twenty years seems to be a long time, but in fact, for any warrior who has stepped into the gods, it is very short.

And in twenty years, it is incredible to be able to completely repair the original world with only a fragment of fragments left.

This was due to Lin Hao still possessing an Origin World Seed in his body, and benefited from his previous experience.

During the two decades of restoring the original world, the original divine power contained in the seeds of the original world has also been further strengthened, consolidated, and expanded. Now, his cultivation has also entered the tenth level of the pseudo-god king realm!

In twenty years, his cultivation base broke through to the first level. Compared with his previous rapid improvement due to the road of the invincible king, it was very slow and slow.

But compared to those who practice normally, this speed is still incredible!

Lin Hao now feels the surging original divine power in his body, and his heart is full of pride.

Even if he faces the real God King and powerhouse again, he can still shake and suppress with his own strength!

No longer need the cooperation of Jiang Chen Longyan in order to kill a powerful witch who has just entered the King of Gods.

Of course, in this state, the strongest **** king who can deal with is at best about the **** king double.

There is a huge gap between the false **** king realm and the **** king realm.

If Lin Hao stepped into the realm of the King of Gods, it would be another matter. His power would once again be transformed and sublimated.


With Lin Hao's heart moving, the large array of restrictions in this area of ​​his retreat opened.

this moment.

The attention of everyone in the Palace of War God was attracted.

Everyone is full of expectations and excitement.

Their Lord of the Fourth Palace is about to leave!

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