Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1964: Gain trust

Chapter 1964: Gaining Trust

Zhou Ping was skeptical and nodded: "Withdraw first, and then make arrangements for the next thing!"

Immediately, Lin Hao and Zhou Ping quickly withdrew from the bottom of the vein.


Abandoned **** source stone vein opening.

The atmosphere between Yun Feng and Yun Yi was extremely tense!

"Lao Qi, you have done a good job, I want to see how you can explain it to your father!" Yun Feng said with a sneer.

Although this operation has failed.

But for Yun Feng, it was a good thing.

Because the main problem that led to the failure of the operation was Yun Yi who had been against him.

"The third child, the meteorite mica mine is not the only thing I can get, you can also get it, I suspect that you deliberately planted and framed me!" Yun Yi coldly snorted.

Originally, his plan was to let Xu Bin find an opportunity to use the Meteorite Mica Thunder to kill Bai Zhen, and then Xu Bin would eliminate the traces left by the Meteorite Mica Thunder.

However, Xu Bin only did the first thing, not the latter.

Now, Yun Yi can only bite the bullet and justify himself.

Yun Feng sneered again and again, and said: "Our Tianyun Divine Department, every whereabouts of the meteorite mica thunder is recorded, return to Yunding Peak, everything will be revealed.

Old Qi, you still think about how to face the anger of the father! "

Yun Yi's face was green, and he stopped responding.

at this time.

At the location of the hole in front of them, two figures rushed out.

It was Zhou Ping and Bai Zhen that Lin Hao disguised!

Upon seeing this, Yun Feng looked overjoyed!

Bai Zhen is still alive, so what he wants to bring down Yun Yi is even simpler!

Yun Yi stared at Bai Zhen, his face naturally became more ugly.

The meteorite mica thunder failed to kill Bai Zhen, which meant that Xu Bin was dead, and Yun Yi's revenge this time could be described as stealing chicken but not eroding rice, and soon there will be a lot of trouble.

"Yun Yi, you want to kill me, I won't let you go today!"

A loud shout came from Lin Hao's mouth.

No one thought that this Bai Zhen who had just come out would kill Yun Yi directly!

The condor spread its wings, and Lin Hao's speed was extremely fast. In an instant, he rushed to Yun Yi, punched out, and the power of the Da Lie Shen Fist exploded to the extreme.

Yun Yi, the fifth-tier of the pseudo-god realm, where he could resist, was fisted by Lin Hao, blood spurted!

Lin Hao's offensive was extremely violent, and his fists were like raindrops, constantly falling on Yun Yi's body. Yun Yi's body was cracked and his flesh and blood exploded one after another!

Yun Feng on the side did not stop, watching the play quietly.

After a while.

A voice full of majesty sounded.

"Enough, stop!"

The **** king who sits in the blood mist swamp has spoken!

As soon as this voice appeared, Yun Feng immediately shouted: "Bai Zhen, come back!"

Lin Hao then stopped and retreated to Yun Feng's side.

Yun Yi, who was extremely embarrassed, flew in front of Yun Feng, his eyes were fierce, his face was grim, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Bai Zhen, you will regret it!"

Yun Feng sneered and said, "Old Qi, you don't need to mix things up here next."

After all, Yun Feng looked at the men behind him, and said, "Go!"


Returning to the place where he lived before, Yun Feng found Lin Hao alone again, and said, "Bai Zhen, tell the details of the matter!"

Lin Hao had already thought about it, and said, "In some cases, Zhou Ping and Liu Xi know about it. I believe they have already told you.

As for Xu Bin's attack on me, I had already taken precautions, so I escaped.

After Xu Bin detonated the meteorite mica mine, the blood fog in the mine tunnel became even more weird. I felt that if this time was unsuccessful, it would be more difficult next, so I immediately took control of the formation. , Arranged one by one.

Unfortunately, after all, some of the formations have been lost. "

Yun Feng said: "You are very sorry for your life, but after Xu Bin failed to attack you, you ventured into the bottom of the mine alone. Why?"

"Yun Yi wants to kill me, but you don't trust me, do you? You keep Zhou Ping and Liu Xi staring at me. In order to protect myself, I can only take risks. Only if I prove my worth, you will keep me. Yun Yi didn't have the opportunity to shoot at me again." Lin Hao said.

Yun Feng didn't speak, his eyes were like two sharp swords. After a while, Yun Feng smiled and said: "This matter, you did a good job. Yun Yi can no longer intervene in this matter, and you have also proved your own. True value.

On the side of our Tianyun Divine Department, we are already preparing the formation again. You should heal your injury first, and after the injury is healed, you will be responsible for arranging these formations in place.

When things are done, you will gain my true trust and become my confidant, and you will also become the commander of the Heavenly Clouds Divine Tribe. If in the future, if I can be in charge of the Heavenly Cloud Divine Tribe, you will have the highest status! "

Lin Hao's eyes flickered and he moved!

Yun Feng saw all this in his eyes, and an imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He had personally tested this Bai Zhen before, and even if he didn't find any problems, he was still worried.

But now, he feels that he has truly understood Bai Zhen.

It's a pity, but there is a strong force, as long as there is a chance, I dare to fight, and I am extremely eager to prove it and want to be in position!

A guy with this personality has his own way of controlling.

"By the way, when you entered the bottom of the source of the gods, did you find anything unusual?" Yun Feng asked.

Lin Hao said, "It seems to have a pair of eyes, staring at me all the time. With my strength, I can't detect or dare to investigate."

Yun Feng stopped asking, waved his hand and left some magical medicine, and said, "Recover well."


The next day.

The result of Yun Yi's disposal reached Lin Hao's ears.

Because of his special status, he is also the seventh son of Yunyang Tian, ​​the lord of the Tianyun Divine Tribe, so he has not been severely punished for the time being, but he was also strictly forbidden by the five great God Kings of the Tianyun Divine Tribe who sits in the blood mist swamp. He again participated in the abandonment of the source of the gods, and only allowed Yun Yi to command the army of the Tianyun God's Ministry and conduct patrols in the outer area of ​​the blood mist swamp.

Rested for ten days.

The Tianyun Divine Tribe prepared a brand new formation, and handed it over to Lin Hao to once again enter the abandoned **** source stone vein.

Zhou Ping, Liu Xi, and the Celestial God Realm warrior who survived last time will follow Lin Hao.

When they were about to enter the cave.

Suddenly, there was a huge explosion, spreading above the blood mist swamp!

Immediately afterwards, the breath of the five **** kings sitting in the blood mist swamp erupted.

Because there was a large array of barriers, it was impossible to see the specific situation, but Lin Hao guessed it.

Shiba, here comes!

The battle was very dynamic, and the large array covering the blood mist swamp was affected.

However, the battle soon stopped.

Yun Feng frowned and said, "Bai Zhen, handle this matter as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

Zhou Ping and Liu Xi are doing their best to assist Bai Zhen to complete the layout. I am here to wait for you to come out to celebrate your achievements.

set off! "

Obviously, Yun Feng was already anxious.

If these formations were not placed in place, their Heavenly Cloud God Department spent so much effort in the Bloodmist Marsh, and finally they all emptied the bamboo basket!

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