Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1991: Kill Hell

The first thousand and ninety-one chapters kill the underworld

The human sword **** palace, Zhuo Tian is named after the sword king, in fact, it does not mean the king of the sword, but the same as the former lord of the reincarnation palace Mu Wushen, and the strongest sword **** Zhang Mieshen.

The meaning of the sword king is the sword sword **** king!

In the long years before Lin Hao's rise, Zhuo Tian was one of the people who killed the gods of the Protoss the most in the next three days.

The sword of the sword king is unparalleled in power, and it is blessed by the bronze sword obtained from the ruins, and it is even more sharp!

Lin Hao used the wings of the Kunpeng Supreme Law to cut off all the perceptions of the three great kings of the Witch tribe, led by Hell.

The sword of the sword king Zhuotian took advantage of the trend.


Sword God King!


The sound of the body of the strong **** king and the explosion of the original world sounded.

The world is shaking!

The sky-shielding wings that Lin Hao displayed had already disappeared at this moment.

Of the three great kings of the Wu clan, only one **** remains.

Two of them have died under the joint offensive of Lin Hao and Sword King Zhuotian.

Hell was covered in blood, miserable and embarrassed, with a tiger-headed figure dangling on its body, with thunder shining, and with the speed of thunder, fleeing towards the distance.

At a critical moment, **** used the sacrificial secret technique to draw down the powerful power of the ancestor witch to protect himself, if not, he would have already been wiped out.

"Senior Sword King, leave this to me!"

Lin Hao yelled softly, and Kunpeng quickly spread out, and pursued towards the underworld.

The sword king Zhuotian flashed his figure and rushed towards the area where Yang Guang was located, assisting Yang Guang in suppressing the four **** kings including Yang Yan of the Tianyang Divine Tribe.


"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of explosions shook the world and kept emitting.

As one of the powers of the seven-star ancient shrine of the Witch Clan, Hell was injured too severely. Even with the blessing of the ancestor witch's strong and good power, he no longer has the strength to compete with Lin Hao, and flees desperately like a bereaved dog.

But Lin Hao's Kunpeng was extremely fast and unparalleled in speed, always following closely behind him, and his sword moves kept cutting out.

Lin Hao's consumption was also very high after using the Sky Covering Wings once, but compared to the severely injured state of Hell, Lin Hao's consumption was nothing!

What's more, the half-step supreme body has extremely terrifying resilience.

If Hell chose to confront Lin Hao at the beginning, even if he was seriously injured, he was still the cultivation base of the top **** king, plus the strong blessing of the ancestor witch, he might not lose.

But Hell Prison had been frightened by the offensive jointly by Lin Hao and Sword King Zhuo Tian, ​​and he dared not stay here at all, just thinking of fleeing.

In the process of pursuing and pursuing, the power consumed by Lin Hao was recovering at an extremely obvious speed, and he kept attacking the escaped hell.

Hell, the more fleeing, the weaker.

Lin Hao is recovering quickly.

One ebb and flow.

Lin Hao shouted, a sword pierced out, thousands of sword auras, followed the tip of the sword, whistling out, and in an instant, formed a true martial sword formation, trapping the Wu Clan in the dark prison of the sword formation.

The power of the Zhenwu Sword Formation has also skyrocketed as Lin Hao's cultivation reached the realm of God King.

The badly wounded and weak Wu Clan Hell, trapped in the sword formation, roared angrily. The phantom of the strong and good ancestor witch on his body burst out with a thunder light that seemed to destroy the world, smashing the true martial sword formation.

Hell broke out, but paid a huge price.

A large number of wounds have been added to his body again, and the phantom of the powerful ancestor witch has completely dissipated just now when the formation was broken.

Lin Hao sneered: "Hell, you can't escape!"

After the words fell, Lin Hao had already appeared behind the dark prison, swept across with a sword, and huge wings appeared on both sides of the sword.

Hell's eyes are cracking.

This was the trick just now, blocking all their perceptions and cutting off their control of power...

However, he also probably guessed that after Lin Hao performed this trick, he himself needed to maintain the power of this trick. If there were no helpers around, this trick would actually not have too strong lethality.


Hell guessed wrong.

Lin Hao's sword was not the sky-shielding wings of the Kunpeng Supreme Technique at all. The huge wings that appeared on both sides of the divine sword were actually evolved from the power of the moon and the sun.

This sword is the Taiyin Secret Art of Kunpeng Supreme Law, the Taiyin Sun Sword formed by combining the Sun Secret Art with Lin Hao's own swords!

On one side of the wings, the power of the yin gathers, freezing and obliterating everything.

On one side of the wings, the power of the sun gathers and burns everything.

This sword fell on the underworld, and the physical body and the original world of the underworld suffered a devastating blow.


With a screaming scream, only a ray of remnant soul was left to escape from the underworld.

At this time, Hell had realized that he had no chance of life, and this strand of remnant soul would no longer escape, and completely gave up.

"Lin Hao, you are against our Seven-Star Ancient Shrine everywhere. We Witch Clan will never let you go. One day, our Witch Clan will take off your skin as a cushion, take your flesh and blood into your abdomen, and tear you apart. Bones are weapons, and drawing your soul will make you fall into endless torture."

The remnant soul of the underworld, the sound it made was full of despair and hatred towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao snorted coldly, with a look of disdain, and said: "The Seven-Star Ancient Shrine was calculated by me and cut my divine way. I want to start liquidating this account. You are the third one!"

The seven masters of the Seven-Star Ancient Temple, the first to die, was Yin Wuxin, who died under Lin Hao's calculations.

The second one is Yuan Xiao, the Wu Clan, who died in the battle that Lin Hao used to use the power of Chaos in the Heavenly Realm before.

The current Hell is the third one!

There are four palace owners left in the Seven-Star Ancient Temple, and then Lin Hao's goal!

Looking at Lin Hao, the remnant soul of the underworld, he felt an indescribable sharp aura from Lin Hao.

The remnant soul of Hell suddenly trembled, and could no longer contain the fear and panic.

He has an ominous hunch that the ancient seven-star witch palace will be completely destroyed by Lin Hao!

Since Lin Hao entered the next three days, their Wu clan has never had a smooth life.

Every time I act, I fail because of Lin Hao...

As long as he shows up, Lin Hao's strong resistance will come!

At this time, Lin Hao did not delay any more time, he cut out with a single sword, strangling the remnants of the underworld!


at this time.

The sword king Zhuo Tian dragged the two ordinary **** king powerhouses of the Tianyang Divine Department. He used to cooperate with Lin Hao's secret art of covering the sky to kill the witch **** king's sword, and the cost was extremely huge.

Now that the two ordinary **** kings holding the Tianyang Divine Tribe are already somewhat reluctant.

However, Yang Guang's aura was at its peak, his fists wearing bronze gloves were extremely fierce.


An ordinary **** king that hit with a punch exploded into blood mist, and then Yang Guang's offensive, like a violent storm, fell on Yang Yan, the second strongest of the Tianyang Divine Department.

"Boom boom boom!"

Yang Yan's body burst, the original world burst, and the soul burst!

Yang Guang was full of vigor, and the six reincarnation fists unfolded, completely obliterating the traces left by Yang Yan!

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