Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1997: Ruins open

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven chapters open

Lin Hao winked at the third senior brother Yang Guang.

Yang Guang immediately returned to normal, behaving like everyone, with a solemn expression.

"Qin Junxuan, why is there still life in the deserted ancient ruins?" Li Jun had a trace of fear on his face.

The deserted ancient ruins are mysterious places that have been preserved in the ages longer than the First God Era, and there are still life inside, which is really incredible.

Qin Junxuan furrowed his brows and said, "There are records in some ancient books of our temple, and there are guardians in some ancient ruins.

But for a long time, the desolate ancient relics where the guardian can appear have appeared in the first three days, the next three days and the middle three days, and they have never appeared.

And the deserted ancient ruins where the guardians have appeared, all have incredible treasures!

The guardian is not necessarily a life, it may also be a remnant body with only obsession, or a similar life created by special means! "

Li Junyi's gaze shifted, and he didn't say more.

Humans, Protoss, and Promise Immortal Sect's **** king powerhouse, during the period when the deserted ancient ruins were not fully opened, all restrained the idea of ​​shooting at each other in their hearts.

A full half day passed.

The broken bronze door floating in the air finally stopped shaking.

In the void area behind the bronze gate, a mysterious force rolled over. Then, there were sky and earth, mountains and ridges, and rivers and waters.


Qin Junxuan yelled, and immediately led his subordinate **** king, rushing towards the heaven and earth emerging behind the bronze gate.

Li Junyi didn't hesitate, and the **** king of the Promise Xianzong rushed to the deserted ancient ruins that had been opened at the fastest speed.

On the Terran side, the sword king Zhuotian, the God of War Yang Guang, and Lin Hao and Li Junxin are not slow.

And Lin Hao, who mastered the speed of Kunpeng, was naturally the fastest, and was the first to rush into the deserted ancient ruins.


A gun shadow carrying a terrorist force burst at Lin Hao.

Lin Hao snorted coldly, and his figure flashed before avoiding the blow.

Protoss Qin Junxuan shouted: "Kill!"

But before Qin Junxuan led his subordinates to kill Lin Hao, the sound of swords sounded around them, and the sword king Zhuo Tian had arrived with a bronze sword in his hand. He swung his sword, and the light of the blue sword shone.

The power of the bronze artifact is no secret. In addition, Zhuotian, the sword king of the human race, is already powerful. The **** kings of the protoss suddenly became flustered and immediately retracted the offensive that was about to be launched against Lin Hao, using defensive methods to protect themselves.

The vicinity of the first-class **** king Li Jun of Promise Immortal Sect, at this moment, has also been overwhelmed by the fist marks all over the sky.


With roars, Ouyang Zhan, the top **** king of Promise Xianzong, coughed up blood.

"Lao Tzu has said that once I see you, I will clean up you once!" Yang Guang's laughter sounded, turning into a ten-thousand-foot-tall body, with bronze gloves in his hands, the supreme combat body and the power of the reincarnation scripture unified. With six reincarnation fists, the burst of power presents the strongest posture!

"Follow the previous plan!"

Qin Junxuan yelled, and immediately, the two top **** kings of the Protoss race, plus three ordinary **** kings, immediately launched the most powerful genius, the bright light, the five **** kings, and successfully contained the sword king Zhuotian.

Li Junyi has also ordered that Ouyang Zhan and Xu Can, the two top **** kings, led three ordinary **** kings of the Promise Immortal Sect to restrain Yang Guang.

Zhuo Tian, ​​the sword king with a bronze artifact in his hand, and Yang Guang from the God of War Palace, can remain undefeated with one enemy three or three top **** kings.

At present, the Protoss still has the Promise Immortal Sect. Although there are not so many top **** kings, the number of ordinary **** kings makes up for the lack of top **** kings.

Sword King Zhuotian and Yang Guang also didn't want to get away for a while.

Qin Junxuan and Li Junyi each led a **** king to kill Lin Hao.


A figure flickered, and the holy light flickered. Li Junxin, who possessed the tenth-order Saint Soul Body, stopped Li Junyi of Promise Xianzong and another ordinary god.

"Li Junxin, get out of me!" Li Jun looked at his half-brother, unceremoniously, killing intent surging.

Li Jun's heart remained unmoved, and said: "Li Junyi, you make mistakes again and again. If you continue, if you seek your own death, you will harm the sect and even the entire Primordial Land!"

"What qualifications do you have to say to me? Li Junxin, since you're obsessed with not realizing it, then take it to death!" Li Jun shouted and immediately launched a strong attack on Li Junxin.

Li Junyi possesses the double cultivation base of the Divine King Realm, and Li Junyi also has a powerhouse with the fivefold cultivation base of the Promise Xianzong Divine King Realm.

As for Li Junxin, he had first entered the realm of the **** king. Although he had a tenth-order saint spirit body, he could not take advantage, but Li Junxin's fighting style also carried a touch of determination.

Since in the long river of years in the battlefield of ten thousand races, Li Junxin has seen a different path through Lin Hao. He has changed himself, got a transformation, and his fighting style has also changed.

At this moment, Qin Junxuan had already rushed to Lin Hao. This Tianjiao from the Protoss three days ago, his cultivation realm was stronger than Li Junyi of the Promise Immortal Sect, and the God King realm was threefold.

And the **** king next to Qin Junxuan is the fifth level cultivation base of the **** king realm!

"Lin Hao, you have caused our protoss to suffer big losses time and time again. This time, I don't believe you can reverse everything!" Qin Junxuan shouted coldly.

Lin Hao already held the divine sword that Wan Yanzhu had transformed, with a calm expression, and said: "If you have any hole cards, you can take out all of them, and I will let you see with your own eyes how all this is reversed by me. of!"

There was a complex change in Qin Junxuan's expression. He guessed in his heart, did Lin Hao know that Ling Feiyu was controlled by him?

However, he quickly ruled out this possibility. For the next three days, only he himself knew about Ling Feiyu's affairs. The temple master didn't know about it. He had mentioned it to Li Jun before, but he never knew it. Never told Li Jun the truth.

"To kill you, I naturally prepared some trump cards!" Qin Junxuan sneered, and then a great tripod appeared in his hand!

Seeing this great tripod, Lin Hao had a hint of disdain in his eyes.

This is the most powerful artifact of the Protoss, a projection of the mother of all things.

Qin Junxuan also had such a ray of projection during the years on the battlefield of ten thousand races, but in the end he fulfilled Lin Hao.

"Very familiar, right?" Qin Junxuan's expression was a bit sullen, and said: "However, this time, it will never be the same as last time!"

The reason why Ling Feiyu was not moved out in the first time was because it took a while to open Lin Hao’s state of mind. Now the Human Sword King Zhuotian and the God of War Yang Guang are nearby. Once they find something is wrong, I’m afraid they will use it. Desperate way to support.

In order to be foolproof, Qin Junxuan had to leave Lin Hao in a state of isolation and helplessness before Ling Feiyu could appear, stimulate Lin Hao's mental deficiencies, and complete the kill.

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