Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 2000: Weirdly powerful

The two thousandth chapter is strangely powerful

Qin Junxuan is waiting for Ling Feiyu's arrival, but before that, it doesn't mean that he won't do it.

Ling Feiyu’s appearance is indeed the most powerful killer against Lin Hao, but he also needs to be surprised to maximize the effect. Therefore, Qin Junxuan once again urged the projection of the gods’ strongest artifact, the mother of all things, and carried Huang Huangzhi. Wei, attacked Lin Hao.

The huge tripod hung down a series of powerful and mysterious auras to protect Qin Junxuan's body. At the same time, there was a wisp of aura that gathered in the palm of Qin Junxuan's hand, combined with Qin Junxuan's Protoss secret arts, and burst out extremely terrifying lethality. .

Lin Hao swung his sword out and fought Qin Junxuan.

Even though Qin Junxuan had a ray of projection protection from the mother of all things Qi Ding, he could not completely block Lin Hao's offensive, and he was chopped by the sword and flying in the air.

Qin Junxuan's five-tier powerhouse of the Divine King Realm, holding a long needle with a bronze artifact, constantly looking for opportunities to shoot, caused a lot of trouble to Lin Hao. If it weren't for this, Qin Junxuan would have been killed long ago.

Inside the bronze altar shrouded in cyan light.

The fat man was depressed for a while.

He heard movement outside.

But no matter how he shouted, there was no response from outside.

Obviously, everything about him was imprisoned on this altar.

"Brother Lin, it's not that Fatty didn't help you, he really couldn't get out." Fatty looked helpless, and then said again: "Sure enough, Fatty said when he was in the real martial arts world, there is nothing good about meeting you. .

This time Fatty suffered in this ghost place, because he wanted to join you again, Brother Lin, you were born to overcome Fatty me!

Hey, having said that, but you guys are still good to Fat Master, and I can tolerate Fat Master and don't care about you. "

The fat man was talking to himself, anyway, he can't do anything now, he can only listen to the fighting from outside, and he can't be in a hurry. It's better to talk to himself.


at this time.

Human Sword King Zhuo Tian, ​​War God Palace Yang Guang, and Promise Immortal Sect Li Junxin are still fighting hard.

The sword king Zhuo Tian and the **** of war Yang Guang, with bronzes in their hands, soared in strength.

But they all need to face two top **** kings and three ordinary **** kings, and it is difficult to play an advantage.

Especially, Lin Hao had already left and didn't know where he was going, which made Zhuo Tian and Yang Guang anxious.

As for Li Junxin of Promise Xianzong, the situation is not very good either.

Li Junyi and Wuji Xianzong, a **** king, joined forces to besieged. Li Jun's heart was wounded and he was already in decline.

Once Li Jun lost his heart.

Then, Li Junyi and a **** king of the Promise Xianzong can free their hands. Whether it is joining the battle against Sword King Zhuo Tian or War God Palace Yang Guang, or against Fu Lin Hao, it will have a serious impact on the battle.

"Li Junxin, what about the Holy Spirit Body? If you choose the wrong one, then you are doomed to fail!"

Li Jun drank, proud and arrogant.

Li Jun said in his heart: "It's not you who have the final say."

While speaking, the holy light on Li Jun's heart began to burn, and his strength soared.

"Hmph, burning the source, I want to see how long you can hold on!"

Li Jun didn't worry about it, he had a chance to win.

The fighting in the three battlefields was extremely fierce.

The strong on all sides in the battle tried their best, but no one noticed that a figure with a body like dry wood and withered yellow hair appeared near the battlefield.

This figure floated in the air, without a trace of breath, as if it didn't exist at all.

His eyes were empty, like two emptiness, without a trace of light.

He watched the battle and said lightly: "Here, it shouldn't be so messy!"

When the voice fell, he stepped out and appeared on the battlefield where Li Junyi and Li Junxin were, and patted a lightly palm.


Li Junxin, who burned the origin of the saint soul body, was slapped and flew out of the ancient ruins.

Li Jun looked happy, thinking that this was the killer trick arranged by Protoss Qin Junxuan, and he secretly said in his heart that he was really powerful, and he immediately shouted: "Kill the two fellows of Human Race first, and then join Qin Junxuan to kill Lin Hao!"

However, just as Li Junyi had just said what he said, the figure appeared in front of him silently.

"Get out!"

When the voice fell, Li Junyi's neck was grabbed by a skinny palm, and he was thrown out like a chicken without any resistance.

Joining forces with Li Junyi to deal with Li Junxin's Promise Xianzong, the **** king powerhouse, naturally ended up in the same way and was swept away by the slap.

Suddenly, there was no movement in a battlefield.

Sword King Zhuotian, as well as Yang Guang from the God of War Palace, the **** king powerhouse of the Protoss and the Promise Immortal Sect, naturally noticed.

They stopped in unison, looking far away, frowning.

Only a strange figure remained in the area where Li Junyi and Li Junxin were fighting.

The reason why it is said to be weird is because this figure has no aura at all, and there is no fluctuation in power, and it is impossible to judge which side he belongs to.

They can all be sure that this figure must have taken action just now, otherwise, Li Junyi and Li Junxin will not disappear for no reason, but just now, they did not notice any abnormal power fluctuations.

It means that even if this weird figure is shot, there is no power to radiate.

is it possible?

Beyond the existence of the **** king realm, even if the **** king is strong, he will definitely not be able to silently suppress the three **** kings, at least he must be a **** king level.

But here are the next three days.

Even if this deserted ancient relic is special, but it is also located in the next three days, it must be restricted by the rules of the next three days, and there can be no power beyond the **** king.

The strange figure stepped out in one step, still silent, and came to the middle of the confrontation between the two sides.

"Life in the ancient ruins!"

At this moment, the sword king Zhuo Tian, ​​as well as the **** king experts of the Protoss and the Promise Immortal Sect, all thought of this answer.

When they were outside the bronze gate, they heard a voice coming from the deserted ancient ruins. The owner of that voice was probably this one.

Yang Guang felt a little strange.

He was 80% sure of the sound he heard before, and he could be sure that it was the fat man who stole the sky. Now that the fat man did not appear, he ran out of such a guy. It was too wrong.

"Senior, I didn't mean anything to wait." Sword King Zhuotian bowed and said.

The weird figure stared at the bronze sword in the hands of the sword king Zhuo Tian, ​​and then at the bronze glove in Yang Guang's hand.

The **** clan and the **** king powerhouse of the Promise Immortal Sect suddenly felt that the opportunity had come and hurriedly said: "Senior, they came here specifically to seize the bronze artifacts here. We are just to stop them."

Yang Guang immediately scolded: "Stop the **** nonsense!"

The strange figure opened his mouth, and said with a hoarse voice: "Bronzeware, those who are predestined will get it."

Yang Guang breathed a sigh of relief immediately. He had a good head, but he also knew that the life in the deserted ancient ruins before him could not be offended. Just now, he was really worried that this guy would have done something to him and the sword king Zhuotian because of the bronze artifact.

"Have you heard? The predecessors said, those who are predestined will get it, you don't want to be there!" Yang Guang exclaimed proudly.


The strange figure said, the next moment, a slap was shot, and the silent palm contained an extremely terrifying power. Yang Guang screamed and was beaten into flight. Sword King Zhuotian was not spared.

"And you, get out too!"

The weird figure said, and then bangs continued.

The ten **** kings of the Protoss and the Promise Immortal Sect, none of them had the power to fight back, they were thrown out like rubbish.

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