Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 2006: Connect the two worlds

Chapter 206 Connecting Two Realms

Behind the bronze gate, a vast expanse of heaven and earth appeared.

The fat man next to the bronze door let out a scream and was swept toward that piece of heaven and earth.

"Brother Lin, save me!"

The fat man's voice came from that piece of heaven and earth.

Lin Hao used Kunpeng to speed, rushed over, but still had no time, the world disappeared.

Following this, the bronze gate cut through this deserted ancient relic and disappeared without a trace.


The ancient ruins were completely shattered, the storm swept through, and Lin Hao braced his divine power to protect himself and rushed out of the storm.


"Jun Xuan... just now that was..."

At this time, the five-tier powerhouse of the Protoss and Divine King Realm who followed Qin Junxuan's face was full of shock.

Qin Junxuan gritted his teeth and said, "Tai Xiaotian!"

The next three days are Shenxiaotian, Qingxiaotian, and Bixiaotian.

The middle three days are Danxiaotian, Jingxiaotian, and Yuxiaotian.

The last three days are Zhenxiaotian, Zixiaotian, and Taixiaotian.

Qin Junxuan himself came from the last three days, so he is very familiar with the breath of the last three days!

Just now, before the ancient ruins were shattered, he saw a special world, and in that special world, there was the breath of the heavens!

After Qin Junxuan's subordinates of the five layers of the Divine King Realm learned the truth, he was shocked and speechless.

The upper three days, the middle three days, and the next three days are separated by extremely powerful rules that cannot be broken.

But they saw the three-day Qingxiaotian in the next three days, and at that moment, Qingxiaotian actually got through with the Taixiaotian.

This scene is incredible.

Qin Junxuan looked solemn and said, "The matter of this desolate ancient relic is beyond our control. I have to go back three days to figure it out!"

Before the ancient ruins shattered, they were beaten by Lin Hao and fled in embarrassment, so they didn't know what was going on.

Just as Qin Junxuan was about to leave, the space around them split.


A sword light slashed out.

Unprepared, Qin Junxuan's body was split in half.

The five-tiered God King of the God Race, immediately guarded Qin Junxuan, staring at the cracked space with full guard.

Lin Hao stepped out.

At this moment, Lin Hao's heart was equally shocked.

He heard what Qin Junxuan said just now.

The bronze gate can actually open a path in Qingxiaotian, leading to Taixiaotian!

This is incredible, the fat man was sent to the sky by the bronze door!

"Lin Hao, what on earth did you do in the deserted ancient ruins?" Qin Junxuan reunited in his body and roared.

Although the two halves of his body were gathered together, where they could be split, the flesh and blood couldn't be connected. They were blocked by the remaining sharp sword energy, and they looked very strange.

"You are not qualified to know."

Lin Hao let out a low cry and slew towards Qin Junxuan.

The bronze door matter is too important.

If it were passed on by Qin Junxuan, the Protoss would probably be crazy. In Lin Hao's view, the secret of the bronze gate was even as important as Wan Yanzhu and must not be revealed.

"Junxuan, you first withdraw!"

The five-tiered powerhouse of the Protoss Kingdom stopped Lin Hao's attack and wanted time to evacuate Qin Junxuan.

Qin Junxuan did not hesitate, and immediately fled from here at the fastest speed.


The heavens and the earth shook, and Kunpeng appeared. In the divine sword Wan Yanzhu transformed, the power of the moon and the power of the sun converged, and the huge wings cracked the body of the five-tier powerhouse of the Protoss Divine King Realm who was blocking Lin Hao.

Immediately afterwards, within Lin Hao, a mighty dragon roar resounded.

The spirit and will of the beaten and cracked powerhouse, the Protoss, instantly suffered a powerful impact.

In addition to the Kunpeng phantom, Lin Hao has a real dragon phantom.

The real dragon is hovering and powerful, not weaker than Kunpeng.

The dragon clan's supreme mastery, the true dragon supreme technique, was also displayed by Lin Hao at this moment. The dragon chant just now was the secret technique of the true dragon supreme technique, Long Yin Nine Heavens!

The secret techniques of the two supreme methods exploded at the same time, and Lin Hao rushed past with the most powerful posture.

The Protoss who resisted Lin Hao and fought for Qin Junxuan to escape time was wiped out.

Immediately afterwards, the traces of the True Dragon Supreme Law disappeared. After all, this Supreme Law cannot be known to the Dragon Clan for the time being, otherwise there will be trouble.

It can only be used in some very critical moments.

Keeping the secret of the bronze gate is very urgent.

Qin Junxuan, who flees madly, still has serious injuries on his body. Naturally, he is not faster than Lin Hao, and Lin Hao catches up in a moment.

"Lin Hao, don't you want to kill me!"

Qin Junxuan roared with a decisive expression, raised his hand and shot a divine light. In the divine light, there were powerful divine soldiers rising and falling, and then the divine weapons detonated!

Lin Hao forcibly carried the devastating storm caused by the detonation of the gods, rushed out of the storm and smashed to Qin Junxuan's side.

"Ah, I can't die!"

Qin Junxuan's voice was full of unwillingness.

"You are destined to fall today!"

Lin Hao drank and took out the sword again, the mighty sword aura whistled, the formation of the true martial sword formation, drowned Qin Junxuan.

Not long.

Qin Junxuan turned into powder and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Lin Hao's figure flashed, and he quickly shuttled around the world, releasing his mental power to the maximum.

After the ancient ruins were shattered, not only Qin Junxuan escaped, but Ling Feiyu, who cooperated with the extraterritorial celestial demon, must also escape.

However, Lin Hao searched for a long time and never found any trace of Ling Feiyu.

To kill Ling Feiyu, he was not worried that Ling Feiyu would pose any threat to his martial arts path. Lin Hao had already solved the problem of his state of mind.

It was just because Ling Feiyu was about to unite with the extraterritorial demon. If it is not solved now, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble in the future.

Expanding the scope and continuing to search, still no results.

Obviously, Ling Feiyu had completely escaped.


"Bronze door, where did it go?" Lin Hao muttered to himself. He couldn't sense where the bronze door was.

Immediately, he took out the Heavenly Gate Order, thinking that perhaps he could find some clues from the Heavenly Gate Order.

Just after Lin Hao's spiritual power covered the Tianmen Ling, the Tianmen Ling instantly turned into a stream of light, rushing into the center of his eyebrows, and into the sea of ​​his soul consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao sensed the disappearing bronze door.

The bronze door stands in a void of space, with nothing around it.

And Lin Hao also felt that he seemed to be able to mobilize the bronze gate, and his power could be transmitted to the bronze gate through the heavenly gate order.

Tried for a while.

In Lin Hao's perception, the bronze door was shaken by his own power, and began to wander in the void of heaven and earth.

"I can't take it back, my strength is not enough!" Lin Hao said to himself.

In this case, the collection of bronze doors can only be set aside for the time being.

"The bronze gate can connect Qingxiaotian and Taixiaotian, and the name of this bronze gate is called Tianmen."

"The artifact that Lu Yi once built is also called the Tianmen, which can connect the Zhenwu realm with the Shenxiao Heaven Realm."

"This is definitely not a coincidence, Lu Yi, it must be related to the bronze door!"

"Could it be that Lu Yi is not only a member of the Nine Channels of Reincarnation, but also the so-called Gatekeeper of the Heavenly Gate?"

"Tianmen, what exactly is it?"

"What is the meaning of the gatekeeper?"

"Lu Yi, it is very likely that he is still alive!"

Countless doubts and guesses quickly passed through Lin Hao's mind.

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