Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 2039: overall enhancement

The 2039th chapter comprehensive promotion

At this moment, the sky above the Temple of War.

Two beams of light penetrate the sky and stir the void!

And these two beams came from... Lin Hao's eyes!

Just now, he finally combined his own situation, refined the power plundered from the Supreme Eye Envoy, and transformed into his Supreme Eye!

Huo Cang and Nie Ru stood beside Lin Hao. They looked at the beam of light that burst out of Lin Hao's eyes, and they felt a palpitating feeling.

Powerful as Huo Cang, he smiled and said with emotion: "In the future, the younger brother will look at me, I am afraid that my original world will be seen through!"

After a while.

The two rays of light dissipated.

Lin Hao's eyes were clear, unlike just before, blinded by the gray power.

"Little Junior Brother, this is... Supreme Pupil?" Nie Ru had already guessed it, but he still asked, she was too shocked and too excited.

How powerful the Supreme Hitomi was, they had already felt it deeply when they fought against the eyes.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "It is indeed the Supreme Eye, but it is not the same as the Venerable Eye Envoy. It is not as capable as the Eye Envoy, but it suits me best!

The supreme pupil of the eye envoy is mainly the power directly bestowed by the supreme of the supreme hall. It is more like an artifact in nature. The eye envoy is only responsible for stimulating the power and inspiring the power of the supreme pupil.

And Lin Hao's supreme pupil is completely in line with him. Although at present, his ability is relatively single, he has unlimited possibilities and potentials. These potentials will be gradually tapped as Lin Hao's cultivation level improves!

In addition.

Lin Hao has another great harvest!

The tenth-tier Zhenwu combat body, once again took a step forward!

His eyes morphed into the supreme pupil, and his physical body was also fed back by the supreme pupil.

Of course, no matter how special his true martial body is, the previous tenth-order true martial body is equivalent to the half-step supreme body, and now it has taken a step, it is still far from the real supreme body's tyrannical.

Better than before.

But it still belongs to the tenth-order true martial arts body, still equivalent to the half-step supreme body.

Want to truly transform into the supreme body, this road is still very long!

"Little Junior Brother, don't disclose this matter for now." Huo Cang said.

Just now, the transformation of Lin Hao's supreme pupil was completed. Although two powerful gazes erupted, no one knew about it except the War God Palace.

Recently, because of dealing with the envoys, outsiders are forbidden to enter the palace of the God of War for a million miles.

The reason why Huo Cang proposed to keep it secret was naturally because of Lin Hao's special status. The Protoss and Witches wanted to kill Lin Hao, and there must be some strong people who wanted to kill Lin Hao.

Therefore, Lin Hao has more hole cards that the enemy doesn't know, which is the key to reversing the tide!

Lin Hao nodded, and said: "Big Brother, Second Sister, after transforming into the Supreme Pupil, my cultivation level has also improved. I will go to retreat now to hit the realm!"


Re-enter the practice room to close.

More than two months passed.

The two original worlds in Lin Hao roared and expanded rapidly, becoming more stable and firm!

His cultivation base broke through another realm and stepped into the fifth stage of the Divine King Realm!

There is no rush to leave the customs. If there is news from the three envoys of the Supreme Palace, someone will inform them. Now everything is calm, Lin Hao takes advantage of this time to understand his Supreme Pupil!

His supreme pupil, even if he doesn't urge special abilities, he can see everything very clearly in normal times.

This kind of clarity does not refer to the appearance, but the essence!

The flow of power changes, the surging of rules...

When Lin Hao's body, the true meaning of Kunpeng Supreme Dharma and True Dragon Supreme Dharma emerged, he looked at the Kunpeng phantom and the true dragon phantom, and saw more changes.

For the cultivation of these two supreme methods, it also has a strong amplification effect.

Afterwards, Lin Hao pointed out a sword gas.

This sword aura contains all the mysteries of the Wuji Xianzong’s original combat skills, the Wuji Heavenly Sword. Under Lin Hao’s supreme pupils, his understanding of the Wuji Heavenly Sword has been further deepened, and at the same time, he is creating a source suitable for human inheritance. Combat skills, confidence rises!

It was another month later that Lin Hao left the customs and then met Nie Ru. Only then did he learn that his big brother Huo Cang had returned to the Qingxiao Heaven Realm to defend the human race.

And during his retreat, the Demon Suppressing Army in the Heavenly Realm of Gods, it can be said that they have all the limelight.

Shi Po, Zhao Tianji, divided the Demon Squad Army into two teams, each led a team, and went out personally, fighting against the hidden extraterrestrial demon in the heavens of the gods in embarrassment!

As for the news of the Three Envoys of the Supreme Palace, there is still no news.

No clue was found on the blue sky heaven, nor did the human race send to the blue sky heaven.

Lin Hao came to the place where his parents lived.

Lin Zhentian and Qin Yun are all aware of what happened recently.

They worry about Lin Hao, but they also support Lin Hao, unconditionally!

After spending a day with his parents, only at this time can Lin Hao really relax, thinking about nothing, listening to Qin Yun's chatter, and drinking two glasses of divine brew with Lin Zhentian!

The next day, Lin Hao summoned Teng Qingfeng, the only disciple under his seat, in front of him.

The process of accepting Teng Qingfeng as a disciple was a fate. As Lin Hao often fought outside, he seldom asked about Teng Qingfeng's practice. Most of the time, Nie Ru took the lead.

This time, Lin Hao was extremely confident to answer Teng Qingfeng's doubts about his practice, and passed the simplified Promise Heaven Sword to Teng Qingfeng.

This is an entry point.

Under normal circumstances, the Promise Heaven Sword can only be mastered by the powerful **** king who opened up the original world.

But Lin Hao simplified the Promise Heaven Sword with the power of the Supreme Eye. Although its power was reduced a lot, it still had the characteristics of the Promise Heaven Sword.

As for Teng Qingfeng, as a human race, the tribesmen of the Teng clan had survived in a fragmented place of Primordial Origin. They were tainted with some auras very similar to those of innate creatures.

Therefore, the simplified Promise Heaven Sword is very suitable for Teng Qingfeng.

Moreover, Teng Qingfeng's cultivation of the Promise Heavenly Sword can also bring a lot of inspiration for Lin Hao to create the original combat skills belonging to the human race!

Teng Qingfeng's qualifications can only be regarded as average, and his physique is a Tier 5 Jinxing spirit body.

But he worked hard enough!


In less than ten days, Lin Hao's simplified Promise Heaven Sword had already started.

"Master, the disciple is dull, but the disciple will do everything to live up to the high hopes of the master!" Teng Qingfeng worshipped Lin Hao on one knee.

He was grateful to Lin Hao.

It was Lin Hao that gave him the power he has today.

It was Lin Hao, who brought him out of the broken original place.

It was Lin Hao that allowed their entire Teng clan to escape from that barren and desolate place, which could be destroyed at any time!

Lin Hao nodded, a gentle force lifted Teng Qingfeng's kneeling body, and said, "Qingfeng, you have reached the peak of the God Fire Realm. Next, go to the God of War Grinding Plate and change to the Supreme Battle Body!"

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