Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 314: Battle Soul Blood Palace Son

Chapter 314 Fights against the Son of the Soul Blood Palace

Faced with Wei Ying's words, Lin Hao did not respond, still refining energy, hitting the bottleneck of cultivation.

"Huh, it's ridiculous and extremely stupid!" Wei Ying said with a sneer. The next moment, when he pointed out, his shadow unexpectedly escaped from his feet, as if he had life. Swim fast on the ground, came to Lin Hao in the blink of an eye, and then clung to Lin Hao's ankle.

This shadow has a powerful binding force, and at the same time it carries a strong poison that corrodes blood and blood, which is very strange.

Lin Hao gave a cold shout, the power in his body surged, and with a bang, he broke free of Wei Ying's shadow shackles, and stood up in the air.


The Jian Yuan vibrated, making a sound like a sharp sword humming, Lin Hao's cultivation was finally improved again, reaching the fifth level of the Yuan Wang realm!

Wei Ying didn't care about Lin Hao breaking through the shackles of her own shadow. There was contempt in her eyes, and she sneered: "What if you break through to the fifth level of the Yuanwang realm? In front of me, you are just It's just a weak and poor bug. You don't deserve to have the original essence and blood of the battle body. Today, I will capture you back to the Soul Blood Palace and let the palace master take out the original essence and blood of the battle body in your body!"

"Soul Blood Palace?"

Lin Hao looked at Wei Ying with cold eyes. It turned out that the one who had been closely related to his battle body was the number one dark force in the True Martial World!

"Yes, maybe you haven't heard of our Soul Blood Palace at all, but it doesn't matter. Soon, you will be captured by me back to the Soul Blood Palace, and you will know it then." Wei Ying snorted coldly.

"It's just a group of shameless rats who want to capture me back? You think too much!" Lin Hao coldly shouted.

The strength of the Soul Blood Palace was indeed powerful and terrifying, but there was only one person present today.

Lin Hao, with his true eyes on martial arts, has seen through this person's fictitiousness and reality, the Yuanwang realm's seven-fold cultivation base, and his profound strength, is not lost to the Yuanwang realm's five-fold cultivation against the sky!

Think about it, this guy has a very high position in the Soul Blood Palace.

"What a big tone, I really want to see what is it that makes you so arrogant!"

"Remember, I will crush you later and capture you in the Soul Blood Palace. I am called Wei Ying, one of the nine sons of the Soul Blood Palace!"

Wei Ying let out a cold yell, and shot out in an instant, patted out with a palm, the wind whistling with the palm, the power seemed to be overwhelming, the sky collapsed, the huge handprints blasted towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao clenched the Heavenly Mark Sword, the five-tiered cultivation base of the Yuan Wang realm, exploded, using the thunder sword intent to split out with one sword, the sound of thunder lingering, prolonged, flashing electric lights, dazzling and dazzling.


With the power of this sword, Lin Hao broke Wei Ying's grasp.

However, Wei Ying had disappeared. Lin Hao had a thought, and used the Kun Yue sword technique to paint the ground as a prison, and the earth-yellow mask guarded himself.


As soon as the drawing was completed for the prison sword, behind Lin Hao, Wei Ying appeared, a light palm shot out, and it landed on the khaki mask.

The earth-yellow mask protecting Lin Hao shattered instantly, and Lin Hao's body flew out.


Wei Ying sneered, with his toes in the air a little bit, and then quickly chased Lin Hao, both palms shot together, countless palm prints appeared, overwhelming, every palm print, there is the power of breaking the mountains and rivers!

Lin Hao, who was flying upside down, faced Wei Ying's attack, and the Tianhen Sword swept in front of him.


A Tier 6 sword was shot out to form a natal sword formation, both offensive and defensive, and after blocking Wei Ying's attack, he launched a violent and rapid counterattack against Wei Ying.

Lin Hao's natal sword array attacked Wei Ying for several rounds, and finally cut Wei Ying's body into pieces.

Twenty-seven Tier 6 swords flew back to Lin Hao's position, floating around him and spinning.

In another place, a shadow on the ground swam, and finally turned into Wei Ying's body again and stood up.

"Tsk tusk, it seems that Qin Yun not only gave you the essence of the battle body, but also passed the Qin family's sword skills to your hands. You trash, you have some talent for swordsmanship." Wei Ying looked on. Contemptuously, said with a sneer.

"The saint son of the Soul Blood Palace is nothing more than that." Lin Hao coldly snorted without answering Wei Ying's words.

"Don't think that if you block my round of attacks, I have nothing to do with you. Just now, I only used 30% of my power. Even if you completely master the Qin family's kendo inheritance, what about it?"

"In the heyday of your Qin family, in front of our Soul and Blood Palace, you can't stand a blow. Those who were beaten by us did not dare to be born. Even your mother, Qin Yun, who is Qin's parent and daughter, was chased by our Soul and Blood Palace. They flee to the endless sea, and they dare not put a fart!"

Wei Ying spoke one after another, but Lin Hao learned a lot of information in the words. It seems that his mother Qin Yun's background is also very extraordinary. The so-called Qin family behind it was attacked by the first dark force in Zhenwu world. It is already extremely powerful to be able to hide without being destroyed.

Moreover, he finally learned where his mother Qin Yun was going. He was chased by the Soul Blood Palace and fled to the endless sea.

"Thirty percent strength? Even if you use your best, you are nothing under my sword!" Lin Hao coldly snorted.

"Don't be ashamed!" Wei Ying shouted violently, and then shot again. This time, his body turned into countless black shadows, merged into the ground, and dived towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao urged the true eyes of martial arts to the extreme, but only to see the power flow of these black shadows clearly, as to where Wei Ying was hiding, he did not find out.

"Earth Jianbo!"

Lin Hao gave a soft drink, holding the Skymark Sword in both hands, and stabling it towards the ground beneath his feet. The other twenty-seven Tier 6 swords floating around him also pierced the ground.


A strong ripple spread along the ground, shattering the countless black shadows upstream from the ground towards him.

All the black shadows were shattered, and then regrouped into four guards, which appeared in the four directions of Lin Hao. Each figure possessed the powerful power of guards, but Lin Hao knew very well. Of the four figures, none of them is a real satellite!

"Big Black Luo Tianzhang!"

In the next moment, the four guards shouted at the same time and slapped Lin Hao.

Darkness suddenly came, and this palm technique contained a dark mood, the power of darkness, covering everything.

Lin Hao once fought with the young master of Wandumen who mastered the dark mood. Compared with the power of the dark mood mastered by the young man, the power of the dark mood by the young master of Wandumen was insignificant. Very big!

Moreover, the **** Luo Tianzhang displayed by these four satellites is not only the single power of the dark mood, but also contains a kind of power to block the world.

Around Lin Hao, a terrifying sense of oppression suddenly spread, as if to crush his body and soul!

Faced with this huge pressure.

Lin Hao took a deep breath and shouted violently, with a sword piercing the sky suddenly.

The extremely bright sword light flickered.

Light up the darkness of this world.

Deal with the darkness.

The most effective method is naturally light!

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