Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 352: Crazy knife door hands

Chapter 352: Crazy Knife Door Hands

Sure enough, in the end, Shangguan Mingcheng pushed all the problems to Bai Mingyou, who had already been executed. Although no one believed it, they had to believe it!

Because the energy of the Shangguan family is too huge, and the strength of Shangguan Mingcheng is unstoppable in this giant city!

That afternoon, Shangguan Mingcheng left Juque City with the remaining people.

"Brother Lin Hao, although I don't know what you want to do, but if the Shangguan family wants to investigate, it will be easy to find out that Bai Mingyou was killed by you... Even if they will be afraid of others' comments afterwards, they will not treat Juque City. Anyone who does it will definitely come to your trouble." Zhou Tong found Lin Hao, then frowned and said, a little worried about Lin Hao's safety.

Lin Hao smiled and said, "Brother Zhou, I have my own plans for this matter."

"You, you...every time you do something like this. Although I believe you are sure, brother, there will always be mistakes. You have to be careful not to be careless." Zhou Tong exhorted.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Thank you, Brother Zhou, for reminding me that the matter here has been handled, I will return to the Heavenly Cold Sect."

"Well, if there is a problem, I can't solve it by myself, even if I have someone to inform me, although my brother can't help you too much now, but as long as I can do it, I will do my best to help you!" Zhou Tong said .

Subsequently, Zhou Tong personally sent Lin Hao out of Juque City.

On the way back to the Heavenly Cold Sect, it happened to pass through an ironwood forest.

This ironwood forest is a kind of fuel that can be used for alchemy, and it can also be used to build houses, which is a good resource.

Logically speaking, this ironwood forest is now in the sphere of influence of the Heavenly Cold Sect, and there should be people who take care of the mining.

But when Lin Hao passed by, he found no trace of anyone.

He couldn't help feeling a little strange in his heart, so his mental power unfolded, and he searched for a while in this ironwood forest.

Soon, he found the camp where the people who originally guarded the ironwood forest lived.

It's just that the camp was already in tatters, and a **** smell drifted from the camp.

Lin Hao's figure flashed and rushed into the camp. The buildings in the camp were obviously just destroyed, and the traces were still very new. He walked towards a slightly intact wooden house. The strong smell of blood came from the wooden house. In.


With a wave of his hand, the gentle Yuanli pushed open the door of the wooden house, and the scene inside the wooden house clearly appeared in Lin Hao's eyes.

The stump has a broken arm and is piled with the internal organs of the head.

There is not a complete body!

Through the broken clothes of these corpse fragments, it can be seen that these people are all classified into the Heavenly Frost Sect and have become the martial artists of the Heavenly Frost Sect.

The cold light flashed in Lin Hao's eyes. These body fragments were obviously cut and cut by sharp blades bit by bit. Based on the damage traces of this camp, it is easy to infer that the weapon of the assailant was a knife!

But the warrior who uses the sword is obviously going to provoke the Heavenly Cold Sect now, except for the Crazy Sword Gate, no one else dares to have the courage!

"Can't help but do it now? Do you really think that the Wu family is supporting you, so you are so arrogant?" Lin Hao took a deep breath, and then the ten fingers of both hands changed, making a handprint!

Then, in the surrounding area, wisps of breath began to gather.

These breaths were left by the murderers of the Crazy Blade.

The secret technique used by Lin Hao is the one that has been used for a thousand miles to catch breath!

Before using this secret technique, it had a great burden on oneself, and it had to pay no small price, but now with the improvement of strength, using the Thousand Miles Breath-seeking Technique no longer exerted pressure on Lin Hao.

The people from the Crazy Blade Sect, not long after they left here, Lin Hao relied on the tracking ability of the Thousand Miles Breathing Technique to chase away.


"Senior Sister Meng, the front is Yunxi Valley." A warrior of the sixth layer of Yuanwang realm, holding a map in his hand, pointed to a small green circle painted.

On this map, there are four small green circles, but they have all been drawn with a red cross.

Meng Shiyao nodded and said, "This Yunxi Valley is a relatively large mine of profound iron ore. There should be more people guarding it. You will be careful later and destroy the Heavenly Cold Sect in this Yunxi Valley. After the camp, our five goals this time have all been resolved and we can return to the sect."

"Everyone has worked hard in the past two days. After I go back, I will ask the master of the door for credit!

Meng Shiyao said, and then continued to lead the team towards the direction of Yunxi Valley.

The team she was carrying had a total of ten people, and the worst was the Yuan Wang Realm triple warrior, and Meng Shiyao's strength had also improved a lot, as if it had reached the Yuan Wang Realm ninth level!

Since the Crazy Dao Sect and the Wu Family of the Four Great Families came online, the Wu Family has deliberately made the Crazy Dao Sect their spokesperson, which has also given a lot of benefits to help the Crazy Dao Sect improve its strength.

After a quarter of an hour, Meng Shiyao and his party appeared over the camp where the Tianhan Sect was mining mysterious iron ore in Yunxi Valley.

When the warriors in the camp noticed an attack, they were fully armed and rushed out.

"Let me listen to everyone. I will give you a chance to belong to our mad knife gate. Otherwise, the rebels will kill you without mercy. Don't think I am just scaring you. Before that, there have been many of you in the Heavenly Han Sect. The people died under the knife of our crazy knife door!!!" Meng Shiyao stood in the sky, her tone extremely cold.

The martial artists of the Celestial Hanzong looked at each other without talking nonsense. Suddenly, they jointly urged a large formation to guard the camp.

"Hmph, somehow, break the formation!"

Meng Shiyao snorted coldly, and the next moment, the nine Yuan Wang realm martial artists behind her, all shot together, and the sharp light of the sword whizzed. With just one blow, the formation guarding the camp was broken and stayed in the formation. The Celestial Chill Sect martial artist in the middle of the world was instantly hurt by the strength of the collapse of the formation!

Meng Shiyao looked at the picture below, with no emotion in her eyes, and said coldly, "Kill all!"

The nine Yuan Wang realm martial artists who obeyed Meng Shiyao's orders suddenly boiled with killing intent and swooped down!

However, at this moment, a sword aura shot out from a distance, and it came into the field in the blink of an eye. The sword aura flashed in the air, bringing up a bunch of blood, and the two warriors of the mad sword gate were miserable. Without a call, the body fell towards the ground.


Lin Hao's figure followed the sword aura, standing in mid-air, and the sky trace sword had already been unsheathed.

The seven Yuan Wang martial artists who were left in the mad sword gate recognized Lin Hao, and a panic suddenly appeared in their hearts. Many people in the mad sword gate knew Lin Hao's power and horror!

Meng Shiyao stared at Lin Hao who arrived suddenly, frowned slightly, and said, "Unexpectedly, you would appear here!"

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