Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 828: The test of the wind saint

Chapter 828 The Test of the Wind Saint

Endless Villa.

Feng Wuya had already called eight disciples in front of him.

"Remember, that guy named Lin Hao is coming later. I've heard about some things about this guy. He is very talented and arrogant. But if you want to be worthy of our Ting'er, you must at least pass us. The test of Endless Villa!

Old Ba, you are good at alchemy, you are the first to go.

Sixth, you are good at formation, you are second.

The third child, you are good at refining tools, you are the third one.

The second child, you can play better, you are the fourth one. "

Feng Wuya was born in casual cultivation, and his development was very comprehensive, so the disciples he taught were also good at all aspects.

He also knew that Lin Hao's abilities were more comprehensive, so he wanted to put it to the test.

Want to match his most beloved disciple of Feng Wuya, how can he do without any real skills?

Moreover, it's okay to beat Lin Hao now, so as not to be wronged after Ting'er really forms a martial arts partner with Lin Hao in the future.

At this time, as Ting'er's maiden family, she must be strong enough to let Lin Hao know that he is afraid, and then Ting'er will have a place in front of him!

I have to say that Feng Wuya was also broken at this time...

The four disciples who had received Feng Wuya's order were also quite helpless at this time. Their cultivation base was the lowest of Yuanzun's ninth level, and the youngest one was almost 100 years old... now we are going to embarrass one. A young boy in his twenties...this feeling is really a bit wrong.

However, they did not dare to disobey Feng Wuya's orders.

If you don't follow Feng Wuya's explanation, there will be bitter fruits.

"Master, I am Ting'er's uncle, support her, I have no shirk, let me go too!" said Feng Wuya's big disciple.

Feng Wuya glanced at this big disciple and said, "You shot? You don't know the severity of your temper, and you crippled people. Did you say Ting'er came to you desperately or did I just kill you?"

The other disciples of Feng Wuya wanted to laugh a little.

Feng Wuya glared at his group of disciples again, and said, "You still want to laugh? Are you ashamed? Zhang Chengcheng, taught by Tao Yuan's old thing, has entered the holy realm, and the son of Old Monster Qin has also been holy. Now, I'm so much better than the two of them, but I still don't have a descendant of the holy realm. My old face is about to be lost by you."

"You have touched the threshold now. I will give you another year. You can't step into the Holy Realm and see how I can clean you up!" Feng Wuya stared at his big disciple and drank lightly, making his big disciple look scared If I became pale, without saying anything, I went to practice immediately.


Lin Hao came to Wuya Mountain Villa.

Liu Ting knew that Lin Hao was coming, and had already been waiting at the door.

Seeing Lin Hao's appearance, Liu Ting ran forward immediately.

"Brother Lin."

"Ting'er, it's been a long time." Lin Hao said in a polite way.

"Yes, it's been more than a year, Brother Lin, Dean Tao said yesterday that you are in big trouble and it is dangerous. What is going on?" Liu Ting was very nervous about this. Since she learned the news, she They can’t eat, sleep, and focus on cultivation.

"A small matter, not as serious as Dean Tao said." Lin Hao said.

Seeing that Lin Hao didn't say anything, Liu Ting did not continue to question, and then said: "Big Brother Lin, my teacher said he wants to test you, but I don't know what he is going to do. You will be careful later."

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Yeah."

Liu Ting said again: "But don't worry, whether it's my master or my uncles, if they bully you with their cultivation base, I will never end with them!"

In Wuya Villa, Feng Wuya and them, they can naturally hear the conversation between Lin Hao and Liu Ting outside.

The four disciples who had been arranged by Feng Wuya to shoot, looked at Feng Wuya eagerly.

Feng Wuya was speechless in his heart, he hadn't married yet, that's it. If he really wants to marry, how about it?

Moreover, according to Liu Ting’s current state, after marrying, Lin Hao must be the mainstay of everything. At this time, as their maidens, they naturally have to be more powerful. Otherwise, wouldn't this kid like Lin Hao casually bully People?

Although I think so, but when I think that Liu Ting is really looking for her to settle the account... Feng Wuya feels a little bit big, so he added, "The first three of you can do as normal, second, you can do it with him. At the time, just keep the same cultivation level."

At this time, Lin Hao had already walked into the Wuya Villa.

Feng Wuya said: "Old Ba, go quickly."

"Yes, Master!"

Immediately afterwards, this old ba, flashed, appeared in front of Lin Hao.

"Uncle Eight." Liu Ting hurriedly greeted him, then introduced to Lin Hao, and said: "Big Brother Lin, this is my Eighth Uncle, Qin Mingchuan, the Eighth Uncle is very nice and kind. Very sense of justice..."

Qin Mingchuan hurriedly yelled: "Ting'er, don't praise me, I can't do anything the master explained."

Liu Ting snorted and said, "Uncle Eight, don't worry, no matter what, I won't tell Master that you often talk ill of him secretly."

Qin Mingchuan's face turned black.

Lin Hao smiled and said, "Lin Hao has met Senior Qin, and I don't know how Senior Qin will be tested?"

Qin Mingchuan said immediately: "I heard that you are also an alchemy master guest of the Danbao Pavilion. I will test your alchemy skills!"

"Senior Qin, please enlighten me." Lin Hao said calmly.

Feng Wuya is one of the most powerful beings among the Great Sages. If Feng Wuya comes to help, the success rate of rescuing his father from the Soul Blood Palace will be greatly increased this time. Therefore, Feng Wuya wants to test himself. It also depends on whether his potential is worth his shot.

Lin Hao thinks so. He has never thought that Feng Wuya will test himself. He wants to see if he has the qualifications to be his apprentice and son-in-law, and... as a maiden family to support Liu Ting. !

At this time, Liu Ting didn't say anything, she frankly stepped back aside, glaring at her uncle Qin Mingchuan despite her eyes.

Qin Mingchuan just pretended not to see it, and looked at Lin Hao and said, "Lin Hao, the alchemy test is too troublesome, and I am also an eighth-order alchemist. It is not appropriate to compare alchemy with you, so you only need to distinguish my pill. You pass the middle third of the medicinal properties!"

When the voice fell, Qin Mingchuan waved his hand, and suddenly, an elixir floated in the air.

"This is a pill that I failed to refine before, but the medicinal properties are still intact. Let's set a time, an hour, how about it?" Qin Mingchuan said.

Lin Hao smiled, nodded, and then, the spiritual power spread out, covering the pill that failed to refine.

"You can break this pill, and it's better to judge it bit by bit." Qin Mingchuan kindly reminded him that at this time, he still had to show his face to Liu Ting who was staring at him... after all, he had it before. Liu Ting did hear it several times when he was secretly complaining.

"No need." Lin Hao smiled, and then said: "Hundred quenching fruit, Qingtian teng, cold vanilla, soul quenching pollen, red blood root, Yun Ling ginseng, seven thousand year old Polygonum multiflorum..."

Qin Mingchuan was dumbfounded...

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