Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 852: Sword Servant Past

Chapter 852 The Past of the Sword Servant

The ancestral land of the Qin family.

There are rows of spiritual positions.

The top one is a spiritual position with no name but only a sword carved.

"Master." Qin Wentian shouted.

Lin Hao nodded.

At this time, Qin Wentian was absolutely sure that Lin Hao was the one who served by their ancestors of the Qin family and returned from reincarnation!

"Master, ten thousand years ago, your whereabouts are unknown. Your ancestors came to Ling's house, hoping to find some clues, but was seriously injured by Ling Feiyu. The ancestors firmly believed that you would come back, so they founded a family. I hope that when you come back, you can Help you.

In order to avoid Ling Feiyu of the Ling family, the ancestors took Qin as the surname and stood in the Northern Territory, but the ancestors were injured too badly by Ling Feiyu. Soon after the establishment of the Qin family, the source of life was exhausted.

When the ancestors passed away, he instructed the descendants of the Qin family to use the sword as their spiritual position. Nothing else was needed. He said that the master was a generation of sword god, and he was the master's eternal sword servant. To move back to the Eastern Region, he said that the master will definitely return to the Eastern Region!

Three thousand years ago, our Qin family and the whole family moved back to the Eastern Region. We have been watching the Ling family secretly. As for other things in the Eastern Region, our Qin family did not participate! "

Qin Wentian said slowly.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "You go out first, and Amu and I will stay alone for a while."

After Qin Wentian left.

Lin Hao has been quietly looking at the spiritual position named after the sword.

Scenes emerged in his mind.

At that time, he had just stepped into the threshold of cultivation, and in Cangxing City, he saved a stray child who was almost swallowed by a beast.

After that, the boy said he wanted to repay his favor, and kept serving Lin Hao!

The child had no name and was very upright, so Lin Hao named him Amu.

Later, Lin Hao got the inheritance of the Heaven-defying Sword Classic, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he encountered countless dangers.

And Amu, no matter what, has always followed Lin Hao, even if he almost died in the hands of Lin Hao's enemies several times, he did not complain.

Later, Lin Hao gained a reputation in the Eastern Region, but Amu was still an ordinary person.

Although Lin Hao did not dislike A Mu, one day, A Mu took the initiative to approach Lin Hao.

"Master, Amu wants to practice!"

"You have no posture to practice."

"Then I can work hard. If others are ten times smarter than me, I will work ten times harder than him. If others are a hundred times smarter than me, I will work a hundred times better than him. If others are a thousand times smarter than me, I will work a thousand times harder than him. !"

"Why are you so persistent?"

"Amu said that he would serve his master all his life and repay his kindness. The master walked too fast. Now Amu can't keep up at all. It will only drag the master, so Amu will also become stronger!"

"Cultivation is very dangerous."

"Amu is not afraid, I just hope that one day, I can become the master's sword!"

"Since your will is determined, then go, I will tell you one volume of nine turns without phase heavenly power, although this method is incomplete, but it has the power to turn decay into magic, and may be able to fill your shortcomings of talent, and I will give you this pair of sword Tianhong, I hope you can achieve something."

At this point, the upright and honest Amu, holding Lin Hao's Rainbow Sword, and a volume of incomplete Nine Turns Unphased Heavenly Art, went out alone.

Lin Hao has no news of him.

Decades later, Lin Hao had attained the Sword God Avenue, and then heard about Amu's news. At that time, Amu had already made a big name in an area.

And Lin Hao visited many emperor realm experts in the real martial arts, perfected the nine-turn Wuxiang Tiangong, and prepared to give it to Amu. However, during that time, there were many traces of demons in the real martial arts, and Lin Hao had to go. It took some time to deal with these things, and he lost Amu's whereabouts.

Afterwards, his divine fire was stable and the divine way descended, but Ling Feiyu had leaked the secret of the sword against the heavens. When he was on the divine way, Lin Hao suffered a catastrophe. The seven gods of the gods, regardless of the laws of heaven and earth, forced their actions. ...

Lin Hao can imagine.

After his own fall, the upright and honest Amu would feel so sad. He ran to Ling Mansion and went to find Ling Feiyu, but was seriously injured by Ling Feiyu. The process of fleeing all the way to the Northern Territory afterwards must have been full of dangers. At that time, the Seven Great Kings must have been trying their best to erase the traces of Lin Hao's existence.

Amu took Qin as his surname and established the Qin family in the Northern Territory, but he was severely injured by Ling Feiyu and exhausted his life, and died sadly.

He did fulfill his promise to serve his master for a lifetime.

Even if it's dead.

The sword is also the spiritual position.

Because he is the servant of the sword god!

Even if it's dead.

He also left the ancestral instruction, so that the Qin family waited for the return of the master, or waited for the successor of the master to appear!

Thinking of these past events, Lin Hao's mood fluctuated.

Shenyinmen Saintess Mu relies on the spirit for her own affairs, has gone through countless sufferings, and now she does not know her life or death.

The former Sword Servant spent his entire life and even tied his descendants in for himself.

These affections.

Heavier than heaven and earth!

"Ling Feiyu, I, Lin Hao, ascend to the God Realm in the future, I will cut you under the sword!"

"Seven Great Kings, Lin Hao's edge, you guys, don't want to cover a little bit this time!"


"Old man Qin, this..." Tao Yuan didn't know what to say.

Qin Wentian said: "Some things are inconvenient to talk about, and they are too involved. From now on, our Qin family will rely on him."

Tao Yuan nodded and said, "This is your Qin family's business, and I will ask too much. However, if the Qin family is really willing to work for him, the Qin family's opportunity will come, Lin Hao, he He can make a holy. A few days ago, the three disciples of that old fellow Feng Wuya became holy in one day. He tossed them out."

"In one day, the three disciples of that guy Feng Wuya became holy?" Qin Wentian looked shocked.

After Tao Yuan told the entanglement between Lin Hao and the Soul and Blood Palace and the three saints of Wuya Mountain Villa that day, Qin Wentian was already startled and didn't know what to say. After thinking for a long time, he said solemnly: "I The Qin family who has been waiting for thousands of years must be the most powerful in this world!"

Tao Yuan suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, the old guy Feng Wuya is very prestigious recently. He has also stepped into the tenth level of the Holy Realm. Another day, you find a chance to help me clean him up. but."

Qin Wentian smiled helplessly, and said, "You guys, you are all too old, and you are still fighting."

Tao Yuan glared at Qin Wentian and said, "Don't forget, you were the one who fought the kid with Feng Wuya the most fiercely, I just persuade you to fight!"

"What's the matter with your situation? The last time you met, you were only in the seventh stage of the holy realm. Now not only have you entered the realm of the great sage, you are about to reach the ninth stage of the holy realm, right?" Qin Wentian asked.

Tao Yuan smiled and said: "It is also the Qin family who is entrusting you to wait for Lin Hao's blessing for ten thousand years. He helped me perfect the Zhoutian Star Collection."

Qin Wentian also smiled and said, "In that case, why don't you join our Qin family and treat him as your master."

"Fuck off!" Tao Yuan glared at Qin Wentian again, and then said: "Every time the great world opens, there will be people who dominate the great world. I believe that he will be the key to our human race. If this kid really meets When it's dangerous, I, Tao Yuan, will protect him if I try my best!"

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