Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 866: Body secrets

Chapter 866 The Secret of the Human Body

Lin Hao told Tao Yuan in advance about going to the Southern Territory.

After listening to Tao Yuan, he said: "The Southern Territory is not the same as our Eastern Territory. It is mostly family-based, and the power of the Monster Race in the Southern Territory is extremely strong. If you really want to go, I will accompany you. Right."

Lin Hao shook his head and said, "No, I can go by myself."

Tao Yuan is the dean of the Cangxing Martial Academy and the only holy realm in the Cangxing Martial Academy. If he walks away, the Cangxing Martial Academy will have no core bones and encounter some urgent matters, especially with The foreign race has a relationship, but no one can do it.

"Go to the old guy Feng Wuya, you have helped his three disciples become holy, let him arrange someone to come with you!" Tao Yuan said.

Lin Hao smiled and said, "Let's take a look."

In the next time, Lin Hao was collecting information about the Southern Region. Although he was quite familiar with the Southern Region in his previous life, after all, after ten thousand years, even the most familiar Eastern Region has undergone a lot of changes. There should also be many changes.

Southern Territory, one hundred thousand mountains.

There are many families.

There are fewer sects.

Among them are ten ancient families.

These ancient aristocratic families are equivalent to the ten sects in the Eastern Region. The Qin family, where Lin Hao's mother Qin Yun is located, is one of the ten ancient aristocratic families.

As for the Hua Xiazong who Lin Hao's mother left behind for him, the data collected from the Eastern Region did not show that it should not be a martial art.

You may have to wait until Southern Territory to find out.

In addition to the ten ancient aristocratic families, there are many monsters in the Southern Territory. These are things to pay attention to. In the Southern Territory, the power of the monsters is much stronger than that of the Humans.

Before I knew it, it was the day when Feng Dongyu became a teacher of the ancient wolf emperor.

Lin Hao left the Cangxing Martial Academy and headed towards the Demon Emperor Mansion, traversing 34,000 miles, and finally arrived at the Demon Emperor Mansion.

The buildings of the Demon Emperor's Mansion were extremely rough, with nothing exquisite to speak of, but they weren't too crude, showing an atmosphere.

This is also normal, even if it is a thatched house, if there is a powerful person at the Yuan Emperor level, that thatched house will also be affected by the aura of the Yuan Emperor strong, carrying a general trend!

Emperor Yuan is the pinnacle of martial artists in the true martial world.

Although some warriors who ignite the sacred fire can stay in the true martial realm, there are also many fears. The strong of the sacred fire realm, in the real martial realm, can't exert all their power at all, and they can’t stay too long before they will be affected by the nine heavens. Pulled by power, I had to climb into the God Realm.

As soon as Lin Hao arrived near the Demon Emperor's Mansion, Feng Dongyu appeared immediately to greet Lin Hao in person.

Fortunately, Feng Dongyu was ready to appear right away, otherwise, some experts in the Demon Emperor Mansion would feel the breath of humanity, and they would be ready to move.

"Brother Lin, thank you for coming." Feng Dongyu said.

Lin Hao smiled and said, "Junior Brother Feng, congratulations."

This is indeed a happy event, and Lin Hao has no opinion.

Feng Dongyu was a little worried, and said: "Brother Lin...I"

Lin Hao knew what he was trying to say, and smiled: "Don't worry, you have a better chance. The Heavenly Frost Sect will not restrict you, and there is no need for any pressure."

"Yeah!" Feng Dongyu nodded heavily, and then said: "Senior Brother Lin, go, I'll take you in first."

The two entered the Demon Emperor's Mansion.

The demons here are all transformed into human forms.

Most of the monsters who saw Feng Dongyu looked very respectful, but the eyes that looked at Lin Hao seemed a little cold.

Lin Hao didn't care, and he had a general idea of ​​Feng Dongyu's status.

Feng Dongyu should be very respected by the ancient demon wolf here, otherwise, these monster races would not be so respectful to Feng Dongyu.

However, not all monster races are completely respectful to Feng Dongyu.

When the two of them were walking, they encountered a group of monsters, and suddenly, a huge monster headed by them suddenly blocked their way.

"Human kid, come to our Demon Emperor Mansion, are you tired of living?" The huge man yelled coldly.

Feng Dongyu immediately stood up and said, "Niu Mang, what do you want to do? Leave me!"

"Hmph, Feng Dongyu, you are the disciple of Lord Wolf Emperor, I don't want to offend you, but you took the human race to act on our side of the Demon Emperor Mansion. Even if Lord Wolf Emperor knew about it, you would definitely not allow you to do this. Yes!" the huge monster race man growled low.

"The person I invited naturally got the master's answer. If you don't retreat, you can blame me for being rude!" Feng Dongyu yelled.

The huge man frowned, but still took the initiative to give way.

Feng Dongyu took Lin Hao and continued on the journey, and then went to the Demon Emperor's Mansion, where he lived.

"Senior Brother Lin, my master has actually accepted a disciple. His body is the ancient alien animal Kui Niu, named Kui Lei. That guy is Kui Niu's subordinate."

The ancient strange beast Kui Niu, Lin Hao knew that this kind of beast was also known as the thunder beast.

"On that day, after the battle with the Soul Blood Palace was over, I left with you, and was found by the Demon Emperor Mansion and brought it back directly. Lord Wolf Emperor was very interested in my soul twin, and put me on several tests. , And then very happily announced that he would accept me as a disciple, Lord Wolf Emperor, in the Demon Emperor Mansion, no one dared to say anything, but Kuilei is also Lord Wolf Emperor’s disciple, only he has always cherished me. hostility.

Lord Wolf Emperor didn't seem to want to care about my affairs with Kuilei, this should also be a test for me. "Feng Dongyu said.

Lin Hao nodded, and said: "You have a twin soul, possess the soul of the wolf king, suitable for practicing the inheritance of the wolf emperor's exercises, and you also have a pure human body, this is the lord wolf emperor who accepts you as a disciple. The main reason."

"Human body?" Feng Dongyu was a little puzzled, and said: "After staying here for a while, I realized that the human body is far worse than the monster race..."

Lin Hao smiled, and said: "If the human body is really that bad, do you think these monster races will turn into human form? Moreover, although the different races are all special in body shape, they are all close to the human body. "

"Is there any special reason for this?" Feng Dongyu asked.

Lin Hao said: "I'm just guessing that whether it is a monster or a foreign race, they will choose to transform into a human form. It is very likely that the human body is the most suitable for cultivation.

Therefore, the wolf emperor discovered that you are born with the soul of the wolf king and have a pure human body. This made an exception and accepted you as a disciple. "

Regarding that the human body is most suitable for cultivation, Lin Hao had this idea in his previous life.

Monster races and alien races have extremely strong special talents or supernatural powers, but the human race can become the master of the entire True Martial World, this can be seen.

But, so far, Lin Hao has not discovered the secret of the human body.

But he still had a guess that he didn't say, that the seven **** kings who broke down his path to the gods were all human beings! It is impossible for the seven great kings to be ascended by the human race. Many of them must be the aboriginals of the gods. The aboriginals of the gods are also the human body. The secrets of the human body may not be fully developed until the gods. understand.

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