Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 891: Mid game

Chapter 891

"The next three days, the temple!" Lu Yi said.

There are nine heavens in the Nine Heavens God Realm. Lin Hao has reached the cultivation base of the Divine Fire Realm, and has also come into contact with them. These nine heavens are Shenxiao, Qingxiao, Bixiao, Danxiao, Jingxiao, Yuxiao, Zhenxiao, and Zi Xiao, Taixiao, among them, there are three days in the next, three days in the middle, and three days in the middle.

"There are countless reincarnations in the True Martial Realm, and there must be strong people in the God Realm. After they have ascended to the God Realm, should they just stand by on the sidelines?" Lin Hao said.

Lu Yi smiled bitterly, and said: "The power of the God Realm is complicated. Our Human Race can only barely gain a foothold in the God Realm, and there are so many disasters that we can take care of ourselves. How can we manage the affairs of the True Martial Realm?

Moreover, some people have been in the God Realm for too long, and they have even forgotten their origin, and they are not willing to give any strength to the True Martial Realm! "

Lin Hao was silent for a moment, and said: "I belong to the Heaven-defying line, but there is no information handed down. This is understandable. After all, the Heaven-defying line has two people in this life, and you can steal the line and swallow it. The Tianyi Channel, why don’t you know anything about this? How did you find the Tianyi Channel?"

Lu Yidao: "In every reincarnation, there is information left behind with the inheritance. Although you obtained the inheritance ten thousand years ago, it appeared in advance. Naturally, you can't obtain the information. I obtained the inheritance more than three thousand years ago. And get it."

"What's the matter with Zhenshi Shrine?" Lin Hao changed the subject.

"Zhenshi Shrine is the temple messenger under the God Realm for three days. It is responsible for overseeing the prison of the True Martial Realm. Before the Nine Meridians, they have been hidden forever. They secretly manipulate the Order of Heaven to supervise everything, but with Your appearance ten thousand years ago, Zhenshi Shrine also appeared.

On the side of Cangliang Mountain, there are two gods of Zhenshi Shrine, Mad Master and Flame Lord. In the past, Flame Lord violated Zhenshi Shrine’s order, and was designed by Zhenshi Shrine and died at the hands of the lava clan. Flame Lord is the beloved of the mad master of Zhenshi Shrine. For this reason, the mad Lord rebelled against Zhenshi Shrine. Here, he borrows the heart of lava from the lava clan to give life to his body for the flame and always think of being the Lord of Flame. Focus!

At the beginning of the Eastern Origin Realm, the disaster of the ice disaster was also done by Zhenshi Shrine. Fortunately, Zhenshi Shrine only sent the newly awakened Ice Master. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to crack.

There are twelve gods in total, and now there are nine left. "

"Are the nine of them as powerful as the mad master of Cangliang Mountain?" Lin Hao asked, if they all had such a strong strength, then the difficulty of saving Mu Yiling would be hundreds of times more difficult. !

Lu Yi shook his head and said: "The remaining gods did not light the divine fire, but they all have the body at the peak of the divine fire state. The mad master is an exception. The indestructible power in his body has changed, causing it to break through the limit. , So he has the body of a true god, and his strength should be equal to that of the lord of Zhenshi Shrine. Therefore, over the years, Zhenshi Shrine has been indifferent to the rebellious mad Lord."

"What is the power of immortality?"

"That is the power bestowed by the God King in the God Realm for three days. The True Martial Realm is destroyed, revived, and stepped into reincarnation. Anyone with indestructible power can survive in the reincarnation, and without having to ignite the divine fire, they can also possess beyond ordinary The power of the power of the gods and fire realm, in this way, they can also avoid the rules and laws of the world, and will not be forced to rise into the gods, they can help the three-day temple and always supervise the true martial world. There are nine gods left, but they should once again be ready to select suitable candidates, grant immortality, and gather the twelve gods." Lu Yi made more detailed questions about almost any question raised by Lin Hao Reply.

Regarding the information about Zhenshi Shrine, Lin Hao believes that Lu Yi should not lie to himself, but as for the nine channels of reincarnation, Lin Hao did not choose to believe all of it. He has a scale in his heart to measure it, and it is impossible to be led by this Lu Yi. Go with your nose!

"Like you, the person who has obtained the inheritance of the Heaven-defying Sword Classic is the master of the Xihai Sword Sect in the endless sea. He has practiced for 13 years and has now entered the Holy Realm." Lu Yi talked about the matter when he turned around. , Looked at Lin Hao, and said: "Although the Nine Channels move forward with heavy burdens, they are not without benefits. If they can complete their mission, even if they step into the God Realm in the future, they will have great fortune. And any one of the Nine Channels, Both are the only ones. I don't mind if you or him can be the only one in the line against the sky."

"Do you want me to find him in the Xihaijian faction in the endless sea?" Lin Hao heard what Lu Yi meant.

Lu Yi said: "In this matter, you make your own decision. I will not interfere. Even if you don't find him, he will come to you."

Speaking of this, Wu Hanfei, who fought against the lava clan outside the passage, returned. After seeing Lu Yi, his face showed alertness for the first time and said, "Did you find that person?"

Lu Yi said: "Endless seas, the master of the Xihai Sword School!"

There was a touch of determination in Wu Hanfei's eyes!

Lin Hao knew what Wu Hanfei would do, and he also had a strong sense of precaution against Lu Yi, who was buried in the sky, and immediately said, "Xiao Fei, I will handle this matter by myself. Don't mess around."

Lu Yi smiled and said, "Han Fei, let's go. The experience for you here is over. This time I found an ancient sect inheritance in the endless sea, and it will be your next battlefield."

Lin Hao stared at Lu Yi, with a hint of chill in his voice, and said, "You want to force me to make a decision?"

Lu Yi still smiled, and said, "How to make a decision is your own business."

Wu Hanfei glanced at Lin Hao and said, "Big Brother Lin, I will go to the endless sea with him to experience."

Lin Hao knew that if Wu Hanfei went to the endless sea, he would definitely find the person of the Xihai Sword School who had the same inheritance of the Heaven-defying Sword Classic as himself. The other party had already stepped into the holy realm. He didn't want Wu Hanfei to take risks.

"Let's go."

Lu Yi spoke, interrupted what Lin Hao wanted to say, turned around and left.

"Brother Lin, take care!" Wu Hanfei immediately followed Lu Yi's footsteps.

"Buddha Tower, give it back to you!"

Lin Hao suddenly thought of this. The Buddha Pagoda is the treasure of the Burial Sky line. Before, he just borrowed it. Although the power of the Buddha Pagoda is very strong, but a few days ago, Lin Hao learned from Wu Hanfei that this Lu Yi , Can lock his own breath by virtue of the Buddha Tower.

Obviously, from the very beginning, Lu Yi gave Lin Hao the use of the Buddha, and there were some other thoughts.

With that, the Buddha Pagoda flew towards Lu Yi.

Lu Yi frowned, but didn't say much, turned around and took away the pagoda.


Lin Hao walked out of the channel.

The mad lord who rebelled from the Zhenshi Temple and became the body of the true god, sat next to the coffin of the enlightenment tree, and whispered his beloved in the coffin.

Seeing Lin Hao coming out, he looked at Lin Hao, hesitated, and finally said: "The game is in the middle of the game, the mystery is the mystery, don't lose yourself."

"Thank you for your advice, come to see you again in seven years!" Lin Hao left these words, and then left Cangliang Mountain.

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