After watching the documentary pushed by CCTV, Cheng Jinzhi was also in a daze. It seems like everything is happening before my eyes, reborn in these years, everything real and real. The fog still lingered in the morning, so I rushed to the set wearing a mask. Under the reflection of the stars and the moon, a man squatted alone on the set and read the script. Cheng Jinzhi touched his chest when he was injured during the filming of "Jinyiwei". Even after scar removal surgery, the skin still feels different when touched. I was really seriously injured back then. The moment the sharp sword penetrated his body, Cheng Jinzhi thought he had returned to his previous life. The pain is intertwined, familiar like the injury from the previous life. After waking up, I saw that person. That person is her "rival" and her lover. That man broke up with her, as if God's hand was putting everything back on track. When filming "Alien", she entered the scene, and the crew thought she was crazy. Only Shen Quan was ecstatic, and Shen Quan himself was a lunatic. Shen Quan brought out her dark side and entered the drama, but couldn't control it freely. Xiayou sent her up the mountain, and her grandma took her to drink tea and look at the mountains, water, and bamboo forest in front of her. She seemed to have returned to the state of being alone in the hospital and at home after the injury. The difference was that Cheng Jinzhi felt something solid in his body slowly falling to the ground. Her acting skills seemed to have broken through the bottleneck inadvertently. From quantitative changes to qualitative changes, just like what Warner's chairman said at the time, her quiet plays were not tense enough. All reinvention begins with collapse. She was also a blessing in disguise.

When watching the promotional video of "Watch", Cheng Jinzhi felt for a moment that he had feelings. How did you feel? She doesn't know either. This is a very subtle feeling. Just like when I first saw a difficult question, and now I look at it again, I find that I suddenly have a calculation method in my mind. Of course, this is a metaphor. As for financial calculations, Cheng Jinzhi has not figured out the way yet.

"The mandarin clichés of "Contemporary" come right out of your mouth. He is the most worthy representative of young people across the country to learn from." Gou Yu laughed. "What should teenagers learn from you? Do they want to learn from you to support high school students, or do they want to learn from you to have sex with them?"

The documentary "Contemporary" is a long-established program, and it is also a program supported by CCTV. The choice of Cheng Jinzhi as the star representative this time also attracted a wave of very young audiences. "Contemporary" points out Cheng Jinzhi's honor at the beginning. Won the China Youth Progress and Outstanding Social Contribution Award. I won the Outstanding Social Contribution Award a few years ago. The studio has planned many charities, and several domestic celebrities have also won this award. There are relatively few people in the entertainment industry receiving the Youth Progress Award, and only Cheng Jinzhi has won it in the past two years. The country has placed greater emphasis on scientific and technological innovation in the past two years, and the Progress Award also focuses on science and technology.

"What high school student?"

"Rong Si, and Olivia." Gou Yu pinched Cheng Jinzhi's arm. "Has Olivia contacted you recently?"

"Rong Si had graduated from high school at that time." Cheng Jinzhi said, "Also, I have no relationship with Olivia."

"Don't explain. It's common among people to like young and immature people."

Seeing that Cheng Jinzhi and Gou Yu were about to choke again, Xia You came out carrying her skirt. The white wedding dress and gloves looked very formal. Xia You looked a little uneasy. "Is Asheng here?"

"I'll go, Xia You, you are so beautiful." Gou Yu shouted exaggeratedly.

Cheng Jinzhi also walked over and lifted Xia You's skirt. "So beautiful Yuzu."

Cheng Jinzhi and Gou Yu are trying on wedding dresses with Xia You. Fu Qiansheng is preparing for the wedding and will come over soon.

"Really? Don't just show your support. Is your waist proportion appropriate?" Xia You nervously flipped her hair around her ears.

"Xiayou, why are you nervous? Didn't you just get married in the last drama?"

"There's a difference between getting married and acting, okay?" Xia You said, looking at herself in the mirror again. "I think I should be a little thinner."

"If you are thin enough, if you get thinner, you won't be able to carry the wedding dress."

"I think my waist is a little thick."

"Where is it thick?" Gou Yu was a little mischievous, and held Xia You's slender waist with both hands.

During the fight, Fu Qiansheng came over. Fu Qiansheng was still holding flowers in her hands. The flowers were very fresh and still covered with dew. When she came in, she saw three people having a fight with a smile in their tone. "Have you tried it yet?"

"Well..." In the past, Xia You would have pounced on him automatically. But today, I am a little reserved. She was surrounded by Gou Yu and Cheng Jinzhi, and she pulled her hair a little embarrassedly. "A Sheng, you are here."

"It's so beautiful." Fu Qiansheng leaned on crutches and handed the flower in his hand to Xia You. "My fiancée."

"Fiancée." When there were only three of them in private, Gou Yu repeated Fu Qiansheng's words in an exaggerated tone.

"It's rare that Yuzi is happy, so don't be sour." Cheng Jinzhi said.

"Agou, don't be mean to me. If you are willing, the Queen will definitely give you a surprise tomorrow." Xia You said.

"No, no," Gou Yu said, "It's better not to be frightened like this a second time."

"Jin Zhi, how are you thinking about it?" Xia You asked.

"What considerations?"

"Manager Ding and Rong Si."

Cheng Jinzhi rolled his eyes. "Don't just pick these two, I have many more people to choose from."

"Then who do you want to choose?"

"Xia You, your current mentality is very dangerous." Gou Yu said.


"Just like those relatives who urge marriage, when I get married, I can't wait for everyone around me to share the 'joy' with her." Gou Yu said joy while bending two fingers to express the quotation marks.

"Your current mentality is not right, don't take Jinzhi away." Xia You said: "Jinzhi wants to fall in love, not your ally."

"Stop talking about me, let's talk about your wedding arrangements." Cheng Jinzhi said. "I'll set aside two weeks to help you."

"That's great." Xia You hugged Cheng Jinzhi happily. "I didn't think it was too much trouble to get married before. Now that I'm busy, I realize there are a lot of trivial things involved."

"Okay, tell me the wedding date. I'll take care of you on that day."

"It's okay to open your mouth." Xia You said, "Prepare a congratulatory speech."

"You really want me to congratulate you?" Gou Yu said, "Aren't you afraid that I will cause trouble?"

"Let me tell you, the bride will be very anxious about anyone who ruins her wedding." Xia You said.

"Okay, you win."

After chatting, the three of them left the beauty salon. As soon as Cheng Jinzhi got in the car, he spotted Rong Si sitting in the driver's seat. Cheng Jinzhi put his hand on the backrest of the driver's seat. "Aren't you having a meeting abroad?"

"I'll be back after finishing early." Rong Si said.

"Where's the driver?"

"He's in my car."

"You are quite good at instigating." Cheng Jinzhi said: "I have been in meetings for a week. Is your body okay? Don't hold on, one car will kill two people."

"Okay." Rong Si smiled and turned to look at Cheng Jinzhi. "The facial you had today? It was very effective."

"Are you trying to please me?" Cheng Jinzhi laughed.


Cheng Jinzhi's slender fingers bounced on Rong Si's shoulder, and then attached to Rong Si's ear. "Let's light it up, I'll let you drive it today."

After taking a bath, Cheng Jinzhi sat astride Rong Si's lap again. "Is your hand healed?"

"Okay." Rong Si raised her hand slightly, as if she wanted to caress Cheng Jinzhi's back.

"How come you can recover so quickly?" Cheng Jinzhi resisted Rong Si's hand. "Is it okay if you 'miss' me?"

Cheng Jinzhi's words were a bit provocative, and Rong Si gently held Cheng Jinzhi's elbow.

"Are you pursuing me now?" Cheng Jinzhi said, "Do you want to fall in love with me or go to bed with me?"

"Love." Rong Si's answer was quite honest, but she unconsciously rubbed Cheng Jinzhi's skin with her fingertips. Cheng Jinzhi turned over and calmly got up from Rong Si. "Then you can go back."

He asked Rong Si to go back, but Rong Si did not go back. Spent one night sleeping outside in the car. Cheng Jinzhi woke up and was awakened by the ringing of DC's phone. DC's voice is very exciting. The last time I was excited was when Cheng Jinzhi was nominated for Case. "War, war, war!"

"What happened to the war?" Cheng Jinzhi had already forgotten what Rong Si had said.

"Fire of War 6 is now in preparation, and the director has sent an invitation letter to the company."

"Invitation card?"

"Boss, I invite you to participate in "Fire of War 6"." DC said excitedly: "I watched it, and it's definitely more than just an appearance. There are also serious lines and subplots."

Cheng Jinzhi woke up immediately. She sat up in bed, feeling the same as another Case nomination. Rong Si had told her before that she had been looking forward to it for a while, but there was no movement from the "War" side. Cheng Jinzhi thought that there was some new decision in "War", and indeed there was a new decision. Later, the director told her honestly. Originally, the crew only planned to invite Cheng Jinzhi to make an appearance in order to meet the needs of the Chinese market. Recently, many Chinese viewers have expressed the hope of adding oriental characters. After some discussion, we decided to create a small subplot for Cheng Jinzhi. After all, he is the first Chinese to be nominated by Case. Although "Fire of Fire 5" won many awards this time, its box office influence was basically the same as last year. In the huge international market, if box office performance does not improve, it means falling behind.

No one has this luck. After waking up, Cheng Jinzhi couldn't sleep. When I touched my phone, it was only six or seven in the morning. While Cheng Jinzhi was drinking water, he went to the balcony to take a look at Rong Si's car. Rong Si's car hasn't driven away yet, so she's probably still asleep inside.

Cheng Jinzhi called Rong Si.

Rong Si looked at the caller ID and answered the call.

"Come in, I'm hungry."

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