Taiwan Novel Network →𝐭𝐰𝐤𝐚𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Just like when he just broke through the extraordinary, the ice spirit power in the ice pill surged to all parts of Chen Mo's body, and began to strengthen and transform his body.

An unprecedented powerful force surged in his blood, limbs, and torso!

[Self-discipline sharing object can share challenges +1]

[Self-discipline experience card +1]

At the same time, two messages popped up on the self-discipline panel, but Chen Mo didn't have time to read these messages now.

The black-backed ice wolf pack is already close at hand, and he has to deal with these black-backed ice wolves first!

Moreover, the powerful force surging in his body gave him an unprecedented fighting spirit!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three black-backed ice wolves attacked it from three different directions!

They were very fast, and at the same time, layers of hard and sharp ice crystals grew on their claws.

[Ice Claws]

The ability born after the black-backed ice wolf awakened the extraordinary.

Just when they were still seven or eight meters away from Chen Mo.


With a loud noise, the air around the giant lion roared, and the hurricane surged!

Countless ice and snow turned into the sharpest ice blades under the surge of the wind, sweeping around.

[Ice Storm]

Chen Mo released the ice storm with all his strength, consuming a full 20 spiritual powers!

The powerful ice storm instantly covered the area of ​​10 meters around Chen Mo.

The next moment, the three black-backed ice wolves who had no time to dodge were rolled up more than ten meters high by the ice storm and then thrown out.

The three black-backed ice wolves vomited blood, and their bodies were covered with dense scars, as if they had just walked out of a meat grinder.

Even after becoming extraordinary creatures, their physical strength has been greatly improved, but they will die instantly after being attacked to this extent.

However, this did not scare the black-backed ice wolf pack.

The death of their companions aroused their ferocity even more. With their dark green pupils flashing, the leader wolf led the pack to charge at Chen Mo again!


However, just as the pack approached, a deafening lion roar suddenly sounded!

This lion roar was like a substance, and the snow on the snow ground burst in this lion roar, turning into snow mist all over the sky.

This sound was too terrifying. With the blessing of [Roaring Lion], its volume has exceeded 200 decibels!

What was even more terrifying was the domineering power contained in this sound, which made all the black-backed ice wolves feel unmatched.

The next moment, except for the leader wolf who had a slightly dazed look in his eyes and did not lie down, the other wolves in the pack all fell to the ground!

They howled in pain, and blood flowed out of their ears.

The leader wolf was also affected a lot, feeling dizzy and his brain was a little dazed.

However, just as it reacted, it found that the lion king not far away turned into a white lightning and rushed towards it.


Too fast!

The first wolf wanted to escape immediately, but after running two steps, a huge force came from its back.

Then-he felt that he took off!

He was hit hard and flew more than ten meters!

Chen Mo's current strength is comparable to that of a giant elephant, coupled with a speed far exceeding that of a cheetah, the kinetic energy generated in an instant is simply terrifying!

As soon as the first wolf landed, he desperately found that the giant lion had appeared in front of him again, and the claws that were so violent that they suffocated the wolf slapped him again.

The first wolf died peacefully, and he didn't even feel too much pain, and he had already lost his life.

As soon as the first wolf died, the wolves that had just awakened from the lion's roar instantly lost their will to fight and fled in all directions.

Chen Mo turned on the hurricane mode and chased after him.

These black-backed ice wolves had disturbed him before.

In less than 5 seconds, he caught up with one of the black-backed ice wolves and slapped it to death!

Then the ice lion burst out with amazing speed and chased another black-backed ice wolf.

In less than 3 minutes.

All 7 black-backed ice wolves were killed by it.

As for the ordinary black-backed jackals, Chen Mo let them escape.

There is no point in killing them now.

These are potential stocks, and they are worth killing after they awaken to transcendence.

"Squeak!" (Scared to death of the mouse!)

The ice crystal mouse breathed a sigh of relief.

When the wolf pack pounced on it just now, it was almost scared.

Unexpectedly, the battle was over in the blink of an eye.

"Squeak!" (The king is so powerful!)

After confirming that he was safe, the little guy ran quickly to Chen Mo and began to flatter him skillfully.

It's a pity that Chen Mo didn't understand, otherwise he would definitely let the little white mouse speak more if he could speak.

Elsa on the side was already dumbfounded.

It had just defeated a black-backed ice wolf, and its brother had already destroyed all the wolves including the wolf king.

It knew that its lion king brother was very strong, but it didn't expect him to be so strong!

After killing all the awakened black-backed ice wolves, Chen Mo had time to check the changes in his body after the promotion.

[Frost Cub (Male)]

[Level: Medium Extraordinary]

[Physique: 32→49]

[Agility: 34→53]

[Strength: 32→48]

[Soul: 22→35]

[Ability: Ice Storm, Ice Illusion]

[Comprehensive Combat Power: 332~430]

From the low-level supernatural to the medium-level supernatural, Chen Mo's strength, agility, physique and other attributes have been comprehensively improved, and the comprehensive combat power has increased by nearly one-fold!

Although there is only a small realm between the low-level supernatural and the medium-level supernatural, there is still a huge gap.

Chen Mo continued to observe himself and found that the spiritual power in the ice pill had increased to 281 at this moment!

"These 6 ice smoothies actually gave me nearly 200 ice spiritual powers!"

Chen Mo was a little unbelievable.

Compared with the flesh and blood of supernatural creatures and supernatural crystals, the effect of ice smoothies is simply amazing.

Chen Mo felt that his focus would change next, and put the search for "magic medicine" first!

In addition to the improvement of physical fitness and spiritual power, Chen Mo also awakened a new ability after the promotion to the medium-level supernatural-ice illusion.

This ability is somewhat related to the soul, that is, mental power.

Its effect is to use ice spiritual power to influence or even manipulate the spirit of other lives to create illusions.

This ability is still very practical, whether it is used for fighting or running away.


Aware of the surge in ice spiritual power in her body, Aisha couldn't help but let out an excited roar.

Because she also has the title of [Gluttony Lion], she also perfectly digested the ice spiritual power contained in the ice fruit.

Chen Mo observed and found that there were nearly 50 ice spiritual powers in Aisha's ice pill at this moment!

Xiaobai's digestion efficiency is much lower, not even 1/3 of Chen Mo's.

Most of the energy of this ice fruit was wasted.

Although Chen Mo felt a little sorry about this, he did not regret it.

After all, the ice crystal mouse can be said to have made an indelible contribution to the discovery of this ice fruit tree.

"Maybe. I can focus on training Xiaobai next?"

Chen Mo thought silently in his heart.

If Xiaobai's treasure hunting ability is enhanced, it will definitely help him find the "magic medicine" better!

It's a pity that this time when he was promoted, the self-discipline panel increased the number of challenges that the self-discipline partner can accept.

If there is one more self-discipline quota, Xiaobai can be self-disciplined together!

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