Rebirth as a Willow Tree, building the strongest tribe in all of eternity

Chapter 12: A Nest of Experience Values ​​(please follow up)

"What is this, old man?" Zhang took it and looked at it for a long time.

"It should be some kind of herbal medicine." Lin Meng was unsure,

He did know some herbs in the wilderness, but he had never seen this one before. However, after cleaning it, he could smell a faint smell unique to herbs.

Of course, since he didn't know its specific use, he didn't dare to give it to Lin Zhuang. He used some old medicine that he had saved before.

"It's so good. What are you doing with the herbal medicine?" Zhang was even more confused. What happened to my man? Why do people get more confused when talking and doing things as they get older?

"This is from the giant python." Lin Meng sighed and said directly.


Zhang was stunned. It took him a long time to recover, but the look on his face was still full of disbelief.

A giant python that looked like a ferocious beast not only didn't kill them, but even gave them a herb. It's hard to believe this kind of rumor.

But these words came from the old man's mouth. Zhang knew her man very well. Although he was usually weak and honest, he would never tell lies to her.

"But old man, even if the giant python gave you herbal medicine...but what does this have to do with you going up the mountain? And what about Lord Liu Shen?" Zhang's thoughts became increasingly confusing.

"If I'm not wrong, old man, that giant python should have come down from the mountain." Lin Meng vowed. "And the reason why Zhuang Er can become so powerful probably has something to do with the mountain."

"That Liu Shen He Ni was talking about?" Zhang asked suddenly. She was known for her intelligence in the tribe when she was young. Although her brain was a little confused now, she still grasped the key to the problem at once.

That Lord Liu Shen!

"Not bad." Lin Meng nodded solemnly. "Zhuang'er has asked me to go up the mountain more than once. He even said that as long as I go up the mountain to pay homage to the Willow God, I will be safe and sound."

"Actually, I didn't believe it at first. I thought Zhuang Er was talking nonsense because he was too seriously injured. However, the appearance of the giant python made me change this view!"

“That giant python seems to have come specially to rescue us!!!”

"Old man, do you suspect that...the Liu Shen Zhuang Er actually a sacrificial spirit, and our boss has unintentionally been appreciated and recognized by the sacrificial spirit?" Zhang's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Sacrifice to the spirits, that is a sacrifice to the spirits!

If her son could really achieve that kind of existential recognition, then she would die in peace.

The sacrificial spirit, also called the "sacrifice spirit", is the abbreviation of the village's "sacrifice and offering spirit". It protects the safety of the village and deters the ferocious beasts in the wilderness. It is powerful and mysterious.

Not every tribe will have a spirit sacrifice, and there is often a two-way choice between the spirit sacrifice and the tribe.

Some weak tribes can't even fill their own stomachs, so how can they offer sacrifices to their spirits?

After all, offering sacrifices to spirits to protect the tribe is not an act of kindness.

People in the wilderness need sacrificial spirits to protect them and deter powerful enemies. Likewise, sacrificial spirits also require human faith and sacrifice.

To put it simply, sacrificing spirits requires using hot animal blood every once in a while. This alone is enough to deter many tribes.

Although the beasts are not as ferocious as the ferocious beasts, they are still extremely ferocious. For some small tribes, hunting ferocious beasts often results in the loss of many tribesmen, and the gain outweighs the loss!

"I'm not sure about this, but there is no doubt that there is definitely a powerful person on the mountain!" Lin Meng stroked his beard, which was a little prickly.

Although he was born in a tribe, he also had some acquaintances and old friends in the village. According to those old friends, there seemed to be no sacrificial spirit that could drive alien beasts to fight! ! !

Therefore, he did not dare to be very sure whether Lord Liu Shen was really a sacrificial spirit.

But judging from the fact that his boss not only had good relations with the guy on the mountain, but even got benefits from them, the guy on the mountain must be good, and the most important thing is not hostile to them.

That alone is enough.

"Old man, if what you say is true, then I agree with you to go up the mountain, but I have to go up with you. If you anger that person, I can still say good things to you." Zhang thought for a moment, road.

"Old lady, can you say nice things?!" Lin Meng was stunned. After being together for so many years, he never knew that women had such skills.

He still doesn't know who his old lady is. She's very outspoken and cheerful. She's good enough if she doesn't stifle people on weekdays. Can she also say nice things?

Of course, although he thought so in his heart, Lin Meng did not dare to say it out loud, otherwise he would inevitably get another round of complaints.

He loves his wife.

After the idea was settled, Lin Meng and his wife discussed the specific process again, and finally agreed to wait until Lin Zhuang woke up before going up the mountain.

One night, the moods of the two old men, who were already over fifty, were ups and downs, and they gradually fell asleep until the early morning...

A night without words...

Lin Zhuang woke up on the third day.

Although his injuries seemed serious, they did not damage the fatal parts. In addition, Jiang Huai taught him the "Body Training Sutra" which was quite extraordinary. He managed to save his breath and combined with the herbs prepared by Lin Meng. , Lin Zhuang saved his life.

After Lin Zhuang regained consciousness, Lin Meng and Zhang did not delay any further and immediately asked about the Lord Liu Shen he mentioned.

Lin Zhuang hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't hide anything and spoke out immediately.

Now, Lin Meng and his wife were more confident in their judgment.

"My dear son, your mother and I are going to visit Mr. Liu Shen. Can you show us the way?" Lin Meng rubbed his calloused hands and said with a smile, while telling him what happened after Lin Zhuang fell into coma. .

"This... the child needs to ask Master Liu Shen for instructions." Lin Zhuang scratched his head and said.

Originally, he didn't dare to make any rash decisions, but after Lin Meng told what happened after he fell into coma, subconsciously, he felt that Lord Liu Shen should not be averse to seeing his parents.

"That's very good." Lin Meng and Zhang naturally nodded in agreement. Such beings would not even dare to let them go up rashly.

After another half month of training, Lin Zhuang's injuries were completely recovered and he became lively again. After informing Lin Meng and Zhang, Lin Zhuang went straight up the mountain.

After meeting Jiang Huai, Lin Zhuang stated his old father's request word for word.

Jiang Huai's five senses covered a radius of tens of thousands of meters. Naturally, he had already known about this matter for a long time. He must have agreed to Lin Meng's request ten thousand times.

There are believers who make money, and they have good character. If they don’t make money, it’s nothing. But how to show it is a troublesome thing.

He could neither open his mouth to speak nor have the ability to dream. How should he let Lin Zhuang know that he agreed to this request?

Jiang Huai thought for a long time but couldn't figure out the reason.

Fortunately, Lin Zhuang made a good suggestion.

"Lord Willow God, my father and mother both want to visit you. If you agree, please shake the willow branch."

In front of the towering willow tree, the trees are shaded and lush, like a hilltop in the sky, with thousands of them hanging down, like jade belts.

Lin Zhuang spoke up, piously and full of hope.

Hear the words.

Jiang Huai suddenly shook his body slightly.

In an instant, the emerald green wickers crisscrossed each other, automatically making a crisp whistling sound in the absence of wind.

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