There is an old saying among the people, spring rain is as precious as oil, and it flows all over the streets.

It means that spring rain is as precious as oil and is rare.

However, in the wilderness, there is never a lack of rain in spring when everything revives.

Ever since Old Man Lin came down from the mountain that day, there was a steady drizzle in the forest.

The rain is like cow hair, densely woven diagonally into a huge rain curtain, nourishing the heavy wilderness...

There was a sudden rain last night, and God's will brought everything together.

The spring rain fell for three whole days, and it wasn't until the fourth day that a glimmer of morning glow slowly appeared on the horizon.

Facing the sunrise, Old Man Lin hurried up the mountain with a group of refugees from the indigenous tribes.

When he went up the mountain a few days ago, he had specifically asked Jiang Huai's opinion on whether to meet the new native tribesmen who had joined Liu Village. Jiang Huai had no objection.

It's not that he likes to show off in front of others, it's just that he can't help it for the sake of experience.

Although it rained for three consecutive days, the road up the mountain was not difficult.

Over the years, when he had nothing to do, Old Lin would always take several boys from the Lin family to build a road up the mountain. Over time, they managed to dig out a huge stone staircase with tens of thousands of stones.

The stone steps are winding and winding, like a long dragon.

All around, the garden grass is green, colorful and beautiful.

Although the journey up the mountain was not strenuous, it still took a little longer as there were many young children and pregnant women among the native tribesmen.

At noon, a huge group of people finally reached the top of the mountain.

That was the first time that the native tribesmen saw Jiang Huai.

At just one glance, they were impressed by the majesty of the huge figure that seemed to rise up into the sky, with its feet on the common people.


The huge tree canopy that blocks out the sky and sun seems to be able to envelop the entire Willow Village.

Don't let them feel an inexplicable sense of security.

"This is the spirit worshiper who protects Willow Village. Just looking at it makes me feel extremely shocked!"

Some people exclaimed, unable to close their mouths in shock for a long time.

"What are you talking about? That's our spirit-sacrifice master!"

The people from the Youtu tribe immediately retorted, but within a short period of time, they had completely integrated into Liu Village.

"Yes, yes, I forgot, we are both from Willow Village now."

The person who spoke first quickly changed his words, feeling a sense of pride suddenly rise in his heart for no reason.

They are also from Liucun, and that is also their spirit-sacrifice master!


Among the crowd, the old patriarch of the native tribe looked the most excited. He was leaning on a cane and had tears in his eyes.

In his lifetime, he can finally see the sacrifice spirit. This life is not in vain, this life is not in vain!

After everyone calmed down, Old Man Lin spoke with a solemn expression.

"Since you have joined our Willow Village, you will naturally become the people of our Willow Village from now on.

As a citizen of Willow Village, you should act according to the orders of Willow Village, and the biggest purpose of Willow Village is to respect Lord Willow God in everything!

You must keep this in mind. If you violate this at all, you will be expelled from Liucun, life or death. "

"As a member of Willow Village, no matter how busy you are every day, you must worship Lord Willow God without neglecting it. This is an ironclad order. Unless there are extremely special reasons, you must not be absent. Do you remember this in your heart? "

Old Man Lin's voice was mixed with the majestic power of Qi and blood, and it reached the ears of the Tu tribe people like an echo, very clearly.

The people from the Tu tribe responded hurriedly.

Although the old man in front of them looks thin and frail, everyone knows in their hearts how much power such a thin old man has in his hands. He can easily decide any one of them with one word. Life and death are not an exaggeration!

Old Man Lin didn't say much, but emphasized the things that needed attention.

After that, there is the daily ritual of worship.

Old man Lin and his family were in front, and the people from the native tribe were behind, all with extremely pious expressions.

It was the same for a period of time thereafter, never stopping until the time of summer, cold, prosperity and decline.

On this day, with the daily worship, the faith value of these new people who joined Willow Village finally exceeded the minimum requirement.

Jiang Huai immediately informed Old Man Lin.

Old man Lin didn't dare to be careless and hurriedly summoned the native tribesmen to go up the mountain.

Although he was surprised as to why Master Liu Shen would pass on such supreme scriptures to outsiders, one good thing about Old Man Lin was that he would never interfere, let alone question Jiang Huai's decisions.

Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, don’t say what you shouldn’t say.

He just needs to know what Lord Liu Shen asks him to do, and he will do his best to complete it.

Within a few months, the group of native tribe survivors who had newly joined Liu Village almost seemed to have changed. Not only were they no longer as skinny as before, but they had even gained weight and looked much stronger.

Everyone's face was red and their mouths were filled with sincere smiles.

"Sir Liu Shen will give you the body tempering method later. You must understand it carefully. It contains opportunities that you can't imagine. If you seize it, your future will be limitless."

After leading everyone to the mountain, Old Man Lin changed his tone and warned patiently.

No matter what, this group of people has long belonged to Willow Village. If there are a few more seeds like his eldest son and second son among them, Willow Village will take off quickly!

On the empty ground.

Under the command of Old Man Lin, everyone fell down and knelt down one after another, with a solemn look and a touch of excitement.

Before going up the mountain today, someone had already given them some warning in advance.

Every villager in Liu Village can obtain the body tempering method given by Lord Liu Shen, and they are no exception.

Although it is not clear what this body tempering method is, for this group of once homeless tribal refugees, this more importantly represents an unprecedented recognition!

"Lord Liu Shen has ordered that starting from today, a separate row of disciples will be drawn up.

Disciples are taught without distinction, and they can always listen to the teachings of Lord Liu Shen Chun Chun.

The method of body tempering that Master Liu Shen is about to give is an important shortcut to enter it now. After you understand it, you must practice hard every day and strive to become the pillar of our Willow Village as soon as possible! ! ! "

Old man Lin appropriately took out some future plans to encourage everyone.

Only with competition can there be greater progress.

The effect is still there, and many people's eyes couldn't help but light up after listening to it.

When everyone was within the appropriate range, Jianghuai Liuye waved and directly chose to pass on the skills.

But in an instant.

The training tips of the "Body Training Sutra" all appeared in the minds of more than thirty people present, and they exploded like a bell.

Of course, due to the different talents of everyone, the degree of understanding among these people is also different.

But among the crowd, there was still a small figure that caught Jiang Huai's eyes and was remembered by him.

That was a little boy who was only one or two years old. At an age when other children of the same age were confused and only knew how to play, the other boy was very discerning and meticulous in understanding the scriptures handed down by Jiang Huai. He was extremely serious!

(The epidemic has been a bit fierce in the past two days, everyone should pay attention to your health! Your condition has not been very good these two days, so there is only one update.)

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