As the sun rises in the east, the morning light shines brightly, and the morning glow is accompanied by the dew, Willow Village echoes with the immature voices of young girls heheheheha, demonstrating the vitality that belongs only to the youthful years.

Central square location.

Dozens of boys and girls are facing the morning glow to temper their bodies, strengthen their bodies and bones, and replenish their vitality. Each one of them is swaying the sweat on their bodies and fighting in style.

When the sun is first born, it is the best time of the day to practice. The body will unconsciously absorb a trace of the power of the sun in the air. At this time, body tempering will often have miraculous effects.

As for the elderly, they found a comfortable corner to bask in the sun and looked at the bustle in the village with a smile.

Their Qi and blood have completely dried up, and there are still hidden diseases on their bodies. They are no longer suitable for extensive exercise. Sunbathing every day is enough.

The adult men in the village are exercising rhythmically on the other side.

Led by Lin Zhuang, Lin Chen and others, they were naked to the upper body, exposing their bronze skin, and kept waving various weapons in their hands. Although there was no rules, every move was full of force, and the emphasis was on speed. , accurate, ruthless.

Whoever strikes fast enough and ruthlessly enough will have a greater chance of surviving in the wilderness. As for those fancy moves, they are not what they pursue. Facing the terrifying ferocious birds and beasts, the more fancy the moves, the more likely they will die. faster.

After the morning classes, it is time to learn magic skills.

Originally there was only one evil ape treasure technique, but now there is a dragon snake treasure technique.

Previously, Lin Xintong was responsible for teaching the Fierce Ape Art. Although she is young, she has studied it most thoroughly and has personal training experience. She can teach it more effectively with half the effort.

Compared with the fierce ape body treasure technique, the rune of the dragon snake is undoubtedly much more complicated. There is only one rune on the whole treasure bone, shining with the brilliance of Ye Ye, and it is constantly changing with every breath.

This treasure skill is very extraordinary. According to the display on the runes, if it is practiced to the extreme, the rune spear can even pierce a hole in the sky. Its power is unpredictable.

However, if you want to practice this magic, you must know and remember all the variations of the runes, and you must memorize them thoroughly.

If you can't even remember it, how can you practice cultivation? Reading and memorizing every rune is the prerequisite for practicing all treasures!

However, the runes are complex and obscure, and it is difficult for even adults to understand them, let alone a group of stubborn children.

There are many people in the wilderness who don't know runes.

Sure enough, in just a moment, many little kids' brows wrinkled into a big "Sichuan" sign, each with a sad look on their face.

This kind of ghost-drawing talisman is too difficult to learn, which makes them feel dizzy, and their original yearning disappears in an instant.

In such a short period of time, they had the illusion that their days were like years. These little kids had already begun to miss the leisurely time of hunting birds outside. Many of the big-hearted ones had sneaked out to urinate and play in the mud, but they were soon captured again. His parents were arrested again.

"My naughty kid is really too much. He actually skipped class and went fishing with a group of people at the river. He didn't put out bait even though he was fishing. He was just as good as his dad. He kept talking all day long about how he was fishing. He is one of the best players in the world, and I am even better than him!"

One day in the afternoon, the parents of the naughty children gathered together.

"Whose child is not like this? Look at Dequan, the child from Guifang's family. Not only is he more obedient than ours, but he is also very motivated. He has already achieved some results in practicing treasures at a young age.

Except for Captain Lin and the others, they are almost the number one in our village. They can even hunt tigers and leopards. The village chief attaches great importance to that little guy. All good things come to him first, followed by others. Those are the little bastards in our family! ! "


As soon as Tu Dequan was mentioned, the original discussion suddenly stopped.

They are all other people’s children!

"These naughty kids will go to the house without fighting for three days. We have to send a few people to keep an eye on them."


These increasingly indignant and angry parents came to a common conclusion, and after everyone discussed it, they decided to leave one or two people behind every day to take turns staring at the little bastards.

We have to let those brats know how dangerous society is!

"Sisters, is the magic that we just acquired in the village so powerful? My dog ​​Dan always skips classes. As a kid, he is always playful!"

A woman with a slightly sturdy figure said in confusion.

She was accidentally injured some time ago and broke her leg. She just recovered today. She still doesn't understand some things, and her men are too lazy to tell her these things.

"Awesome? More than just powerful, it was a ferocious beast hunted by Captain Lin himself. Wasn't my man from the hunting team in the village? He had heard Captain Lin say that that magic was a very powerful killing technique, even if With just a little knowledge of fur, you can hunt down beasts like ligers and tigers.

If you have some success, you can even hunt and kill ferocious beasts. Tsk, tsk, tsk, listen, those are ferocious beasts. Who else is there in our village besides those few? Once you learn it, won't you be able to become a big shot with real power in the village in a matter of seconds? ! "

Someone in the crowd immediately replied.

The strong-bodied woman was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything. Instead, she walked straight towards the shade of a tree, and then she carried a black kid in one hand who was peeing in mud. She suddenly became angry. Come everywhere.

"Goudan, if I find you sneaking out again, believe it or not, I will remove your little brat's legs in a matter of minutes."

Not cherishing such a precious opportunity to learn the art of magic is just looking for a beating!

Not to mention the "painful experiences" of the little bastards in Willow Village, Lin Zhuang and others entered the depths of the wilderness several times again in the following period.

There are dozens of school-age children in the village, and the animal blood of one dragon snake alone is not enough, and more animal blood is needed.

With the experience of the first two times, Lin Zhuang and others are undoubtedly more comfortable.

They were full of vitality and blood, and when exerted with all their strength, they weighed hundreds of thousands of kilograms, and were suddenly smashed into a mess. Ordinary ferocious beasts were no match for them, and they could be smashed to death with just a few punches.

Even if they are stronger, as long as they are not too perverted, a few people can handle them together.

However, in a short period of time, the temporary warehouse built behind Liu Village was filled with the corpses of ferocious beasts, and the land around Jianghuai became more ruddy.

However, this blood water is only floating on the top layer of the soil. As for the blood that penetrates into the underground soil, it has already been completely absorbed by the roots of Sophora japonica.

This beast blood contains sufficient nutrients, especially the ferocious beast blood. For Jiang Huai, it is equivalent to some kind of natural and harmless high-quality fertilizer. Even if he has not upgraded during this period, his body shape is also growing rapidly day by day. Now he is It has almost reached one thousand meters, and it stands out compared to the surrounding ancient trees.

(If you feel that the reading is a little bit toxic, please tell Beigua if there is anything that doesn’t make sense. Beigua will follow the advice.)

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