The next moment.

Those blood moons suddenly closed together.

Just like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, all streams merge into one, eventually forming a huge full moon.

Covering the sky, the blood-colored brilliance flowing on it reveals an unimaginable vastness and antiquity, as if it is an ancient thing that has existed since the beginning of heaven and earth, before chaos was divided.


Without warning, the giant moon suddenly split from the middle.

Everything was silent except for the sound of the waves.

A thin figure slowly walked out of it.

This figure was extremely thin. From a distance, it seemed as if the whole person had been deliberately elongated several times, giving people an extremely uncoordinated feeling.

Its skin was stretched tightly over the bones, like dead tree bark, covered with cracks and folds, and exuding a dead gray color.

The eyes were sunken deep into the sockets, so dark that they seemed to be able to swallow up all light, making people afraid to look directly.

Looking at it like this, it looks like a piece of bacon that has been exposed to the scorching sun until it is dry and then roasted countless times on the blazing fire.

From a purely sensory perspective, the state of this figure looks even more extinct and lifeless than the Cang Emperor who gave up his vitality and condensed his life into a body of death.

However, even though it looks so shabby.

However, this figure has not completely lost its vitality. Instead, it gives people a feeling of life and death coexisting.

There is life in the exuberant death, and there is gloomy death in the vitality. These two completely different forces intertwine and collide with each other, forming a wonderful balance.

Those who can achieve this step and maintain such a balance between death and vitality, there is no doubt that the only one in the world sea is the old man who destroys the world.

The real mastermind behind the dark turmoil, and also the guide for the Three Dark Emperors, finally woke up after being silent for countless years, broke free from the shackles of the cosmic tomb, and returned from silence.

"Cough cough cough..."

Old Man Miushi's body was swaying and his steps were stumbling. As he moved, his body seemed to be overwhelmed. From time to time, he would make violent coughing sounds from his mouth.

The voice was hoarse and low, like a demonic voice coming from under the Nine Netherworld, which made people's hearts tighten when they heard it.

In the past, he once dreamed of reaching the sky in one step and forcibly breaking through the imperial realm, but he never got the true meaning and did it by force. As a result, he suffered unimaginable injuries from the great avenue, and nearly 80% of his vitality was cut off by the power of the great avenue.

To this day, even Old Man Mieshi himself doesn’t know how long he has been silent for.

Now, he finally wakes up from the darkness and silence.

"I...I'm back...after all these years, I can't live without you in this world!"

The violent coughing sound accompanied by the hoarse voice of the old man Miushi echoed in the sea of ​​​​world, resounding endlessly.

This is a very ancient language that does not belong to any recorded era. It is only mastered by the old man Mie Shi in the world.

Although Jiuyouzhan is one of the ten evils, it is actually different from the Ten Ancient Evils. The latter is a graded era, while the former has a very ancient origin.

It’s not that there were the Ten Ancient Evils first, and then the Nine Nether Dragons, but that there were the Nine Nether Dragons first, and then there were the Ten Ancient Evils, and the Ten Evils were called the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth and were not considered interference.

Among the ten evil spirits, although the true dragon ranks first, the Nine Nether Dragon is the most mysterious.

The old man who destroyed the world stepped out of the giant scarlet moon step by step. With every step he took, his aura would suddenly increase.

As the guide of the Three Dark Emperors, he is also the first quasi-immortal emperor in the eyes of the latter.

There is no doubt that the old man who destroys the world is very old. On the imperial road, he has gone further than the three dark emperors and has reached the realm of transformation.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible for him to dare to rashly try to attack the Imperial Realm.

But now, even after a long period of cultivation, the old man's body is still full of hideous wounds.

With the already shriveled flesh and blood turned outwards, and gurgling black blood flowing out of the ground, it was an unspeakably terrifying sight.

What's even more astonishing is that there are no internal organs in his body, only a piece of flesh wrapping that terrifying body.

This is not only due to the erosion of time, but also because when the breakthrough failed, the power of the avenue shattered his internal organs and turned them into nothingness.

In addition, the arms and left leg of the old man who destroyed the world were also empty. They were all cut off by the power of the avenue, wiping out any vitality.

"Come back!"

At this moment, Old Man Mieshi let out a cold rebuke, a voice full of majesty and power that shook the entire world sea.

As its voice sounded, several continuous universes suddenly appeared in front of them, as majestic as the outline of distant mountains.

At the same time, tombs emerged one after another in the universe. The tops of the tombs were filled with black smoke, as if they were hiding endless secrets and weirdness. There were countless of them, all of them extremely majestic and huge, breathing a steady stream of vitality.

Immediately afterwards, the old man who destroyed the world made another strange syllable.

As His syllables sounded, the tomb suddenly cracked open, and fragments of limbs and arms that had been chopped off by sharp blades flew out, all floating in the boundary sea. Those stumps and broken arms seemed to have a will of their own, slowly flying towards the old man who destroyed the world.

"Come on!" An ancient syllable came out of Old Man Mieshi's mouth.

The sound sounded, and the surrounding air instantly became countless times colder, as if even time had been frozen.

Immediately afterwards, the amputated left hand set off a wave of blood that tore through the sky with great force, and was firmly connected to the original position of the old man's severed hand.

The broken palm was restored immediately.

At this moment, the internal organs of the old man began to slowly emerge.

The heart was like a black meteorite, emitting a faint light, and every beat seemed to cause the tremor of the sea of ​​​​worlds.

The lungs were like two broken battle flags. Although they were broken, they could still absorb the chaotic energy of the universe.

The liver was like an ancient stone tablet, engraved with traces of time and the texture of the avenue.

The spleen and kidneys also exuded their own unique breath, and a tearing roar was heard, and the unspeakable black fog was condensed inside.

As for the broken left foot, it also slowly emerged with the thoughts of the old man.

This foot is extraordinary, and the whole body is glowing, very bright.

When this foot is firmly connected to the body of the old man, the originally incomplete body is completely complete.

In an instant.

The entire boundary sea paused, and at the same time, the aura of the old man who destroyed the world changed dramatically, and his aura suddenly became extremely exaggerated.

It was a kind of terror and majesty that could not be described in words.

Under the influence of this force, the surrounding boundary sea began to boil, as if it was boiled.

"Where are they?"

After waking up from silence, the old man who destroyed the world immediately went to the eternal abyss in the boundary sea to find the three dark emperors.

He needed the power of the soul provided by the latter to continue to restore his vitality.

The old man who destroyed the world took a step forward, and the aura around him became more and more terrifying and exaggerated. The black fog was surging and swept around, and the whole person became bigger and bigger.

In the end, even the huge boundary sea could not contain it. Looking around, the entire boundary sea was occupied by the face of the old man who destroyed the world.

However, when he arrived there, he found that the three dark emperors seemed to have evaporated from the world, and they were not guarding their true bodies in the abyss. At the same time, he could not sense any breath.

The aura of the three seemed to be directly wiped out.

I couldn't even sense their aura, and the entire sea of ​​boundaries couldn't sense any traces. There was no aura outside the sea of ​​boundaries.

These three living people were the existences standing at the top of the world. They should be the existences second only to me in this world. It's impossible for them to disappear without a trace.

This situation can only mean that the three dark emperors encountered an accident, otherwise it is impossible that they couldn't sense any aura at all.

The old man who destroyed the world looked surprised and puzzled, shocked and angry.

He was shocked because they were three genuine quasi-immortal emperors.

If they joined forces, even if I was at my peak, I would have to avoid the edge temporarily. Now I seem to have encountered an accident, otherwise why can't I contact them?

But looking at the world, who can be the opponent of Cang, Hong, and Yu? ! Even I have to avoid the edge temporarily.

He was angry because the three dark emperors were his people after all. The three of them usually called themselves students to me, and regarded me as their master.

How could such a master-disciple relationship be broken in a few words? There is a great cause and effect in it.

Not to mention that the three emperors are an important source of spiritual power for him.

Now that he has encountered an accident, who can provide him with a continuous supply of spiritual power to contain his own origin?

However, the old man was not sure that the three dark emperors had encountered an accident.

After all, it is still the same sentence. Who in the world can compete with the existence of three quasi-immortal emperors?

Even before the ancient times, there had never been such an existence, not to mention the opportunity that has now declined. The wrong road is already heading towards the end.

The old man who destroyed the world was unwilling to lose the important help of the three dark emperors.

He traced back the past years of the three dark emperors.

After some exploration, the old man who destroyed the world finally glimpsed some information.

The three dark emperors had joined forces to attack the fairyland before they disappeared.

However, although he knew this, the old man who destroyed the world did not rush to the fairyland directly.

Although it seemed insignificant to him, when he traced back the traces of the past years of the three dark emperors, he felt something in the dark, as if there was a pair of invisible eyes watching his every move in secret.

Or, it was his desire to spy on the cause and effect that made the culprit who caused the disappearance of the three dark emperors aware of it.

Being able to do this shows that the culprit's strength is unimaginable.

And there is another reason. When tracing back to the past, the old man Mie Shi obviously felt that there was an invisible and unimaginable resistance blocking his spying.

If he hadn't paid a certain price, he might have returned empty-handed.

And even if he paid a certain price, he only spied on these.

As for what happened to the three dark emperors in the fairyland, he could not know it anyway, as if there was no such time.

"Who is it!"

The aura of the old man Mie Shi suddenly became extremely terrifying.

Although he felt strange, he was confident in his own strength.

Although the failure of the forced breakthrough caused him to be silent for countless years, he also gained some benefits from it.

The realm of Quasi-Immortal Emperor is already a thing of the past for Him. Although He has not truly entered the realm of Emperor, it is far superior to the realm of Quasi-Immortal Emperor. Now that He has recovered from his serious injury, He has no rivals in the world. In this life, He has seen some of the future, and He will eventually officially enter the realm of Immortal Emperor.

"Humph, no matter who it is, they can't stop the true avenue from coming. Since we don't know who it is, let the three good disciples who have been accompanying the entire Immortal Realm be buried with him!"

The old man of the world snorted coldly, his voice was sad, and the universe around him began to collapse. The stars trembled in fear, as if they wanted to escape from this terrifying existence.


The old man of the world took a step forward.

The boundary sea surged, directly tearing open a dark crack leading to the fairyland.

Behind the crack, there were fairy birds flying, auspicious beasts, and one after another magnificent palaces, fairy clouds rising. Compared with the lonely boundary sea, it was like a fairyland on earth.

"It's just a false prosperity!" The old man of the world had gloomy eyes, cold and resolute. It was obvious that he had made up his mind to suppress the fairyland with thunder.

No matter what the three dark emperors encountered there, the fairyland would be sacrificed.

In the fairyland, the fairy air was lingering, and all spirits coexisted.

With the arrival of the old man of the world, this tranquility and harmony was instantly broken.

The sky suddenly became dim, and thunder rolled, as if to destroy everything. The creatures in the fairyland felt this terrifying aura and hid in fear.

The old man Mieshi stood in the air, overlooking the creatures below, with a cruel smile on his face. No wonder the three dark emperors wanted to suppress the fairyland. This place really shouldn't exist until now. It should have been sacrificed long ago. The quality is unprecedentedly high. Once this place is sacrificed, He will definitely get the real fairy emperor scripture and will have a 100% chance of truly entering that realm.

"Fairyland, today is the end of this place." The old man Mieshi spoke slowly, his voice was like the devil's voice under the nine netherworlds, which made people shudder.

At this moment, a figure flew out from the depths of the fairyland and greeted the old man Mieshi. It was an old man with a fairy-like appearance and a strong fairy king aura. He was like an ancestor-level existence, holding a fairy sword and killing.

When the three dark emperors sent their army to invade the border of the fairyland, they were the first to stand up.

"Who is so rampant?!" The fairy king shouted angrily, forming seals with both hands, and suppressed the old man Mieshi.

However, the old man who destroyed the world just smiled contemptuously, without any action at all, allowing the old fairy king's attacks to fall on him.

His body was extremely huge, covering the sky and the sun, like a mouthful of black holes, swallowing all the attacks.

The old fairy king was horrified.

Before he could react,

a scarlet palm came, accompanied by a surging blood wave, and directly hit the body of the old fairy king.

"Bang!" A loud noise came, and the fairy king's body collapsed instantly, and his soul turned into powder.

This scene shocked the entire fairyland, and countless creatures were terrified. An old fairy king was killed just like that, without even a wave of waves, just like a fly that was slapped to death. It was too exaggerated.

"An ant-like existence dares to stop me?" The old man who destroyed the world sneered, revealing endless murderous intent in his eyes, as if he had just slapped a bug to death.

An Immortal King attacking Him was no less than an insult in the eyes of the Old Man of Destruction, so he killed Him directly with force.

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