"Ants are still ants after all."

After succeeding with one blow, Huo Long was not in a hurry to continue his attack.

In his opinion, the group of people in front of him have long been his prey and cannot escape, so he doesn't mind playing with them for a while longer.

Rather than killing the opponent in one fell swoop, he enjoys the enemy's despair.

"Lin Meng, my leader had no time to think about it and let you and others escape. However, when you escaped, you even injured my leader's brother.

This matter has always been my chief's heart. Fortunately, after so many years of hunting, all your companions have died under this leader's hammer. Now, it's just you! "

Huo Long turned to look at Lin Meng and spoke coldly.

He always kept this account in mind.

But Lin Meng was so good at hiding that it took him more than twenty years to catch them.

"But having said that, although you are a loser as a father, the son you gave birth to is really good. He looks like he can only move to the Blood Realm, but he can fight head-on with this leader for so long!"

Huo Long rarely looked directly at Lin Zhuang. When they were fighting, the opponent's momentum made him quite frightened. The energy and blood were as thick as a volcano erupting. If he were more diligent, he might not be weaker than him.

"This leader has always been a person who loves talents. To be honest, if you were not Lin Meng's son, I wouldn't mind sparing your life.

But it's a pity that you are not only the eldest son of this ant, but the leader has no choice but to reunite you underground. "

Huo Long grabbed Lin Zhuang and threw him directly next to Lin Meng. Lin Chen on the side was knocked to the ground by other Fire Tribe tribesmen.

"Father, go up the mountain and see Mr. Liu Shen quickly. Only Mr. Liu Shen can save us!"

Lin Zhuang's chest collapsed, and his animal skin was soaked in blood, and he said hurriedly.

His "Body Training Sutra" is just a small success. He is far from the opponent who has reached the half-step of Cave Heaven Realm Huolong. He has already reached the end of his strength.

"There is no Lord Liu Shen here, Zhuang'er, you must hold on and don't say anything stupid."

Looking at Lin Zhuang covered in blood in front of him, Lin Meng trembled all over, gritted his teeth, and his eyes were red.

Although Lin Zhuang would always contradict him on weekdays, what Lin Meng admired the most was his eldest son. Seeing that the other man was not only seriously injured but even talked nonsense in order to protect himself, the man was not only saddened.

"Father, you... just... listen to me... go to the mountain, look for Lord Liu Shen to take action. As long as Lord Liu Shen... Lord Liu Shen is willing to take action, we will be saved..."

Lin Zhuang said intermittently that the injuries on his body were too serious, the skin was torn and the flesh was torn, and the internal organs were affected to varying degrees, but he could still hold on.

This is entirely due to the fact that the "Physical Exercise Sutra" can not only increase the strength, but also subtly improve the physique of the cultivator.

Lin Zhuang was a little excited and couldn't help spitting out another mouthful of blood, which shocked Lin Meng.

This old man who was already in his fifties burst into tears. He had seen some dying people like this before, suddenly talking nonsense and becoming delirious.

He has lived here for decades, what is there that he still doesn't know about here? Not to mention Willow God, he has never seen even a willow tree.

Furthermore, they are now surrounded by enemies. Not to mention going up the mountain, they cannot even get out of this dense forest.

When he thought that his eldest son had become like this because of himself, Lin Meng couldn't help but feel sad and sorrowful, and he seemed to have aged dozens of years in an instant.

"Father, don't cry. Even if the child dies, don't be afraid. Master Liu Shen will definitely avenge the child!" Lin Zhuangqiang said despite the severe pain.

"What nonsense, Mr. Liu Shen, boy, do you think that delaying time can save the lives of your family? This leader tells you, in your dreams, even if the King of Heaven comes, I will not even think of saving you."

Huo Long walked quickly to Lin Zhuang with his hands behind his back, his expression gloomy.

"There is no place in this green mountain that is not a burial ground, and no place is not a deserted place. To be honest, I really want to see if anyone will come out without opening their eyes. But it is a pity that this leader is here. Your so-called Lord Liu Shen is probably scared to death!!"

Huo Long sneered, how could such a clumsy method possibly frighten the leader of the Fire Tribe? ! What a joke.

I don't know where this guy came from, but he dared to call himself a god. It's really delusional.

"You are not allowed to insult Lord Liu Shen!" Lin Zhuang's eyes were red. The majestic figure taught him the overall body-building technique. The kindness is greater than the sky. As long as he is still breathing, no one will be allowed to slander him.

"Insult? This leader not only insulted him, but also wanted to cut this so-called Lord Liu Shen in your mouth into pieces with a thousand knives."

"You... you will be punished by Liu Shen..." Lin Zhuang's chest heaved violently.

"Punishment? This leader has been a strong man in the cave for so long. I have always punished others, but no one without a long-sighted mind has ever dared to punish me.

I would like to see how the so-called Lord Liu Shen in your mouth will punish this leader. In this mountain range, this leader is the strongest existence! "

Huo Long's face was cold, and he flew forward, grabbed Lin Zhuang's neck, and lifted him up.

A strong feeling of suffocation came over him, and Lin Zhuang's face instantly turned red.

"Master Huolong, one person is responsible for what one does. It was all my fault and it has nothing to do with my children. I will go back with you to question the crime. Please show your kindness. You will not care about the sins of the villain and let innocent people like me go." My child, I kneel down for you."

Lin Meng, an old man, cried like a tearful person.

He is guilty.

It would have been better if he just shouted to his wife, children, and children to leave. It was all his own fault. He was used to living an easy life, and he didn't want to move out of here right away. Otherwise, how could he have caused his boss to become like this.

"Father, don't kneel down to this kind of person. He insulted God Liu. God Liu... will definitely... never forgive him."

Even though he was choked and unable to breathe, Lin Zhuang still did not give in and still tried his best to speak out for Jiang Huai.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a man of steel and iron. Seeing that you want to die so much, this leader will reluctantly help you."

Huo Long was completely enraged, and the slender scar was twisted with anger. The veins in his arm bulged, and the strength increased violently. He was about to pinch Lin Zhuang's neck bone alive.

"call out……"

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

not far away.

Suddenly, there was an inexplicable burst of violent and dull roaring sounds.

It was like some huge thing rubbing against the ground.

next moment.

Follow this sound.

A terrifying giant shadow that was more than fifty meters suddenly appeared in front of Huo Long like a sweeping black wind.

Suddenly, a fishy wind blew in my face, and sand and rocks flew...

It was a large black python that looked like a small mountain.

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