On Friday, the weather in Edinburgh in the morning was not much different from usual --- fog, slight wind, and passers-by walking on the street.

But at night, it becomes different. Many people lined up at the entrances of major theaters, and then proceeded to check tickets in an orderly manner and entered the theater hall.

Yes, tonight is the day when "The Klinders" is released. Many people have given up what they are doing, and plan to see how this great work will be when it is adapted into a movie for the first time.

Due to too many people buying movie tickets, the theater staff also immediately vacated the venues for other movie works, and broadcast several rounds a day. This also allowed the box office of "The Klinders" to create the highest single-day box office record this year --- 80 million.

In this parallel world, what is the concept of a box office of 80 million in a single day? Take "Manchester City Night", which recently created a new high box office in the UK this year, for example. Its total box office in a week is 130 million. But now, "The Klinders" has reached 80 million in a single day, and within two days, it has completely killed this record in seconds.

In fact, not only Edinburgh, but also the whole of Scotland, England, or Northern Ireland, etc., all cinemas in the UK were detonated by the news of "The Clinders" today. This is also the reason why it has such a high single-day box office.

"The Clinders" has a huge influence in the hearts of the British, so they will choose to watch it on the day it is released, and some of them go there together as a family. This also allowed the major movie theaters to make a lot of money.

The first people who were put in to see "The Klinders" were lucky, and they were happy about it. And after watching "The Klinders", they also deeply praised it.

"It's very touching. I was deeply moved by the kindness and greatness of "The Klinders". He is our spiritual leader."

"When the Klinders knelt down to the sinners in order to save the homeless children, I shed tears. I think only angels sent by God can do such a selfless act of love And there is no doubt that the Klinders are such a pair of angels."

"Thank you, Director Jordan Dick, you are the one who moved me once again under the kindness of the Klinders. I think kindness is needed in this world, and kindness is more precious than anything else, because it is a choice."

"Director Jordan Dick is really a genius. He used those true and delicate stories to restore a sympathetic Klinder. When Klinder published his first book, his neighbor was forced to beat him because of loan sharks. He never He hesitated to use the manuscript fee to help the other party. And because of this, he was cold for several nights in the winter of that year."

There's no doubt that "The Klinders" has been well-received and considered one of Jordan Dick's greatest films. This also made Jordan Dick praised by many people for a while. His Twitter followers also directly increased by more than 300,000 that day.

And the craze about "The Klinders" is still going on, and many people have set up a forum and a post bar for the convenience of everyone's discussion. Of course, in order to heat up this discussion, Warner Films also arranged for many people to chatter and comment every day. This also makes the news of "The Klinders" always occupy the top ten of many search engines.

Such things as film critics exist all over the country. Britain in this parallel world is no exception. Levante is a well-known film critic in this country.

Now that "The Klinders" is so hot, he, an expert, naturally watched it a few times first, and then commented on it.

"It's so touching, I think I have to write something about it." Levante said with emotion after watching "The Klinders".

So, Levante began to write a film review for "The Klinders". With his overnight writing and early morning submissions, many articles of this film review were published in the "Film World" newspaper the morning after tomorrow.

"Film and TV World" is a newspaper of film and television works in this parallel world. Many artists will be published in this newspaper to promote the latest developments of which dramas or film and television works.

Levante's article is called "Those Touching Classics", in which Levante wrote:

Facts have proved that director Jordan Dick is one of the most visionary directors in the UK. He has made those deeply popular works into movies, so that more people can understand the existence of classics.

Like this "The Klinders", he used those delicate and slight shots to vividly describe the kind and brave life of the Klinders. This is very rare.

Director Jordan Dick did not intentionally fabricate the various behaviors of the Klinders during the filming process, but followed the logic of life. The sense of substitution in such works is even stronger. Because only the real thing is the closest to life.

Director Jordan Dick used such a simple shooting method to restore the angelic love of the Klinders, and then tricked us into tears.


What a "Klinders", what a Jordan Dick director.

After Levante's article was published, many people agreed with his point of view. Because they also watched the movie "The Klinders", and this movie gave them the same feeling as the Levante article said. They were completely moved by the plot in the movie, and they shed tears of emotion in the movie theater. They were angry that the Klinders were killed, and they were excited that the homeless children finally found a home.

With many people's praise for this work, the box office of this work has been breaking the box office record of British movies. As long as the 130 million box office of "Night in Manchester City" directed by Ibak was thrown out a few streets early.

However, the tour guide Ibak was not angry when he saw the information, because he thought of another thing, which he learned from the gossip that Director Hudson would announce the release of "Jane Eyre" in a few days. news.

Now that "The Klinders" is so popular, how many people will pay attention to Hudson's announcement that "Jane Eyre" is about to be released? And this "Jane Eyre" is another work written by a new writer. Let me ask, even if you write a work written by a new writer, how can you be qualified to compete with a work that has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people?

"Manchester Night" lost to "The Klinders" is not a shame, because it started shooting before then, and for the previous box office, "Manchester Night" also set a record for the British film box office this year of. And if Hudson chooses to release "Jane Eyre" at this time, the situation will be very different. Not only was it unable to create a new box office record, but it also directly lowered the movie's box office because of the popularity of "The Klinders" at this time. Therefore, Ibak has reason to believe that in the end, the box office results of this "Jane Eyre" must be dismal.

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