So, Kevin first took Bella to Edinburgh's most famous St. Luther's Park. This is one of the liveliest parks in Edinburgh. There are a lot of people who come here for sightseeing every day, and many of them come from all over the world.

Edinburgh is truly blessed to have St. Luther's Park, a true green space. It used to be a hunting ground for Scottish monarchs, with a variety of terrain, hills, swamps, lakes and moors in an area of ​​263 acres. The highest point in the park is Arthur's Seat Mountain, which is actually the remnant of a lava flow left over 325 million years ago. Mount Kelton and the cornerstone of the castle are also part of the volcano. Visitors can drive or cycle around the park along the Queen's Highway, and there are several quiet forest trails in the park.

Bella walked in this strange park, and was instantly attracted by all kinds of strange scenery.

"Oh, Kevin, I feel that St. Luther Park must have given you the imagination of the novel, because I always feel that your imagination is so strange, just like those scenes."

"Maybe, after all, the natural world is magical." Kevin said with a smile.

When Bella and Bella visited St. Luther Park, Bella walked closer to Kevin, which made his nose smell the natural fragrance of women again. He enjoyed this fragrance so much that he was even deeply intoxicated in it. It would be great if I could... tonight.

After visiting St. Luther's Park, Kevin plans to take Bella to Edinburgh Castle. After all, no one who visits Edinburgh will miss it. Edinburgh Castle is also an important symbol of Scotland.

But at this time Bella's phone rang, and Bella answered after saying "sorry".

After about ten minutes, she put the phone down.

"Bella, what's the matter, is there something wrong?" Kevin asked with concern.

"Yes, the film and television team said that there is an impromptu meeting tonight, which is about filming tomorrow. So they asked me to come over." Bella said.

"Okay, how about I give you a ride. By the way, I also went to see Director Hudson. You should know that he is also my friend." Kevin said.

"No, I'll just ask my assistant to come and take me there later. Oh, or, I'll take you home as well. You know, this place seems to be a certain distance from your home," Bella said.

"Thank you, I think I can just be a taxi."

"Well, be careful with everything. Oh, thank your parents for me, they cook amazing food."

"Well, welcome to my humble house next time."

In Kevin's mind, he still wanted to enjoy the two-person world with Bella tonight, and then enjoy the scenery of Edinburgh together, eat supper together, and watch the romantic scenes like the moon, but a phone call is so cruel cut off his "thinking."

Well, he had to accept this reality.

So, after waiting for Bella's assistant to come over, Kevin took a taxi back home alone. The two elders were waiting for Kevin to come back in the living room. When they saw Kevin come back, they immediately surrounded him.

"How is it? My dear Kevin, how is the talk with that girl? Both your dad and I think she is pretty good. She is beautiful and can talk."

"Mother, she is a big star, so she is naturally beautiful."

"What about a big star, my son is now a great writer, a great writer is just right for a big star, hurry up and catch her.


"Well, I guess I can't tell you guys. But I'll try my best," Kevin said.

This country is not like Huaxia, they don't like to hide their inner thoughts too much, especially in front of their relatives.

"Well done, son, come on, love what you love and hate what you hate." Kevin's father encouraged.

"Thanks, oh, I think I need to get back to writing novels. Thanks for your hard work today."

After Kevin returned to the room, he planned to write some other manuscripts. After all, he still has an identity now, that is, a columnist for "Times Weekly", and "Times Weekly" publishes an issue every week, which means that Kevin has to submit a manuscript to the other party once a week.

Since writing "When You're Old" last time, Kevin hasn't handed over the next draft to Wall yet. Because he was afraid that he would forget it by then, Kevin planned to write it first tonight.

So, Kevin was thinking about whose short story he should write. In the last manuscript, he wrote Yeats' poems. This time he planned to write something else, such as narrative or beautiful prose.

At this time, a prose appeared in the memory of his mind, which was Lamb's "Dream Child-A Fantastic Fantasy".

Lamb, whose full name is Charles Lamb, is a famous British essayist on earth and enjoys a world reputation. He wrote poems, romances, plays, essays on Shakespeare's plays, and co-wrote The Tales of Shakespeare's Plays.

Lamb is the spokesman of middle and lower "white-collar workers" such as clerks, teachers, accountants, and hired literati in the capitalist society in the nineteenth century. Readers can find a familiar and friendly feeling from his works. His humorous style is even more unbearable.

But Lamb is best known for his Essays on Elijah, and writing essays is also one of his best styles.

This "Dream Child - A Fantastic Fantasy" is a short essay in his essays. Lamb often adds his own fiction and imagination in the process of writing characters, true and false, false and true The factual narration constitutes a dream atmosphere that is both real and unreal, mixed with sadness and joy, which is exactly the unique artistic charm presented to readers by Lamb's articles.

In "Children in Dreams—A Fantastic Fantasy", he imagined that he and his childhood sweetheart had entered the palace of marriage, and had a pair of innocent and lovely children, but their mother unfortunately died young.

He wrote: "From the eyes of little Alice, I clearly saw her mother. It turned out that the bright-eyed and kind-hearted Alice was so vividly presented that I couldn't tell which Alice it was and who it was. Who stood in front of me with shiny blond hair."

The reason why Kevin chose to write it down and submit it to Wall is because he liked the imagination of this essay. Many people may write novels based on imagination, but this essay uses imagination to write imagination, which is extremely interesting .

"Perhaps Wall will like this little story."

After speaking, Kevin used the memory system in his mind, and then quickly typed. It took about 30 minutes for him to finish writing "The Child in the Dream-A Fantastic Fantasy".

After sending it to Wall, Kevin started writing "Wuthering Heights" again. Since he helped Kovani's father pay off the debt, he didn't have much money left in his card. Besides, it's not easy for Kevin's parents to work hard, so he wants to get more money as soon as possible, and then help the two elders buy a house, or ask them to fire their hard work.

I worked overtime late tonight, so I came back late, which led to a late update. I hope my friends can forgive me. Of course, if there is a leader or something, he will definitely ask for leave and make changes. Thanks again to those friends who supported this book, it is not easy for anyone to live in this world. So thank you very much, and sincerely wish you all the best

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