Rebirth As God Of Cooking In Japan

Chapter 336 The World of Great Controversy (18)

"Acheng, are you really okay?"

"Don't worry, the devil in the food cell has been killed by me, you forgot, I am a man with Tianyuyu Slash, say a sword, and a man who slashed the eight-headed snake!"

Speaking of this, Miya Asama is even more suspicious.

"Acheng, how did you get Tianyu Yu Zhan-!"

Before in the underground palace, Xiao Cheng said that a sword really appeared when he heard a sword, and then he slashed the eight-different serpent, but they were desperately unable to kill the monster, but Xiao Cheng this one Fighting the five scum, okay, it's a bit blunt, but there is no problem. Xiao Cheng, the fighting the five scum, hacked to death the monster that they couldn't kill. Is this reasonable?

And how did Xiao Cheng's Tianyu Yu Zhan come from?

All these are questions one by one.

"Tian Yu Yu Zhan, ah, I was thinking about wanting this thing at the time, and then something important left me, and then, Tian Yu Yu Zhan appeared, as long as I had a thought."

With a grip on the void, suddenly, a simple sword appeared in Xiao Cheng's hand, it was Tianyu Yuzhan!

Miya Asama suddenly looked at the food luck on Xiao Cheng's head!

Then Miya Asama understood!

The food fortune on top of Xiao Cheng's head that made people look at the tears of men and women is almost scarce. The food fortune that originally leaped and transformed into a dragon became a carp again, and even the body of the fish was a little illusory!

"That's it, I understand it this way!"

In Miya Asama's view, Xiao Cheng used food to fend off the disaster, so this was the result of the safety of the group!

"Although food luck has greatly weakened, it may not be a good thing!"

Miya Asama felt relieved.

It can also explain why Xiao Cheng suddenly exploded with great power and slashed the Eight-Different Serpent with a single sword!

Everything was bought at the expense of that huge food transport!

"Acheng, although your food fortune has been greatly consumed, but this is good. The previous Acheng, your food fortune grew too fast, but it was easy to break. Now that you consume such a large amount of food, you don’t have to worry about it later. !"

Meiza Asama comforted Xiao Cheng, while Xiao Cheng said that he couldn't breathe with heartache, that was more than two thousand food! ! !

"But, Cheng, is it really okay for you? The gourmet cell of the eight-pointed snake!"

"No, that's not the gourmet cell of the Eight-Finger Snake, but... a slippery ghost!"

Xiao Cheng had just finished speaking. Suddenly, Xiao Cheng's hair began to grow wildly, and then, Xiao Cheng's hair grew to reach his waist!

The evil pattern that appeared under the corners of the eyes of the black and white hair makes Xiao Cheng look a little bit evil!


"I'm fine!"

Xiao Cheng responded and controlled the gourmet cells in his body.

As if a drop of ink melted into the ocean, Xiao Cheng's figure suddenly disappeared!

"The flower reflected in the mirror, the moon floating in the water, this is the essence of the slick ghost, and my gourmet cell devil is the slick ghost!"

Xiao Cheng's figure appeared about one meter away from the place before and said with a smile.

"Well, slick ghost? Although it's not going to return to combat effectiveness, but, at least, Ah Cheng, your safety is guaranteed again, and your escape ability is absolutely first-class. With this look, we won't have to worry about you, Cheng in the future! "

Xiao Cheng fell silent. With such awesome abilities, you let me use it to escape?


"Young Mastermind!"

Looking at the girl next to him, Da Si Ming asked what he wanted to say, but after opening his mouth, there were a thousand words and he didn't know how to say it!

· ·····Find flowers···········

"Master Donghuang asked you to go to Japan to find that person, and later let you stay by his side!"

Didn't you answer? There is no expression on the delicate face under the tulle face!

"If you have a chance, don't come back!"

Da Si Ming finished speaking, then turned and left!

Still did not speak, Shao Siming just glanced at Da Siming's figure faintly, and then quietly left!

The two didn't know at all, two figures were watching them all the time!

"Your Excellency Donghuang!"

.. .. ...

"It's okay!"

Dong Huang Taiyi, who knew what the Moon God was going to say, said lightly.

"You don't need to take care of things that don't need to be more important!"

Dong Huang Taiyi said lightly.


"All parties gathered, hoping to win the opportunity in this world of great competition!"

"Shao Siming doesn't need us to take care of her. She has her way to go. We need to care about the people from the Food Club instead!"

"Food party?"

"Yes, she moved!"

Moon God knew exactly who she was, that was a woman that even Moon God didn't want to mention!

"Linglong Dice An Red Bean, you know you don't know if you are in the bones of lovesickness?"

Moon God's body trembled slightly!

"Compared to the female emperor Luo Tianyi, An Hongdou is our biggest concern!"

The Moon God looked at Donghuang, and did not understand Donghuang Taiyi's thoughts!

PS: Realm demon. . . . Thanks to your thoughts, I don’t even know how to end it!

PS2: Moreover, the slick ghost is not weak, I have the final say! I'm talking about, isn't the race of the monster like the slick ghost very close to the realm monster?

PS3: But now I have a good review of every chapter. . . Check both sides in one chapter, almost fifteen minutes. . .

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