Rebirth As God Of Cooking In Japan

Chapter 371 The protagonist does not save the world, what is the difference with the salted fish

"Acheng, are you true?"

Miya Asama looked at Xiao Cheng nervously and asked.

"The demon inscription records that after Mogannian, the surface world will collapse, and the underground food world will collapse and be destroyed because of the collapse of the surface!"

"Will that be fake? How could there be such a record!"

Xiao Cheng shook his head in response to this question. Xiao Cheng would not believe it if he could. However, Xiao Cheng who has a system knows that this is absolutely true. The system he owns is not just to prevent the world from being destroyed. Did Xiao Cheng come to save the world? Therefore, Xiao Cheng is convinced that in more than nine years, this world will be destroyed, and the surface world will collapse and thus be destroyed, and even the food world of the inner earth will be destroyed because of the collapse of the surface world~!

The world thoroughly said game-over!

"Acheng, is there any way to stop it?"

Luo Tianyi frowned and asked.

"It's not mentioned above, but I know how to save the world through other means!"


"If you want to save the food world and the surface world, there are only eight kings!"

"I know the eight kings, but what are the eight kings?"

"The Eight Kings of the Food World!"

A sure voice uttered from Luo Tianyi's mouth, and then asked Xiao Cheng again: "I'm right, Ah Cheng!"

"Well, the eight kings of the food world, just how did you know Tianyi!"

"I'll talk about this later, Acheng, are you saying that the eight kings of the food world can prevent the destruction of the world?"

"Yes, after conquering the eight kings of the food world, you can prevent the destruction of the world!"

"Is this news reliable?"

"I'm pretty sure!"

"Well, I will now let people pay attention to the news of the Eight Kings of the food world!"

Except for Xiao Cheng and Luo Tianyi, everyone else is at a loss. What exactly are the eight kings of the food world?

"The eight kings of the food world are the strongest eight creatures in the food world. The eight beast kings at the top of the food chain of the eight continents in the food world. The ancestors of each of the eight kings once ruled the world. Of course, this is a legend. As for whether it is true or not, the eight kings are Dragon King Diluus, Wolf King Gines, Bird King Emperor Crow, Snake King Snake, Deer King Sky Deer, Whale King Muen, and Ape King Class. Bina, the horse king Hercules!"

Luo Tianyi began to popularize science with a group of girls!

"Any one of the eight kings of the food world can easily destroy the civilization of the surface world when it comes to the surface world!"


A group of people took a deep breath!

"Speaking of which, one of my pets, Terry, is Fighting Wolf, and is the same race as the Wolf King Gines, one of the Eight Kings!"

With that, Xiao Cheng said to Luo Tianyi again: "Tianyi, there is no need to go to the Eight Kings for the time being, because you can't conquer the Eight Kings. Only the God of Cooking can succeed in conquering the Eight Kings!"

In a moment, Luo Tianyi frowned.

"God of Cooking?"

"Yes, if you want to successfully subdue the Eight Kings, only the God of Cooking can do it. In other words, only the God of Cooking can save the world!"

Luo Tianyi suddenly bit his thumb and said: "God of Cooking, I want to have a God of Cooking within ten years, this kind of thing is almost..."

Suddenly, Luo Tianyi looked at Xiao Cheng!



"Three seniors, I was really sorry yesterday!"

"It's okay, Chef Xiao, can you tell us now, what is recorded on this demon inscription?"

· ·····Find flowers··········

"Of course, it's just that, I hope that the three of you won't make any announcements after knowing the urgent house on the demon inscription!"

"En? Why?"

"Because, once the things recorded above are published, the result will be..."

The current Xiao Cheng repeated the record on the demon inscription, but only translated the text on it, without telling the three people in front of him.

"That underground palace is used to give a new generation of food hunters experience, but now..."

It is recorded in the demon inscription that the underground palace is used for the food hunters to become stronger, and then explore the food world to find a way to save the world!

. ..... .......

It's just that people now castrate food cell demons directly, and those food demons in the underground palace have other uses!

Although the three sages did not believe all of Xiao Cheng's words, to a certain extent they also believed Xiao Cheng's words!

"Chef Xiao, what do you think?"

"I don't have any opinions for the time being, but I have an idea!"

"My Sky Feather Slash can kill the consciousness of the gourmet demon. So, if I kill the consciousness of the gourmet demon, I will put it into my own body like this, then it will be equivalent to the devil of the gourmet demon. Eliminate the dangers of food hunters, this look can increase the power of food hunters in a moment, and it can also explore the food world, and strive to get the best possible secrets of the food world. Now in the food world, we are only exploring the tip of the iceberg. !"

PS: Ten times a night, 50 minutes at a time, you can calculate by yourself, 500/60≈8.3 hours.

PS2: Xianyu forgot to apply for recommendation this week, but did not recommend it. The whole person is not motivated. If I was thinking about recommending, it will be updated every day. Now, forget it, alas! .

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