Rebirth As God Of Cooking In Japan

Chapter 435 Amazing score

Is Xiao Cheng trying to play mystery? No, it’s mainly because Xiao Cheng is not sure what the three sages of IGO in front of him are going to do. If the three sages of IGO in front of him use super chefs as the standard, then the golden pineapple in front of Hōjō Miyoko The one with the most fried rice can score 20 points!

However, if only the students’ ratings are used for evaluation, then the golden pineapple fried rice that Hōjō did not bring can get a score of 84. Therefore, Xiao Cheng didn’t tell Tsunozaki Taki why Hōjō Miyoko would score. !

Because, if the three sages of IGO are judged by the eyes of a special chef, then it means that the three sages of IGO believe that the twelve people in front of them are qualified to be special chefs!

In other words, these twelve people can become super chefs in the future!

That's why people now look at these students with such critical eyes, but if they look like this, it will inevitably have a big blow to these students!

800 In the time when Xiao Cheng and Tsunozaki Taki were talking, the three sages on the stage were already doing their own hands. Each of the three picked up one side of the dishes, and then spooned them on the golden pineapple fried rice in front of them. Dig a spoonful, then put it in the mouth!

The rich pineapple fragrance, coupled with the sweetness of the fried rice itself, and the little bit of saltiness, made the faces of the three wise men smile with satisfaction!

However, what makes the three sages more satisfied is the bitterness in the taste of this one!

That is a memory!

Or the heart of the kitchen!

Only those who have the heart of cooking can make dishes with memories!

This is the reason why the three sages gave the theme of recall. The people who the three sages want to cultivate naturally have the heart of cooking. If they don’t even have the heart of cooking, what kind of people are worthy of? The need for training!

And now, the three sages are tasting the memories contained in Hōjō Miyoko's cooking heart!

Not long after, the three sages put down the spoons in their hands at the same time, exchanged their eyes, and then gave points to Hōjō Miyoko's golden pineapple fried rice!

The three sages wrote Hōjō Miyoko's score on the sheet in front of them, and this score will be Hōjō Miyoko's final score!

Not long after, each of the three sages held up a piece of paper in their hands, on which the scores given by the three sages were written!

7, 7, 6. 20 points!

A total of 20 points, this is the score given to Hōjō Miyoko by the three wise men this time!

His pupils shrank suddenly, Hōjō Miyoko looked at the three sages in front of him, unable to believe that his cooking was only 20 points!

"According to the standards of the students, your cooking is indeed very good. It is almost a five-star chef, coupled with the theme memories of this time, your cooking is very good. It is not considered Elite Ten in Tōtsuki, so are you It can be considered a place, but, unfortunately, this time your assessment is based on a special chef, that is to say, it is based on the special level of cuisine as the scoring standard!"

The original Hōjō (cicd) Miyoko was still unwilling, but now after listening to the words of the three sages of IGO, a wry smile appeared on his face!

"However, you don’t have to be frustrated. Although there are only 20 points, I can tell the twelve people on the stage that as long as you can get us to give points, then you will get certain resources from IGO. The higher the score, the higher the score. The more resources there are, so let’s show off your brilliance as much as you like!"

With the explanation given by the sage of IGO, Dojima Gin was also relieved. If one of the three sages of IGO in front of me said that it was not good, it would be funny. The elite of Tōtsuki could only score 20 points, saying If you go out, who will come to Tōtsuki to study in the future, it can almost be said that if one thing is not handled properly this time, then it is very likely that Tōtsuki's reputation will be ruined!

"So, next, I invite the next player, Isami Aldini, to present his own cooking!!"

A boy who seemed to know he was fat and wide-hearted came to the stage with a dish. The other party’s dish was just a very ordinary dish, Italian pie or PIZZA!

Pizza is a food that originated in Italy and is popular all over the world. The usual method of pizza is to cover tomato sauce, cheese and other toppings with fermented round dough and bake it in an oven.

The spice that Isami chose is tomato pizza, which is very Italian!

There is the rest of the chat on the pizza!

The three sages each picked up a piece of pizza and ate two bites!

"Well, very authentic Italian flavor, which reminds me of when I was practicing in Italy before, when I used to eat Italian pizza!"

Camuel, one of the three sages, said with emotion.

"Do it!"

Picking up the pen in hand, the three sages each gave Isami a score, and then showed a trace of satisfaction. Looking at Isami, he said, "It's very good cooking, so I will give you a score..."

PS: The recommendation is over, resume three shifts. If you want to add more flowers, please give me flowers. Ten thousand flowers plus one change. The top is not capped. The end time depends on my mood. Before I say it is over, it will be 10,000 flowers plus one. One more! .

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