Rebirth As God Of Cooking In Japan

Chapter 469 The Appearance of Azami Nakiri and Ghoul

The three sages of IGO looked at Xiao Cheng standing in front of him, and their eyes showed satisfaction!

"Chef Xiao, are you willing to worship us as a teacher and accept our inheritance?"

With the attention of many people, Xiao Cheng looked at the three sages of IGO in front of him.

"Yes, I do!"

Under the eyes of many people, Xiao Cheng answered!

Although this ceremony is very simple and did not invite all the forces in the world to come, the ceremony is not simple. Among the people present, there are also many high-status people, Wu Siyou, An Hongdou, and Luo Tian. Yi, as the leader of the dark cooking world and the Dragon Chef Alliance, his status is no worse than the three sages of IGO!

On the Japanese side, Omiyaji from Sengen Shrine was there in person, and then there were many celebrities in Japanese political and business circles!

It's hard to say how crude it is!

This is also too late. Otherwise, how grand this ceremony can be done, and how grand it is absolutely!

"Time is in a hurry, so we will do a short ceremony!"

After Katcher finished speaking, he took a ring from his hand!

"This is an apprenticeship for you. This ring represents my identity. From now on, any need can be solved through IGO. As long as IGO can solve it, it will definitely be done for you!"

Xiao Cheng took the ring from Sage Katcher!

"Although today's ceremony is simple, but with all of you present to testify, this ceremony is not simple either."! "

Master Katcher said with a smile.

If it is not time urgency, and the three sages are worried about extra-junctions, the apprenticeship ceremony was held in a hurry, and Xiao Cheng and Xiao Cheng first assigned the apostle status!

This is important. With Xiao Cheng, an infinite apprentice in the future, it is more important than anything else!

As a result, Xiao Cheng put the ring handed over by Sage Katcher on his tail finger!

"Congratulations to the three sages who received the best friends!"

Asama Omiya smiled and said to the three sages!

"Where there!"

The three sages laughed and couldn't close their mouths!

"Okay, that's great!"

A person came over from outside!

That is a black man who can be seen at a glance!

"Nakamura Thistle!"

Seeing the visitor, Xiao Cheng frowned and said.

"How dare you show up? Are you not afraid of being caught and locked up?"

"As Tōtsuki's trusted commander, it's not a big problem for me to come here! Also, please call me Azami Nakiri!"

Putting a finger up, Azami Nakiri said to Xiao Cheng.

"Erina, come here, come to father's side!"

Azami Nakiri looked at Nakiri Erina and said!

"Tōtsuki's new commander?"

Xiao Cheng looked at Azami Nakiri!

"The six Elite Tens of Tōtsuki have already signed their names to dismiss the former commander, and I, Azami Nakiri, will be the new commander of Tōtsuki!"

"Oh, then I can ask, which six Elite Tens are they?"

Gentiana Kobayashi, Ning Ning Kiyokuni and Momo Akakubo came forward!

"It's better to let us tell you!"

Xiaolin Gentian put his hands in his pockets, walked out, looked at Xiao Cheng and said!

"I guessed it, first seat Eishi Tsukasa, second seat Kobayashi gentian, fourth seat Akakubo Tao, fifth seat Sotoaki Saito, sixth seat Ning Ning, ninth seat Eishi Tsukasa, ninth seat Eishi Tsukasa, I That's right!"

Azami Nakiri looked at Xiao Cheng in front of him and said, "Sure enough, you are a smart person!"

"It's just that I don't understand why you want to help Gentian!"

Xiao Cheng looked at Kobayashi Gentiana, Ji Zhiguo Ningning and Akakubo Tao asked!

"々` This question, I don't want to answer you!"

"Then treat it as your willfulness, but after everything is over, you have to accept the punishment!"

Shaking his head, Xiao Cheng looked at Azami Nakiri.

"You appear here, do you have any hole cards? Otherwise, you are here now openly, but it is very dangerous!"

Azami Nakiri chuckled a few times and said, "Of course I know, so I brought them here!"

Following Azami Nakiri's words, masked figures appeared one after another!

One of them was covered with bandages and a figure wearing a red cloak was in front of the masked people!

"Why is this figure so familiar!"

Xiao Cheng looked at the figure and said involuntarily.

The figure Xiao Cheng always felt some familiarity, and then Xiao Cheng suddenly changed his face and said, "These, shouldn't they be cantonese!"

"Oh, it really surprised me, you actually know about the existence of the cantonese, and can tell me how did you know the existence of our cantonese?"

The man wrapped in bandages said to Xiao Cheng.

"Bronze tree?"

Xiao Cheng asked to the other party.

"Hehehe, I actually know that we are Bronze Tree, even IGO and Dragon Chef Alliance don't know how you know, can you tell me?"

"Why do you mix with him?".

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