Rebirth As God Of Cooking In Japan

Chapter 538 God tm monster sage

The world has changed at this moment, and even, in the eyes of everyone's puzzled eyes, the world has changed so suddenly!

It was clear that the world was fine yesterday, very normal, but today, the world has changed!

The South Korean note7 family was bloodbathed overnight, from top to bottom, all of them died!

But the owner of the home and the home-owner are missing!

No one knows who did this thing, but one thing is certain, that is, the person who did this thing, no, it should be said that it is an organization, it is definitely not an ordinary organization, it is very possible. . .

There are some conjectures, but no one dared to say it!

At this time, as the masters of the Li family, the two fathers and sons looked at the women in front of them bloodlessly!

"Why, why, where did our family provoke you, let you do this!"

"Ask me why? So, I have to ask, why did your whole world unite against a little adventurer seventeen years ago?"

"Seventeen years ago? Isn't it..."

"It seems that you have remembered and told everything you know. I can make you die without the slightest pain. Otherwise, I believe that when you come, you will feel that death is a kind of happiness!"

The expression was cold, and his eyes were full of sharp cold light!

"Don't you want to know!"

"Really? Esther, leave it to you, I want to know, everything seventeen years ago!"

Licking his lips, Esther said with a slight smile: "No problem, I will definitely let the other party tell everything!"

"Don't think about it, even if I die, I won't tell you!"

Esthers kicked directly on the opponent's cheek!


A tooth was broken and one was clean, and all were vomited out!

"Want to commit suicide in front of me, who gives you the confidence?"

The father and son were dragged out like a dead dog!

After Esdes left, the cold color on Luo Tianyi's face gradually disappeared!

"No matter who it is, you can't stop me!"


The surface world has fallen into a bloody storm because of Xiao Cheng!

And Xiao Cheng woke up leisurely at this time!

"Unfamiliar roof!"

Sitting up, Xiao Cheng looked left and right, then stood up!


The gentle sliding door was opened, Xiao Cheng looked at the people who walked in!

"Yo, you woke up!"

"Hakurei Reimu!!!"

Seeing the person coming, Xiao Cheng almost subconsciously called out the other person's name!

"Know me? Forget it, no matter how much, come with me, there are a group of old monsters waiting for you outside!"

Xiao Cheng was about to nod his head, suddenly, looking at Boli Reimu before him, said, "Have you seen another person, a girl with blue hair!"

"Oh, you said that half-monster!"

Hakuli Reimu said casually: "Now, she should have been eaten by those old monsters outside!"

Xiao Cheng's expression changed, and he rushed out almost subconsciously!

Seeing Xiao Cheng rushing out, Boli Reimeng pouted and said, "Can this guy really take us out? This damn cage!"

Xiao Cheng rushed out, and then, soon Xiao Cheng saw that Dong Xiang Kirishima was surrounded by a group of people like a monkey!

"Dong Xiang!"

Xiao Cheng ran over and looked at Kirishima Dongxiang!

"Are you OK!"

··· 0 Seeking flowers············

Kirishima Dongxiang looked at Xiao Cheng and nodded, and then said, "I'm fine, but some..."

It's so uncomfortable to be looked at as a monkey, if it weren't for the fight, Touka Kirishima definitely wants to do it now!

"Yo, brother, wake up!"

Xiao Cheng looked at the familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of him, and asked calmly, "You guys, what do you want to do?"

"It's not what we want to do, but it should be said that you have forgotten something!"

Xiao Cheng frowned!

"What did I forget?"

........ ........ 0

"Seventeen years ago, you didn't say that, little brother!"

Seventeen years ago?

"I'm only seventeen years old this year, seventeen years ago, I... Wait... Seventeen years ago, that was not my father..."

When I heard Xiao Cheng muttering to himself, which women looked at Xiao Cheng.

"Wait, it seems to be a bit younger indeed."

"It seems, it's really not him!"

"En, no wonder it feels a little different!"

Xiao Cheng heard some key words. Seventeen years ago, her father should be right. Could it be that her father was here 17 years ago?

"It seems that you are indeed not him, so let's talk about it. First of all, let us introduce, here is the ruins, the end of all things, and the unbreakable cage of this world!"

The fan opened, covering his lips!

"I am a monster sage, Yakumo Zi!"

The monster sage of GodTM! ! !

Xiao Cheng's surface is as stable as an old dog, but a group of panic in his heart!

"Seventeen years, we have an agreement with your father!"

PS: This is just a group of salted fish! .

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