After the reception was completed that day, on the way back to the guest house, Kong Bai, who had added system tasks, put forward a request: he asked to go to the China Overseas Physics Institute as soon as possible to put in work.

So, according to Kong Bai's request, Zhou Xiaomi arranged the earliest special plane the next day to fly to Zhonghai.

Kong Bai arrived at Zhonghai International Airport by special plane with Academician Li.

Several black cars specially drove into the airport tarmac and picked up Kong Bai and Academician Li's group.

Now Kong Bai's bodyguard has one more person.

Originally, according to the spirit of that person's instructions, the more security personnel must be the better, but considering that things were done too much, it seemed that there was no silver here 300 taels.

At Kong Bai's request, Zhao Qiming stayed, for which both Zhao Qiming and Zhou Xiaomi were grateful.

At the same time, he also accepted his suggestion to send another person to ensure that the two could work in shifts. In order to avoid Kong Bai's own irregular schedule, Zhao Qiming will be dragged down again.

In fact, what Kong Bai did not know was that the Guard Bureau and special departments had explicitly and secretly put a large number of personnel into Zhonghai, but the names were all varied. It made some sensitive people wonder for a long time.

The Institute of Physics of China Overseas is the largest institute of personnel and equipment in the research institutions under the Longke Institute, mainly engaged in the research of basic physics and applied physics, and the Dihua Institute of Physics and the Didu Institute of Physics of the Longke Academy are also known as the "Three Masters of Longguo Physics".

Under the arrangement of Academician Li, Kong Bai lived in the guest house under the Zhonghai Institute of Physics, and arranged a fairly large suite.

Zhao Mingqi and another new security guard, Li Shen and Zhou Xiaomi, each lived in a smaller suite.

These rooms are on one floor. Kong Bai's room is inside, and to go to Kong Bai's room, you must pass through the room of three people, which also means "arch guard" inside.

After all, it is not a short period of residence, and the room still needs to be slightly larger.

Kong Bai's requirements for living were not too high, because he did not plan to stay in the room for long.

He also remembered the task given to him by the system, and now more than fifty hours have passed.

Now Kong Bai is a little anxious! He didn't know what his task completion score was now, whether it was enough for 60 points, he once tried to ask Xiaobai, but Xiaobai didn't pay attention to him at all.

Although it has alarmed the highest level of the Dragon Kingdom now, this is not a major impact, and it is not easy to say that the continuous controllable nuclear fusion facility has not really begun to be built after all.

In case in the end, his mission is messed up, the score is less than 60, and the system soars, leaving him a big fool, wandering around the Zhonghai Institute of Physics, the picture is so beautiful, it gives goosebumps when you think about it!

Since he cannot contribute this technology to the whole world - because he has a narrow national character! Then, you can only fight on other degrees of completion, and drawing more drawings can also add points, right?

So, as soon as he arrived at the Zhonghai Institute of Physics, Kong Bai, who put down his luggage, asked Academician Li to immediately arrange an office for him. He also requested that a few technicians who knew how to draw were sent to him to cooperate with him to complete the design drawings of the entire continuous and controllable nuclear fusion facility as soon as possible.

Academician Li was also moved by his enthusiasm and immediately arranged everything.

Less than two hours after getting off the plane, Kong Bai was fully engaged in work.

Kong Bai has a full set of design drawings in his head, but drawing it is not an easy task.

When I met a boss who didn't know how to draw at all, the draftsmen were also very depressed at first.

Basically, the two sides are chickens and ducks, Kong Bai expressed the meaning, they do not understand, they say professional cartographic terms, Kong Bai does not understand.

The cooperation between the two sides at the beginning was full of communication barriers, and in the end, there was no way, Kong Bai asked the cartographer to give him a general understanding of cartography.

This process delayed some time, but it was very effective, Kong Bai later simply divided the labor for them, two draftsmen with strong understanding skills were responsible for explaining to him and acting as translators, and a few others who were not very bright were responsible for drawing.

Facts have proved that Kong Bai's brain, which has been developed by the system's strong "empowerment", is easier to use than ordinary people, and for more than a day, he has become proficient in using the commonly used drawing language to describe his goals and requirements. Even the two "translators" were added to the drawing work.

However, another problem has arisen, and that is schedule.

These draftsmen were defeated by Kong Bai's admirable vigorous energy, and they were miserable one by one, and after a day of strength, they really couldn't hold on.

Therefore, Academician Li was also a little confused!

After patiently listening to the draftsman's complaints, he also joined the ranks of persuading Kong Bai not to work so hard, saying that the time is completely timely, even if the drawings are completed in a month, it is excellent.

Kong Bai, who added to the task, resolutely asked to continue to send more draftsmen, and said that he was completely fine, and he would work for two more days and rest together, but now he just can't stop! Change people in shifts, get the drawings out as soon as possible!

So, the wheel war began, and the twelve draftsmen were divided into three shifts, taking turns to fight Kong Bai, the terrifying big devil!

At this time, Kong Bai expressed his satisfaction, and did not even go to the cafeteria to eat, and asked to be sent to the office to facilitate him to eat and work.

Now enter Kong Bai's office, just like the space center launch site!

Kong Bai had a large desk in the back, four draftsmen in the front row, and two computers for drawing per person.

He crackled on technical documents in the back, and kept chanting about the requirements for drawings.

As soon as a draftsman finished drawing the assigned work, he raised his hand, Kong Bai put down the work in his hand, and looked at it seriously in front of the computer of the person who raised his hand, which is actually a one-to-one correspondence with the drawings in his mind. If there is no problem, it will be corrected immediately.

Then he began to arrange the next round of work: Kong Bai casually pulled a blank piece of paper, drew his intention on the paper with a pen, used terms in his mouth to clarify his intention, and then handed it to the draftsman to put his intention on the computer....

Then he walked back to his desk and started typing. Later, Kong Bai still felt that he was typing too slowly, so he found Academician Li again, asked for two technicians or clerks who typed extremely fast, also in three shifts, and added a few desks and a few computers in the office.

Then Kong Bai said that when they played, after typing a paragraph, Kong Bai should personally review it, so as not to make mistakes and make mistakes in the busyness.

Then, what Kong Bai needs is throat lozenges and fat sea...

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