With the passage of time, part and part of Kong Bai handed over the design drawings and technical data of the continuous controllable nuclear fusion facility, and the scientific and technological research team also grew step by step.

On the fifth day, Academician Li was surprised to find that the huge Institute of Zhonghai Physics of the Academy of Dragon Science was unusable!

He was surprised to find out what Kong Bai had done in the past few days!

Receiving the first design drawings and technical information for the core reactor, at the beginning, he found more than 20 people to gnaw there hard! It's a little hard, and the gnaw is not very smooth, so add people, add people and add people!

At the beginning, it was only to gather researchers with basic physics and applied physics academic backgrounds to join the group, and then found that they still needed to learn mathematics, and then found that they also needed to learn materials science, electronics, automation...

Anyway, by the end, this research group had swelled to nearly a hundred people!

Then, Zhou Xiaomi sent the second piece of information from Kong Bai's office!

Zhou Xiaomi has now found his positioning, that is, running errands and miscellaneous!

Kong Bai now does not have any external contacts and travel arrangements, and she does not need to worry about life, and indeed she can't worry about it, because the only thing Kong Bai is doing now is going to the toilet.

She was idle and bored, so she found a chair, and she was there to see Kong Bai busy. If you can't understand it, you can play with your own mobile phone. Kong Bai sometimes instructed her to take this and give that.

Zhou Xiaomi is very satisfied with his current positioning, because everything is afraid of comparison, compared to the two guys who stay in the house all day and are about to grow mushrooms on their bodies, he is still very lucky.

Academician Li received the second information, roughly flipped over, the tiger's body was shocked, immediately gathered idle scientific researchers, put down the work at hand, and came to the conference room to listen to the announcement!

As a result, a second scientific and technological research group was established, and more than 50 people were established.

This time these things are still a bit hard, but compared to the first group, it is much better! In the process, researchers from multiple disciplines are also used, and the first group borrows and uses, and it is enough, anyway, the use of the first group for them has not been squeezed to the limit.

Then a day later, a third copy was delivered!

Well, Academician Li shakes his spirit, let the deputy director take out the personnel roster, those who are engaged in collaboration, exchange, sponsorship, and push projects outside are all called back, forming a third group, there are not enough personnel, the first two groups of personnel still have potential to tap, temporarily work hard, just after this juncture!

And then the fourth ...

Academician Li caught blind, now even graduate students are used, there is really no one, but looking at the ready-made materials, there is no way to form an implementation plan, he feels that he is committing a crime, so, decisively call for help!

The director was in the imperial capital, discussing with the leaders and experts of the General Academy about Kong Bai's series of achievements, and the next planning and arrangement.

After receiving a call for help from Academician Li, I once thought in a trance that I was hallucinating, and there was no one in such a big research institute?

Listening to the situation described by Academician Li, the director did not say a word, and put forward a request for personnel support to the General Institute.

The big boss of the General Academy personally talked with Academician Li for a while before he understood the current situation, and on the one hand, he quickly convened a meeting of the members of the team to study, and on the other hand, he further asked for instructions from above.

The instructions soon came down, and it was the decision made by the person who personally mobilized all the forces that could be mobilized to fully aid the China Sea Institute! However, we must pay attention to doing a good job in secrecy, and the mobilization order must not be publicized!

So, within a day, the backbone members of scientific research institutes, universities, and well-known laboratories across the country were "on business trips".

First, well-known scholars and experts in several universities and related majors of the imperial capital were secretly interviewed, and then they were either sick, or went out for academic exchanges, or went out to travel to relax, and under various reasons, people were gone.

And then there are the continuous appearance of the missing people with high education in a circle....

Liu Jinming of Dihua University, after experiencing a dream night a few days ago, has always been restless in recent days, always feeling that something big is going to happen.

On this day, on the way back to the dormitory, I received a call from the postdoctoral brother, saying that there was something to meet with him, and he was at the school gate, asking him to hurry up and meet him.

Liu Jinming didn't think much, even the dormitory didn't return, pulled on his shoes, carried a school bag, went straight to the school gate, looked left and right, found that the senior brother was waving to him in a commercial car, so he quickly stepped forward to greet the senior brother.

The senior brother didn't say anything, smiled at him mysteriously, and said to let him get in the car and take him to a place to play.

Then, he appeared in the Zhonghai Institute of Physics of the Dragon Science Institute, and, to his surprise, he saw several familiar faces in the corridor, the same group friends who witnessed Kong Bai becoming a god in the group that night!

Now Zhonghai Institute has simply become a noisy vegetable market, even the corridors and aisles are set up with tables, power supplies and network cables are pulled, and someone is crackling there.

Academician Li had to collect his stomach in order to squeeze through this originally very spacious and now crowded aisle, and met Zhou Xiaomi head-on, holding a thick stack of materials in his arms, and holding a mobile hard disk in his hand, smiling at him unkindly.

Academician Li felt a burst of blackness in front of him, this ancestor, he just kills the buried master, can't he let himself go?

Sorted out her emotions, signaled Zhou Xiaomi to follow her, returned to the office of the first group, asked her to put the information down, then closed the door, and discussed with her about drugging Kong Bai again, this time it was very serious, and there was a kind of crazy idea of putting that kid on the spot now, immediately, immediately and couldn't stop pouring up.

Zhou Xiaomi doesn't think so much now.

She has seen Kong Bai's work with her own eyes in the past few days and understood one thing: Kong Bai

is not a human at all, at least not a normal human being! Every day she squinted at the table for an hour or two, and then she was full of blood again, and she began to wander the room in high spirits, torturing the poor draftsmen and typists, and constantly chanting technical terms that she could not understand.

"I have long asked you to get old to stop him from doing such a spell, but you can't listen to it, what can I do!" The order I received is to be Mr. Kong's housekeeper, hehe, I can't accept this idea of yours! You still hurry up and think about it, it is estimated that a batch of materials will be sent out in a while, you take care!

Then he waved his little hand mischievously, smiled gloatingly, and walked away.

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