"Good evening, audience!"

"Good evening!"

"Today is Saturday, March 26, the 26th of the second lunar month, welcome to today's "Seven O'clock News" program."

"The main content of today's "Seven O'Clock News" program is..." "

Scientific and technological innovation has a very important position and role in the overall work of the country!" In recent years, the scientific and technological undertakings of Xinlongguo have accelerated their development, greatly improved their innovation capabilities, and made new historic achievements in the fields of basic frontiers, strategic high technology, and people's livelihood science and technology.

"The researchers of the Institute of Physics of the New Dragon Academy of Sciences have been studying hard, selflessly, self-reliant, and unremitting struggle after years of hard work, selfless dedication, self-reliance, and unremitting struggle!"

"Recently, they have successfully developed a nuclear fission power generation device with higher efficiency, which can improve the power generation efficiency by 5% to 7% on the basis of the current equipment, so that the level of China's nuclear power industry has leapt to a new level!"

"Recently, the state decided to plan and build a nuclear power plant project with an installed capacity of 50,000 megawatts in the southern suburbs of Zhonghai City."

"Once completed, the nuclear power plant project will become the world's largest single nuclear power plant, and the total installed capacity will be more than six times the installed capacity of the world's largest nuclear power plant..." The

announcer's standard Mandarin came from the television, and a polite man about 30 years old, wearing a pair of gold-wire glasses, sat in front of the TV, carefully watching and listening to the content of the news, and from time to time recorded something in his notebook.

After a while, when the news was finished, he got up and turned off the TV, sat down in front of a computer side by side with the TV, fiddled with the mouse a few times, and the news screen just appeared on the computer screen.

He opened a video editing software and edited the news program he had just recorded, leaving only video clips about the China Overseas Physics Institute and the construction of the China Overseas Superscale Nuclear Power Plant Project.

He then compressed the content of the video, using not the usual compression software on the market, but a compression software that he had never seen before.

After the compression was completed, the video was transformed into four photographs of landscapes taken along the Zhonghai River.

Then I opened a messaging app and sent the four photos.

At the same time, similar things to what this man did happened in many dark corners of Zhonghai.

Beautiful country, a skyscraper with a glass curtain wall.

In a room on the twenty-sixth floor, two beautiful blond men sat facing each other, separated by a huge desk.

A slightly older middle-aged man sitting behind his desk asked

, "John, have you read the news from Zhonghai?" What do you think?

A middle-aged man sitting across from him replied

, "Tony, to be honest, I really don't understand what the people of the New Dragon Kingdom are thinking!"

"Are they crazy to build a nuclear power plant with an installed capacity of up to 50,000 megawatts, or in Zhonghai?"

"A giant city like Zhonghai has a population of 20 to 30 million."

"To build such a huge nuclear facility in such a place, if something goes wrong, it will be a disaster!"

"Moreover, such a huge nuclear facility will become the weakness of the New Dragon Kingdom!"

After hearing this, the man behind the desk nodded slightly, lowered his head and pondered for a while, and said slowly:

"Zhonghai is the economic center of the Dragon Kingdom and the financial center of the world!"

"Even now, there is a huge power gap."

"There needs to be a constant dispatch from other local grids."

"It's expensive to run."

"But you have a point, it's hard to be convincing."

"Unless..." The

man sitting across from him smiled disdainfully and said

, "Tony, you're thinking too much, I understand what you mean."

"According to the exact information we got!"

"At present, the nuclear fusion reactor of the Dragon Kingdom is still not working."

"Although it's less than 200 seconds they claim, it's a lot more."

"But the actual maximum running time has not exceeded 300 seconds."

"It does not have commercial operation value, and it is still far from commercial use!"

The man named Tony nodded and said, "

But how do you explain the phenomenon that the Dragon Kingdom is gathering physicists in large numbers to Zhonghai?"

John smiled proudly and said,

"Tony, I'm CAI's strongest brain, you have to admit it."

"I carefully analyzed the information I got!"

"You only care about their physicists, and I see the big picture!"

"They are not only gathering physicists, but also mathematicians, engineers, computer talents, etc., talents from various disciplines, they are all gathering."

"There is only one explanation for this situation, that is..." "

50,000 megawatts of nuclear power plants, they really want to build!"

"Oh God! Crazy Dragon Countryman!

Tony was still full of doubts, and slowly said:

"John, I keep reminding myself that you should never underestimate the people of the Dragon Country."

"Now, I still think so!"

"Although, I have to admit that what you said makes sense!"

"However, I still have doubts..."

John interrupted Tony a little impatiently

, "Perhaps, we have to admit that the Dragon Kingdom people are ahead of the world in the field of controlled nuclear fusion."

"However, the gap between us and the Dragon Kingdom is not far away, it's just a matter of some technical details!"

"You know, Asians are the best at detail!"

"Unless they get the help of aliens, they will definitely not be able to achieve a major breakthrough in technology in the short term!"


Meanwhile, an office on the top floor of a building in Zhonghai.

Two middle-aged men sat on the sofa drinking tea and laughing.

One of the slightly chubby men said:

"Old Li, the pigeons have been released, what have you gained?"

That old Li replied:

"According to the news feedback from various channels, the situation is very good!"

"There are hallucinogens in this smoke bomb, and they all stunned them!"

Saying that, he laughed "haha"!

The slightly chubby man laughed twice and continued:

"You can't let your guard down, it's a matter of great importance!"

"Although those people still can't touch the core, they are afraid of everything!"

"You must be fully prepared, and there can be no mistakes!"

Lao Li returned to his serious expression and said, "

Please rest assured that we are closely monitoring them!"

"The news they sent out is what we want them to know!"

"Even in case something unexpected happens, we have a plan in place."

"When necessary, we will take all actions to ensure the safety of core secrets!"

The slightly chubby middle-aged man waved his hand and said:

"Don't be nervous, I believe in you, just let it go, I'll back you up!"

"Also, pay close attention to the situation over there!

"The most important thing is the personal safety of that person!"

"I made a military order!"

"Something happened, then I really have to raise my head to see it!"

When Lao Li heard the old leader say this, he was a little depressed and said:

"I'm not afraid of anything else, it's just that Xiao Zhao reported a situation."

"Now the one who does not go out of the gate of Zhonghai Institute and does not step out of the second door will not appear external danger."

"That's it... That is, he is really crazy to engage in scientific research!

"It's been ten days, and I haven't gone out the office door properly!"

The two looked at each other and sighed in unison....

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