When Kong Bai woke up again, he saw a large group of people surrounding him and staring at him.

After taking a closer look, I didn't know anyone else except Zhao Qiming!

At this time, one of the oldest doctors gently poked Zhao Qiming with his hand.

Zhao Qiming understood what the expert meant, so he raised his hand and shook it in front of Kong Bai's eyes, attracting his attention, and then asked cautiously:

"Mr. Kong, do you see who I am?" Do you know me?

Kong Bai understood that they were afraid that they would become fools, and just wanted to answer, but suddenly they became malicious, so they pretended to be stupid, slowly shook their heads, and said:

"Who are you?"

"I don't know!"

"Who am I? Where am I..."

Everyone turned pale, looked at each other, and was speechless for a long time.

Zhao Qiming's face was painful, and his inquiring gaze swept over every doctor!

The doctor who was seen either avoided his gaze.

Otherwise, it is a gloomy face and does not say a word.

Then he heard Kong Bai's unbridled laughter on the hospital bed.

"Is this crazy?"

Everyone present had such a thought in their hearts!

"Brother Zhao, I'll tease you!"

"Look at it scares you, I'm fine!"

"Maybe I've been a little tired lately, I haven't rested well, I slept a lot, and now I'm fine!"

Zhao Qiming woke up from his deep pain and stared at Kong Bai with a resentful look.

The doctors looked at him with the eyes of a monster!

At this time, Director Li stepped forward and touched his head, it was a little hot, but it was normal!

A nurse was discerning and handed over an electronic thermometer.

Measured, 38.5 degrees!

Put a normal person, even if it is a fever.

Put this monster, it's hard to say!

The doctors greeted Kong Bai for a long time, just listening to him say that he was okay and couldn't get any useful information.

There was no point in staying here, so I told him to rest more, and then he dispersed.

Before leaving, he specially introduced to him, the wind and dust servants rushed to save his imperial capital experts, Kong Bai was moved, got up to thank them!

Thank you to them for coming to the rescue!

I am very touched and will remember it in my heart.

The experts themselves thought: It's hard to get on the road.

But after coming, nothing was done. Just watching the creation of a Guinness World Record.

I also felt a little embarrassed on my face, and I said that I didn't need to use it, I paid more attention to rest, took care of myself and so on, and left.

When the doctors and nurses dispersed, the dean, Zhou Xiaomi, and Li Shen, who were guarding outside the door, also walked in.

Seeing Kong Bai, who was in good spirits, he was relieved.

The dean stepped forward, a little guilty and ashamed, and said:

"Xiao Kong, it's all my bad, let you suffer!"

"I'll do a review when I go back! Apologies in advance! Kong

Bai knew that this matter was not to blame the dean, it was all caused by the system's "empowerment".

Even if he is not hospitalized, it is estimated that he will get better slowly.

Just say:

"Where and where, it's none of your business, I didn't adjust it myself!"

"I've been sleeping for almost a day, and I'm almost resting..." Zhou

Xiaomi next to me added with a sigh

: "You were sent in yesterday and have been in a coma for nearly 30 hours!"


Kong Bai was a little surprised!

I really don't know, it's been more than a day!

He carefully recalled that Xiaobai once fed himself a pill!

Right! It's that pill that got into trouble!


He felt his body and was a little hungry!

But it feels better than ever! Energetic and flexible.

The point is that I actually feel a little powerful.

He lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed, but was stopped by Zhao Qiming, so he subconsciously pushed Zhao Qiming.

Then, he saw Zhao Qiming "soaring" and retreating several steps, his face was full of surprise!

"Mr. Kong, are you so strong?"

Kong Bai is also a little confused.

According to his predecessor's memory, he was an orphan, and after he went to high school, he never took the living expenses from the orphanage, and all of them were transferred to one of his sisters in the orphanage.

Then it is to save food, save food and clothing, and work and study part-time to support themselves.

Eating must not be able to keep up, to say how good the physical fitness is, then it must be!

Something smart! Thinking of the medicine Xiaobai fed him, he also predicted that he would be in a coma.

I am so strong now, maybe it is related to that medicine!

Didn't he say, ten perfect pills, ten perfect?

This little white, there is no seriousness in doing things, but the benefits are real!

However, you can't just explain it to Zhao Qiming now.

So he said vaguely: he has been moving bricks at the construction site, and he has a lot of strength, just now Zhao Qiming was not ready.

After Zhao Qiming and Kong Bai met, there was no physical confrontation.

I don't know if he has great strength and is difficult to question.

But he pondered in his heart: he was from a special forces.

There is kung fu on the body, and the lower plate is very stable.

Being able to push yourself backwards is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

But on the surface, the expression agreed with his statement.

Kong Bai asked to be discharged.

The three techniques in his head are all good things, and he has to hurry back to drawing!

Then the four people refused, and finally alarmed the experts of the imperial capital.

They came over together and examined Kong Bai in general.

Then I exchanged my views in a low voice, and I felt that I couldn't see anything abnormal.

Seeing that Kong Bai was very insistent, he knew that he had a special status, and finally reluctantly agreed!

Later, a male doctor in his thirties personally drove them back to the Longke Institute.

On the way, I told them that I was temporarily seconded to work at the Institute of Zhonghai Physics of the Longke Institute.

The dean took the call and explained the reason:

Zhonghai heard that many nationally renowned experts and scholars have recently come to the institute.

Usually, these people are very engaged in work, and their bodies are prone to problems after a long time, so they decided to open a small clinic in the institute to serve the China Shipping Institute.

Kong Bai felt that this was a very good thing.

The controllable nuclear fusion project has only been a dozen days, and I can't see anything.

But at present, the work intensity of the project team, for a long time, may there be an older person who will not be able to bear it!

But you can't stop people from doing it, sometimes doing scientific research is addictive!

Back in the house, Hula surrounded a large group of people, and asked Kong Bai for warmth.

Either let Kong Bai rest more, or apologize, saying that they tired Kong Bai and tired and worried, very embarrassed.

Kong Bai thanked him unanimously, and then finally got rid of everyone and returned to the demon cave.

After sorting out my thoughts, I decided to get the lithography machine out first!

Now the beautiful country has been jamming our necks in this matter.

Gathering those Western countries that see our development and growth are red-eyed and black-hearted, together to contain the Dragon Kingdom in terms of technology, and then put forward various unreasonable demands, which is simply like extortion.

They must not be allowed to succeed!

To be a despicable person, you have to have a degree, let alone a country?

Fighting a little more technologically advanced, just take it as a stick, knock us from time to time, a dragon country person can't bear this breath, before there was no way, can only swallow the anger.

Now that they have more advanced technology, it is time for them to look at us.

Just about to call the little monsters to gather, Zhou Xiaomi walked in with a dark face and reported bad news!

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