About 2 hours have passed, the president of the country of ten has already woken up, but the dizziness is severe, and there are symptoms similar to stroke, the facial muscles appear very stiff, not only that, his vital signs are still in a unstable state, according to the advice of the accompanying medical staff, he has been lying still.

He is already very old, and the scars left by his early jungle guerrilla warfare have tormented his nerves more and more in recent years, and whenever it is cloudy and rainy, he will hurt and can't sleep all night, because he is worried about causing irreparable damage to his central god level, he did not follow the doctor's advice by injecting large doses of analgesics to gain peace....

The middle-aged man who came by plane was sitting beside him at this time, holding the president's already thin and old-skinned hand with one hand, speechless for a long time....

The dull atmosphere in the cabin lasted for a long time, until the continuous "Didi Didi" machine beep sound came from the medical cabin, which slightly broke this oppressive atmosphere.

The middle-aged man showed a slight smile, as if

he had the kind of smile he showed when he was young, when he was teasing his comrades, and said: "Mr. President, we will immediately begin to thoroughly rehabilitate you according to your order just now, and in a few days, you will return to the appearance you showed when you led us through the jungle swamp!"

"As for how to explain your return to youth to your citizens and subordinates, that's none of my business, everything always has to pay a price, you say?"

Several bodyguards guarding next to them, hearing the middle-aged words, met the eyes of the medical staff accompanying the president, and did not step forward to stop it....

In the more than two hours of waiting just now, the bodyguards have already exchanged opinions with the medical staff, and they know that if they do not accept this "miraculous treatment" provided by the International American Movement Organization, their president will only have a month or two at most, and, from the current situation, although the language ability is likely to recover somewhat, the possibility of getting back on his feet is very slim....

For them, the continued life of the president is not only a great benefit to them personally, but also of extraordinary significance to the turbulent country of ten, therefore....

The middle-aged man released his grip, beckoned to Professor Rui Mingsi behind him, and dodged to get out of the way.

Professor Rui Mingsi pushed an instrument with many small lights flashing over, and then, together with the young man, attached various wires and catheters on the instrument to the president's limbs and chest step by step, and from under the car, took out a semi-sheltered helmet, put it on the president's head, and then took out a syringe and slowly injected the liquid into the president's body....


About an hour later, the president's face began to flush, the president's accompanying medical staff measured it with an electronic thermometer, the temperature had risen to about 43 degrees, the medical staff looked shocked, a little at a loss....

Professor Rui Mingsi was next to him, closely observing the president's physical changes, and he said without raising his head or blinking:

"Don't be nervous, this is a normal physiological reaction!"

"Now in the president's body, there is a very strong rejection reaction, if not for the president's body is too weak and his physical fitness is too poor, his current body temperature should theoretically reach a level close to about 47 degrees..."

Speaking of this, he seemed to remember something, got up and squeezed away the crowd around him, walked into the medical cabin to rummage through something, and after a while, he walked back with a small medicine bottle, and used a syringe to extract the liquid in the medicine bottle, It is then injected into the president....

After about half an hour, the president's body temperature has stabilized at a temperature of 50 degrees, and his whole person has fallen into a semi-comatose state, but according to the various signs and data displayed by the instrument, it has improved significantly compared to an hour and a half ago!

Although the medical staff were still very nervous on their faces, they all breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts!

The Presidential Guard informed them of the situation encountered today late yesterday and hinted that they would unite to "persuade" the President to receive treatment when necessary, and in order to reduce unnecessary troubles and unpredictable obstacles, the treatment location was arranged on the plane, and when the treatment was completed, the Presidential Guard and accompanying bodyguards were willing to bear any consequences and would never implicate medical personnel....

Although the Presidential Guard has made relevant assurances and commitments, the medical staff understand that once there is an accident, they will inevitably be implicated to a certain extent, and they are mentally prepared for this....

However, judging from the current developments, the situation has not only not turned bad, but also surprisingly good ....

It was then that everyone noticed that the president's body temperature began to drop significantly:

48 degrees ....

45 degrees....

42 degrees....

40 degrees....


After about half an hour, the old man's body temperature stabilized at 38 degrees, and there was no major change....

At this time, the president's eyelids also began to tremble, and after a while, the old man opened his eyes, first stunned for a while, and then turned his head to scan the crowd, and when he saw the middle-aged man who was smiling, the old man glared at him and said:

"Thiago, you bastard, when did I say I was going to be treated?"

"You are still like in the jungle, thinking all day about how to trick us, you bastard character, you can live to this day, fully prove God's mercy..."

While speaking, the old man tried to get up, and the accompanying medical staff quickly stepped forward to stop it, the old man smiled and waved his hand and said:

"It's okay, it's okay!"

"I feel better now, better than ever!"

"You don't have to help me, let me try to walk by myself..."

Then, the old man slowly tried to stand up, and actually walked a few steps independently in the cabin, although his gait was still a little hobbled, but it was obviously much better than when he just got out of the car....

The old man was like a child, staring at the ground, the smile on his face became more obvious the more he walked, the more cheerful he walked, and after walking a few laps, he stood in front of the middle-aged man, his smile converged, and he looked him up and down seriously for a while, and said faintly:

"Thiago, for the sake of our more than 60 years of friendship, you honestly tell me, is your 'International American Movement Organization' a magician organization dressed in science?"

The middle-aged people and the others in the cabin were stunned on their faces, and then laughed heartily....


Scenes like this, within a month, frequently appeared in the Caribbean and many countries in South America, receiving treatment not only important political elites, but also many social activists, artists, writers, scholars and business leaders, all beneficiaries, for the "International Beauty Movement", secretly grateful and respectful, for their program: "Eliminate the gap between mankind as soon as possible, realize the overall unity of mankind, condense the consensus of all countries, and mobilize human resources to the greatest extent." to enable mankind to have the ability to develop space resources as soon as possible", which was greatly appreciated, and efforts were made to publicize and promote it.

The entire Caribbean region and some countries in South America, in such a public opinion atmosphere, quickly formed a kind of international strategic alliance, and a "international beauty movement" that swept the world took this as the beginning and officially opened the curtain....

In December of that year, the Global Conference of the International American Movement Organization was held on the main island of the American Republic, and nearly 1,000 people from all walks of life from various countries participated in this grand event.

In January of the following year, the Meisheng movement began to be active in North America, and a number of beautiful cities held unprecedented rallies, demanding that beautiful abandon the previous hegemonic idea, realize the overall unity of mankind, and jointly open the space age of mankind.

This grand gathering made Pretty really pay attention to the activities of the Meisheng Association and began to suppress it....

The external troubles have not been eliminated, the internal worries have risen again, and the beauty has really begun to be a little burnt....

At this critical moment, the international American movement announced the order to attack Nabna and the canal, and the air force from the American Republic, as well as the army from the member countries of the international American biological movement, mobilized nearly 200,000 people, and in less than a month, the full occupation of Nabna and the canal was achieved!

In March 2027, the Republic of Somalia launched an offensive against Somaneste.

This offensive is of great significance, and the two sides participating in the war are no longer limited to the showdown between Somane's own forces, but a historic decisive battle between the members of the international American Movement against the Western countries!

Moreover, from the very beginning of the campaign, there was a very strange scene, that is, small fights on land, sea and air, and the American Republic even sent two aircraft carrier formations to cruise the sea near the right angle of Africa to provide air fire support to the Somalia American Republic, which greatly reversed the situation on the battlefield.

Moreover, the tactics of the Meisheng Republic at the beginning are very intriguing!

They have advanced unmanned fighters beyond this era, but they were not fully launched at the beginning, but mainly to help defend, no matter how much air power the Western coalition sent and how many missiles were launched, they were easily neutralized.

With the exception of a massive missile salvo launched by the West in mid-April, the mainland of the Somalia Republic suffered almost no blows.

The war lasted for almost half a year, and from June 2027, the Somalia Meisheng Republic and the International American Movement launched a full-scale counteroffensive, Somanest was forced to surrender in less than a week, the entire Mediterranean exit was fully controlled by the Somalia Meisheng Republic, and the West's sea and air power was basically disabled, and the International Bel Canto Organization began to launch a large-scale counterattack against the Western coalition forces, and in a few locations, landing operations were realized.

On the other hand, the original world superpower, the beautiful country, is now in a state of division.

In the beginning, the three western states were the first to declare independence, and they agreed with the program of the International American Movement and were willing to fight for common ideals.

Of course, such a betrayal could not be tolerated, and a beautiful civil war began.

At the beginning, these three states obviously could not withstand the attack of superior forces, but soon, the support of the international American Movement arrived from the sea!

The mysterious Meisheng Republic actually fought on two fronts and sent two aircraft carrier formations to provide air support from the sea.

Now the beautiful already knows, these are all unmanned fighters of various models, even aircraft carriers in the sea, all kinds of ships, and that kind of elusive submarine, are unmanned!

At the beginning, the sea power of the Republic of America suffered some blows, and some ships and some drones were shot down, but a beautiful and frightening scene appeared, more unmanned aircraft carriers, ships, submarines appeared on the sea behind those three states, not to mention, and some war robots began to carry out landing operations from another coast!

This is the first time since the second station that Mei has been directly attacked by a large number of other countries' troops.

This battle, not only achieved the expected purpose of the landing operation, but also seriously damaged the confidence of the beautiful upper echelons, and soon, several other states also declared independence, and the real scuffle began!

The beautiful side is intensifying, but the Mediterranean side is decided, and the Western countries no longer have the ability and confidence to continue, and accepting reality is their only choice.

The International American Movement did not take any drastic measures against them, but only asked them to make corresponding compensation, and then sent them a "sky-high bill" asking them to fulfill the contract at a certain time.

Then, the international beauty movement, which poured out its hand, pulled out the sea and air forces deployed in the Mediterranean, and murderously rushed to the beautiful....

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