The second-in-command of Zhonghai City and the responsible persons of relevant departments have been in an extremely excited state in the past few days, and the good news has arrived one after another.

On that day, after personally negotiating with the Zhonghai Institute of Physics, the second-in-command of Zhonghai City returned to the unit overnight and convened a meeting of the heads of relevant departments.

The theme of the conference is to seize this opportunity, vigorously develop the chip manufacturing industry, and develop Zhonghai into a national and even global semiconductor industry center.

At the beginning of the meeting, the scope was very small, mainly the responsible persons in charge of industrial informatization, development and reform, science and technology, investment promotion, and industrial parks in the city participated, and later called planning and land, finance, and taxation

When the meeting was almost two o'clock in the middle of the night, even the boss of Zhonghai personally came, and many people in the conference room began to stand and hold the meeting!

The boss came in and saw that this would not work, so he quickly transferred the venue to the conference center!

It's too late, and there is no need to alarm the service staff, everyone takes care of themselves!

The wider the scope of the meeting, the warmer the atmosphere!

In the end, the meeting unanimously decided: the city will first invest 50 billion yuan to plan and build the "magic island" of Zhonghai!

The second-in-command of Zhonghai City said this at the meeting:

"This advanced lithography machine technology is all made by the big treasure of the Institute of Physics in China!"

"Big Baby's lair is called "Demon Cave". Our Zhonghai also has a nickname, called "Magic Capital". Let's see, is this very fate?

"Since there is fate, we have to get together with others and get intimate!"

"I looked at the map, and to the southeast of the nuclear power plant, there is a tidal flat, which is a large area, a peninsula."

"Before, this place was desolate! Now, people hear that the nuclear power plant will be built here, and no one dares to go!

"No one dares to go, then let's go!" People are afraid, what do we have to be afraid of?

"I have a hunch, the Great Demon King in the Demon Cave, this is just the beginning! There is still a long way to go! I don't know what other amazing technology he can develop!

"Today, we went to the Zhonghai Institute of Physics to take a look, and the scene was deeply shocked!"

"The conditions are too difficult and crowded!"

"In fact, this is not that the building of the China Maritime Institute was not big enough, but because the China Shipping Institute concentrated the elites of the national science and technology community, so it seemed small."

"We need to learn the lessons of the China Overseas Institute of Physics! We need to make a big place for him to come out first, for the Great Demon King to exert his magic!

"So, I propose, let's call this place 'Magic Island'!"

"Good moment to remind the Great Demon King that we have a place for him to perform his magic!"

The audience laughed and applauded, and some people began to envision the future of the island of magic!

The evolution of things quickly proved the foresight of this second-in-command of Zhonghai!

When the Zhonghai Municipal Government received the first request for help from Zhonghai Optoelectronics, it was a little confused.

Isn't it researching advanced lithography machines? How did you get a high-precision machine tool again?

The news was quickly known by the second-in-command of Zhonghai!

He didn't guess, and then went to the optoelectronic institute by light car.

When he learned that this was the technology that the Great Demon King attached to the development of a 1-nanometer lithography machine, afraid that they did not have enough processing capacity, the second in command of Zhonghai was a little surprised, and more was delighted!

He proposed to spend a lot of money to build "Magic Island", but he also felt that the pressure was great, and if he was not careful, it was impossible to recover!

However, the surprise came so quickly, in less than two days, it brought the first harvest!

High-precision machine tools, the state is highly valued, Zhonghai in this regard, is also not able to take the enterprise.

But now that's about to change!

If the technology is advanced enough, then let's also taste the neck of the card man, what is it like?

Then, he hurried back to the unit and sent the request for support directly to the Shanghai North Sea.

Next, he hurried to discuss with the boss, the construction of "Magic Island" should be accelerated, and he underestimated the power of the Great Demon King a little!

The boss listened to the report, immediately couldn't sit still, walked around the house several times, and said resolutely:

"Don't worry about the approval process, you can enter the site directly to start work!"

"Something went wrong, I'll carry it!"

While the two were discussing, the call for help reached the second-in-command's mobile phone!

This time it's advanced sensor technology!

Turning on the hands-free, the two listened to the briefing, looked at each other and laughed!

The Great Demon is terror!

This is to give China Overseas a whole complete industrial chain of advanced semiconductor manufacturing process!

So what else to say, the boss can't sit still, simply do the division of labor, he is responsible for foreign affairs and flag-waving, logistics and shaking people also belong to him!

The second-in-command is responsible for hurrying to build the magic island!

As a first step, construction begins immediately adjacent to the nuclear power plant.

First, a small R&D zone and industrial park will be set up.

At this moment, the phone on the boss's desk rang, and the boss answered the phone and talked for a long time.

Put down the phone and smile and say, this plane tree has not been planted, and the phoenix can't wait to live in!

It was a call from the machine tool factory in the south, requesting to invest in Zhonghai, on the condition that the technology of high-precision machine tools was transferred to them first!

The second-in-command is also very happy, but still hesitates, technology transfer is not easy to handle!

This technology is produced by the magic cave, and we can't take it for granted, and take it in exchange for benefits.

The main thing is that there is still a long way to go!

Just for such a small profit, chill the hearts of others, and there will definitely be no good fruit to eat in the future.

The boss also recognized his words very much, and he had to find a way to deal with this matter!

The two muttered in the office for a long time, and finally decided to go to talk to the China Overseas Physics Institute and the Great Demon about technology transfer, so that they could not feel that they had suffered losses.

The second-in-command rushed to the Zhonghai Institute and called President Zou, Director Chen, and Academician Li to have a meeting.

Straight to the point, he explained his intentions, and then put forward a proposal on behalf of Zhonghai City, and Zhonghai Physics Institute established a company as the main body of technology transfer! Or participate in the relevant enterprises in the form of technology price or authorization.

He also suggested that the equity of this company, Zhonghai Institute, will do it himself, but it is best to leave the big head to the big devil, after all, it is mainly the contribution made by others.

Dean Zou, Director Chen and Academician Li are all engaged in scientific research, and they don't know anything about management, and finally after thinking about it, they said that they would discuss it with Kong Bai!

Academician Li and Dean Zou entered the fierce battle cave, pulled Kong Bai aside, and said this.

Kong Bai thought about it, and it was the same!

I patronized the output, and I didn't think about the transformation of results.

It doesn't matter to yourself, there is a state to raise it!

In my own life, I really don't care about money.

But to send technology to them for free to make big money? It doesn't seem to be very suitable either.

At the very least, it violates the principle of fair dealing.

Kong Bai thought for a long time, then moved and said,

"My shares are all placed under Bai Qiaoqiao's name!" In this way, she can also have a foundation in the future! The

more he thought about it, the more correct he became, and after thinking about it further, he continued:

"Take out 15% of the shares, and the proceeds will be used specifically to reward the staff around me, including Sister Xiaomi, and the little monsters!"

"Another 15% to the Institute of Zhonghai Physics of the Academy of Longke, after all, people and places are used, and I have to mean something!"

"Take out another 10% of the shares and give them to the orphanage!"

"Give the rest to Qiaoqiao!"

"Let Sister Xiaomi worry more about specific things, and if she is still in school, the chairman will be replaced by Sister Xiaomi!"

Then, I felt that I was very satisfied with this plan, and secretly praised myself!

Just turn around and continue torturing those poor little monsters!

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