On the afternoon of the second day after the banquet for Liu Chang, the negotiating team of Shi Old City arrived at Zhonghai International Airport.

The negotiation team sent by Shi Laocheng this time was led by the vice mayor in charge of science and technology.

There was also an old man in the team: Director Hu of the welfare institution.

Liu Chang, who came to pick up the airport, immediately left everyone else after figuring out the identity of the old man.

He walked beside Dean Hu attentively, supporting the old man who was strong and walked like the wind, accompanied by all kinds of flattery and flattery!

The deputy mayor who led the team silently watched all this and realized something.

Quickly pulled over the accompanying staff and quietly arranged for him to change the hotel room for a while, and let the old man live in his suite.

Not long after the group stayed at the hotel, Zhou Xiaomi, who received Liu Chang's news, brought Bai Qiaoqiao to visit.

The old man almost couldn't recognize the current Bai Qiaoqiao when he saw it!

Wearing a playful, pale pink dress, a pair of wedge sandals with sparkling diamonds, a delicate and small women's watch on her left wrist, and a delicate bracelet with bright fire on her right wrist.

She wears a white headband dotted with pearls, and her hair is delicately combed and dyed with several bunches of color.

Look at the beautiful and immature face, it is already delicate and round, the skin is white and tender, and it feels like a pinch, and it can pinch out water!

It was completely like when I was in the old stone city, and I changed my appearance!

When Little Loli saw Dean Hu, she ran over and threw herself into the old man's arms and sobbed softly.

He still muttered in his mouth: I want to die grandpa, finally see something like that.

The old man also had tears in his eyes, gently patted the little loli's back, and comforted her softly.

When the deputy mayor heard that Bai Qiaoqiao was coming, he also hurriedly came out of the room.

After greeting the leaders of several departments, he stood at the door of the room, watching the two grandfathers express their longing.

After a while, the two of them separated, and the expressions on their faces began to become cheerful.

The old man asked her about her recent situation in Zhonghai, and the little loli chattered non-stop.

Tell the old man how good she played, how good she ate, and how happy she was in Zhonghai....

Brother Xiaobai and sister Xiaomi take good care of her.

also said that listening to Xiaomi's sister, everything about her school has been arranged, and she can go directly to the first year of high school without taking the exam.

That way, you can play until September.

The face is full of happiness, and the mouth is full of happiness!

The vice mayor stood there for a long time, and made a look at Liu Chang.

Liu Chang couldn't bear to interrupt the conversation between the two of them, so he pulled the deputy mayor and introduced it to Xiaomi.

Xiaomi said with a smile, the leader of Shi Old City is really kind and scheming.

Pull the old man over as a big banner, this trick is powerful, really powerful!

The deputy mayor was a little embarrassed, and even said no.

Mainly considering that Qiao Qiao had just come to Zhonghai, I was afraid that she would be homesick, so I took Dean Hu by the way to come and visit.

He also said that President Hu has now been promoted to the rank and concurrently serves as the deputy director of the civil affairs department of Shilaocheng, specializing in the development of social welfare undertakings.

Of course, the orphanage is also inseparable from him!

He is also the dean, and two vice deans have been assigned to help him share the pressure of work.

Zhou Xiaomi nodded happily and said, "

Mr. Kong is too busy now! In the evening, I plan to have a meal with the dean.

"Because it is a family banquet, I will not invite the other people of Shi Lao, and I hope to forgive me."

How dare the deputy mayor express dissatisfaction, saying that it should be, and he will visit the door when he has the opportunity.

Zhou Xiaomi turned his head and said, you can inform Zhonghai.

It is estimated that someone will invite someone to dinner in the evening, and then playfully winked at Liu Chang.

In the evening, Dean Hu, Kong Bai, Bai Qiaoqiao, Zhou Xiaomi and Zhao Qiming had dinner in an unlicensed and unnamed private restaurant in Zhonghai.

Dean Hu said to Kong Bai a little reproachfully, he was so powerful, and he didn't know anything to him.

Since he left the orphanage, the city's leaders have visited his orphanage almost every day.

The orphanage has changed everything from the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, eating, wearing, and using!

He also told him that a new welfare home is under construction in the future.

The place is so run-down and remote!

Let him hold out for another year and he will move to the city center.

The current orphanage, just the school bus, arranged two!

It is said that one picks up elementary school, one picks up middle school!

At that time, Dean Hu was still confused and didn't know what to say!

Do you think that the land of the welfare home has planned some incredible use, and it is necessary to coax them to move away?

I never expected that I was afraid of you kid!

Kong Bai said with a smile, no, not afraid of himself, but the wealth is moving, it is optimistic about the technology in his hand!

Simply said that his current work, mainly in the Institute of Zhonghai Physics of the Academy of Longkes, engaged in research and development work, is just a scientific research dog

, Zhao Qiming added with a smile on the side, I really didn't lie to you that day! It's really a technical unit, but not a fighting technique!

Everyone laughed.

During this period, Dean Hu took Kong Bai and Bai Qiaoqiao's hands and said with a sigh:

"I am relieved to see that you are doing so well!"

"Coincidentally, this girl is finally willing to come hard!"

"It turned out that when I was in the orphanage, I was full of things and depressed all day."

"Good now! Now there is a little girl, what she should look like!

"In the future, I will follow Xiaobai happily and live well!"

"When you have time, go back and see more!"

"Kong Bai's ability is great now!"

"The day of the orphanage, he is already holding on!"

Qiaoqiao listened, smiled, nodded, and in his eyes, there was a crystal falling.

Near the end, Kong Bai said to Dean Hu apologetically:

He is very busy, he really can't find time to accompany him, so he let Zhou Xiaomi do it for him, lead Qiaoqiao, accompany the old man, and have a good time in Zhonghai for a few days, don't care about their negotiation, it's really not okay, he will help Shi Lao talk appropriately!

Zhou Xiaomi nodded and said yes, anyway, as long as it is related to eating, drinking and having fun, there is nothing she is not good at!

As for the negotiation team of Shi Old City, they were also picked up by the bus sent by Zhonghai City that night.

It was still the second in command of Zhonghai who organized a grand welcome dinner.

That deputy mayor of Shi Old City is a character, and his performance is not shocked, and he is very generous and decent.

In the repeated routines of the second in command of Zhonghai, he did not show the slightest timidity.

As soon as it came to the core issue, he was sloppy, and he had a virtue with that Liu Chang, that is, he was unrealistically asking for a price, and he was in a hurry, so he said that he would go back and discuss with Dean Hu.

Q: Who is the so-called "Dean Hu"?

It is said that he brought Kong Bai from childhood to the director of the welfare institution, and he is basically Kong Bai's father!

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