Zhou Xiaomi and Li Shen went to the dinner party of the second-in-command of Zhonghai with a detached and happy mood, and also brought Bai Qiaoqiao.

The dinner was held in a very elegant private restaurant by the Pu River.

Few people know that in this Shikumen, not far from the Pujiang River, there is such a delicate and exquisite restaurant hidden.

Soon, the dishes were served, because it was an informal banquet, so there was no guest of honor, and everyone sat at will.

When the dishes were served, the secretary got up, explained a few words to the hostess, closed the door, and sat back.

At the beginning, Bai Qiaoqiao knew that this was actually the second-in-command of Zhonghai, and he was very restrained and uneasy!

Slowly, in the five people at the table, taking turns to comfort and laugh and praise, the little girl made up her mind and became natural and lively.

Zhonghai's second-in-command, looking at this beautiful, cute, and at the same time a little pitiful little girl who is nearly 10 years younger than his daughter, couldn't help but really love it.

After everyone tasted the delicate and delicate Haipai, the second leader of Zhonghai cleared his throat and said:

"Xiaomi, you don't pay much attention to things!"

"It happens that going to school is such a big thing, and you don't say hello to me!"

Seeing what Zhou Xiaomi was about to say, he waved his hand and continued:

"I know you guys mean well, and you don't want to cause me trouble!"

"However, taking care of Mr. Kong's people is my unshirkable responsibility!"

"I've already made arrangements, and I happened to go to Zhonghai Middle School to go to high school!"

"Also, you are also Mr. Kong's side!"

"If there is anything in Zhonghai, you must tell me!"

The secretary followed, and gave them three people, each handing two business cards.

One is for the Lord Mayor, and the other is for the secretary.

Everyone, including Qiaoqiao, took it with respectful hands.

Then, as if verifying a counterfeit banknote, I carefully examined it to show respect.

Then the mayor gave the head of the business department a look.

He picked up his chopsticks, took a bite of food, and ate it.

The head of the commercial department understood the understanding, took the words, and said:

"Our city invested 30 billion yuan to establish the 'Zhonghai Longhang Aviation Industry Group'."

"In the future, this is the platform company of Zhonghai City and the development of aviation power industry."

"In this regard, we also have to rely on Mr. Kong's unstinting teachings and Chairman Zhou's strong support!"

"Therefore, the city decided to give 10% of the shares to the Demon King Guard Company free of charge."

"The transfer procedures are already being processed, and in a few days, I will have to bother Chairman Zhou and sign a few words!"

Zhou Xiaomi: This is really a big surprise!

Zhonghai is really a big deal!

Arrange the best high school in Zhonghai, and they can do it too.

It's just that I didn't want to make too much noise, so I found an experimental high school that ranked in the top ten.

However, with a wave of his hand, he gave away 3 billion shares, which is a bit of a big deal!

Zhou Xiaomi can now determine that Zhonghai must be aiming at the super battery!

His side has already acquired a 25% stake.

This news was reported to the upward at the first time.

At first, he was overjoyed, and then he began to hesitate.

The leader above naturally wants to eat meat, but with such a large piece of meat, he really can't get out of his mouth!

What Kong Bai's super battery looks like, they don't know, and they don't quite understand.

However, one thing is certain:

Kong Bai's current achievements, each of them, can be said to be invaluable.

It's just that these achievements are not commodities in the ordinary sense.

Rather, it has great strategic value at the national level.

No matter how high the value of such an achievement, it is impossible to get a corresponding monetary return.

But super batteries are different!

This can be sold as a commodity and make a lot of money!

If you think about it, what is the value of this 25% share?

He can't estimate it, it's too high!

Even Kong Bai was bragging, and finally developed a 50 times or 30 times.

So what's the difference?

Moreover, this project company will eventually be incorporated.

In that case, wouldn't the ugly appearance of these people become the target and target of everyone?

In the end, nothing was said above, just that it was said to think about it!

also repeatedly told Xiaomi not to publicize this matter!

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiaomi glanced at Li Shen, who bowed his head and said silently, and said with a calm face:

"Thank you for the generosity of the Zhonghai side!"

"I am on behalf of Mr. Kong and Qiaoqiao, as well as other shareholders, thank you for the care of the leaders of Zhonghai!"

Then, without changing his face, he picked up his chopsticks and ate his dishes.

The second in command of Zhonghai was really a little impressed by Zhou Xiaomi at this time!

"Zhou Xiaomi, this stupid girl, how did you progress so fast?"

Zhonghai's second-in-command thought that if he punched down with this combination tonight, even if Zhou Xiaomi couldn't bow down, he would at least have to show sincere fear and give and take!

I didn't expect it to be unfazed!

After observing quietly for a while, he saw that Zhou Xiaoguo really acted unusually calm.

I secretly wondered in my heart, could it be that the intentions of my side had been discovered?

Forget it, stop going around in circles, just go straight to it!

Otherwise, it is very likely, the 3 billion thrown out, not even a single sound will be heard!

The second in command coughed lightly and said with a smile:

"I heard that Mr. Kong is about to start a big project?"

"What cooperation do you need from this side of Zhonghai? Or what are the needs and difficulties?

"Despite bringing it up, we will definitely do our best to share Mr. Kong's worries!"

Zhou Xiaomi put down his chopsticks and said to the second-in-command with a smile:

"You all know, you are really ears and ears!"

"Look! I stayed by Mr. Kong's side all day, and I just learned about it!

Then he pretended to sigh and said,

"I'm going to be punished one by one now!"

"Mr. Kong's movements spread everywhere so quickly, which is a serious dereliction of our work!"

The second-in-command smiled a little awkwardly and said, "

We just think that Mr. Kong is a person who can't stay idle!"

"No, the aero engines are all done, and a new project should be started, right?"

Zhou Xiaomi's face straightened, and he didn't want to continue going around in circles.

There are so many good things on the table, I haven't eaten enough!

Hurry up and finish the business, it's time to eat, drink!

So, he said

, "Since you know it, I won't hide it from you!"

"Mr. Kong left 25% of the shares, and the remaining 75% needed to be bought with money and exchanged for things!"

"Mr. Kong's experiment this time is very large-scale, and it is estimated that it will cost at least several billion!"

"In the past, Mr. Kong would just move his mouth in the office, use a few people or something."

"The Dragon Academy will not settle accounts with Mr. Kong!"

"But this time is different!"

"If this money is all paid by the Dragon Science Institute, then the bulk of the results will be from the Dragon Science Institute!"

"If Zhonghai has this intention, how many shares do you want, quote me a price!"

"We also generally know that a lot of news has been revealed!"

"Who told us to do that?"

"Exactly, when they arrive in a few days, let's recruit a bid!"

"The highest price wins, fair and reasonable!"

The second-in-command and the head of the business department sank.

Zhou Xiaomi ate the dish for a while, nodded with satisfaction, and said that the dish was really good and delicious.

And the three in Zhonghai, with a lot of trouble, didn't pay attention to her at all!

Zhou Xiaomi saw that his appetite was almost over, pretending to sigh leisurely, and said: "

Your house gave us so many shares, and invited us to eat such a delicious dish, it's really a bit careless!"

"In this way, give you 10% of the shares in return, but with one condition!"

Zhonghai's second leader was in good spirits, and he looked like he was listening to his ears!

"Mr. Kong needs a big test site!"

"We did a simple survey and there was a place that was suitable!"

"It's the factory and laboratory of your old Zhonghai shipyard!"

"The basic conditions are there, but the equipment and layout do not meet the requirements!"

"It is up to you to mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized and complete the transformation in five days!"

After speaking, he took out a USB flash drive from his bag and handed it to the secretary.

"This is the requirements for the laboratory and test site, as well as the list of equipment."

"Only five days!"

"Mr. Kong will formally submit relevant test requirements to the Dragon Science Academy in two days!"

"Then, you can go to the Dragon Science Institute to dock!"

"All this is done, this 10% of the shares is your government's!"

The second-in-command glanced at the USB flash drive, pondered for a while, and said:

"We will do our best for this!"

"The factory buildings and laboratories of the old shipyard can be given to you!"

"But isn't 10% a bit less? What if we want more?

Zhou Xiaomi replied:

"Don't get me wrong, that place, we will use it for more than two months!"

"If you want more, you have to bid!"

"In four days, we plan to have a simple bidding meeting!"

"The remaining 65% share, the highest price wins!"

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