Kong Bai was half lying on the riot car, and on the surface he was closing his eyes and recuperating.

His brain is running at high speed, and he is constantly learning a little bit about the drawings of continuously controllable nuclear fusion equipment and facilities and the operation design principles of the overall device.

The overall device contains several large modules: including the core fusion reactor, the outer neutron absorption device, the heat exchange system, the generator module, the temperature control system, the liquid flow circulation system, and the feeding and discharging system, etc., no less than 20 modules.

The overall structure of the device is very complex, and the coordination and coordination between the systems through the computer control system requires close cross-cooperation between the modules, and then the continuous operation of the overall device can continuously output powerful power.

Throughout the whole day, Kong Bai spent most of his time planning for how to declare sustainable and controllable nuclear fusion technology to influential experts and scholars, so that it could attract the attention of the country's top level.

So far, everything seems to be going well.

As for his own situation and future plans, Kong Bai did not think much about it, and waited for the arrangement of the state with peace of mind.

He has realized that when a person is important to the country and society to a certain extent, then he will lose some freedom, so to speak, he can't help himself!

What I have to do now is to seize all the time to familiarize myself with and master all the technical details of the entire continuous controllable nuclear fusion scheme and the overall design drawings.

Since the brain recovered from the pain caused by the impact of the amount of knowledge of big data, Kong Bai obviously felt that the brain was much better than before!

Whether it is memory, logical thinking ability, spatial thinking ability, association ability and analysis and judgment ability, and even the ability to organize language has been greatly improved, the key is energy, now it is close to one o'clock in the morning, I don't even have the slightest feeling of sleepiness and fatigue, the mind is extremely excited!

Just as Kong Bai was fascinated by the indescribable beauty of this advanced technology, there was a knock on the car door, and then a male voice and a female voice sounded at the same time:

"Report! Request to get on the bus!

Kong Bai woke up from his concentrated study, straightened his body, and said loudly:

"Come up!"

The door of the car was opened, and a man with an ordinary appearance and a well-proportioned figure and a woman with a slender figure and delicate facial features boarded the car and stood side by side in front of Kong Bai.

This riot car has a large body, and the space inside the car is wide enough, and two people stand up, which does not seem crowded at all.

The man spoke first:

"Report!" Zhao Qiming, the eighth section of the special heavy department of the guard bureau, came to report, please the leader for instructions!

Then came the woman's voice:

"Report! Special mission department Zhou Xiaomi, come to report, please lead instructions! "

Kong Bai has never seen this kind of posture in his previous life and this life, but he has seen many movies and knows how to deal with many things.

Quickly stood up, stepped forward and stretched out his hand, went to shake the two gently, and said while shaking hands:

"I'm not a leader, don't be polite, I'm still young, just call me Xiaokong!" It's okay to call me Xiaobai, it sounds quite harmless! All casual, casual! The

light-hearted and witty opening statement suddenly eased the slightly tense and serious situation, and some smiles appeared on the originally stiff faces of a man and a woman.

Under Kong Bai's signal, this man and woman each found a convenient position to talk with Kong Bai and sat down, and the man spoke first:

"Report the current situation to the leader, we have received an order to rush from the imperial capital to Baihai City, just to do a good job of service for you!"

"At present, we have received an order to accompany the leader to the Zhonghai Institute of Physics of the Longke Institute. Before receiving the new order, we both accompanied the leader.

"The two of us have our own division of labor, I am fully responsible for the safety and security work, and Zhou Xiaomi is responsible for the work and itinerary of the leadership, and is responsible for external liaison and life affairs!"

Kong Bai quickly nodded his head to thank him, saying that he had caused trouble to the two, and he must cooperate with their work and follow the arrangements and the like.

The woman named Zhou Xiaomi was a little nervous at first, seeing that Kong Bai had no shelves at all, and did not show superior momentum, she slowly relaxed.

When Kong Bai finished his politeness, Zhou Xiaomi spoke:

"Now that the highway traffic control has been deployed, we will immediately leave for Baihai Airport, leading you to see..."

Kong Bai nodded, indicating that he had no opinion on this arrangement.

At the same time, reiterate to the two again, call yourself Xiaokong and Xiaobai, don't call yourself a leader.

Kong Bai said, everyone will get along for a long time in the future, what is the leader? It's so raw! It is not conducive to work cooperation, and I am really not used to it.

The two saw that Kong Bai was very persistent, so they undertook it.

The two got out of the car, arranged for the departure to the airport respectively, and at the same time directed the helicopter to change the defense, and after flying for so long, it was almost out of fuel.

Then the police car honked its horn and opened the road, and a group of vehicles drove out of Baihai High-tech College in turn.

When he drove out of the school gate, Kong Bai stood up, looked deeply at the school gate through the window, and secretly said in his heart:

"Kong Bai, you have four years of life memories here, whether it is beautiful or not, in short, it has passed."

"You show me in another world and see how I shape this future!"

Then sit down slowly. Close your eyes and meditate.

Halfway to the car, Zhao Qiming received a call, listened to it for a long time, said a few words, and hung up.

Then he sat down on a seat near Kong Bai and whispered to Kong Bai:

"Mr. Kong, I just received a call from Baihai City."

"The president of Baihai High-tech College has been dismissed from public office because of his extremely corrupt and extravagant life, seeking benefits for his relatives' business activities, and engaging in power trading."

"He is also suspected of taking advantage of his position to wantonly accept bribes, trade power for money, engage in fraud, and resist investigations, and other issues have been handed over to the relevant departments for further investigation."

"The relevant departments of Baihai City met overnight and made a resolution, deciding to impose compulsory measures on him, and conducting surprise interrogations and investigations overnight."

"The principal's mistress, Liu, took advantage of her improper relationship with the principal to control important school affairs for a long time, and accepted benefits, helping the target of the entrustment to do things in violation of the law, and has also been dismissed from her post and filed a case for investigation."

"Regarding the disciplinary action you received, after the members of the new school team met overnight to study and decide,"

"In view of the disciplinary decision made by the previous principal, it has been seriously contrary to the truth and there is suspicion of retaliation, and it has been corrected, and the sanction decision has been revoked immediately!"

"Your graduation certificate and degree certificate will be issued to you by mail as soon as possible."

After speaking, he sat quietly and waited for Kong Bai's instructions.

After listening to Zhao Qiming's narration, Kong Bai nodded slightly and said, "

A black sheep like this must be severely punished!"

"There are many schools in Baihai City, are there any other schools with such problems?"

"Don't look at the principal's official position, but the power is not small, and the responsibility is even greater!"

"An incompetent principal is not just ruining a school!"

"What he destroyed was the students' trust in the school, society, and country! Not to mention what to teach and educate people and choose meritocracy! The seedlings of many talents were ruined like this!

"Baihai needs to reflect well!"

Kong Bai did not know that his comments and exclamations on the car would bring an unprecedented scale, unprecedented intensity, and unprecedented punishment methods to the education system of Baihai and even the province in the next few months, which can be called a big earthquake! Many people fell sadly under his fluttering words!

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